[109] On WWF Raw in June 1999, Ken Shamrock, who was the only participant confined to the straitjacket, still won his match with Jeff Jarrett after forcing him to submit to a headscissors submission hold. [119], The Weapon Rumble match is a stipulation invented in DDT Pro-Wrestling in which, similarly to a Rumble rules match, with every time interval a new weapon is introduced in the match. In a variation on the November 20, 2013 episode of NXT, two wrestlers completed a match, with the match duration being used as the marker for two other wrestlers to complete their match. The last remaining wrestler in the first ring can rest until only one wrestler is left in the second ring, after which they fight in both rings until one is eliminated and a winner is declared, in similar fashion to a double elimination tournament. A well known example of this is the WrestleMania VII match between Jake "The Snake" Roberts and Rick Martel. The first match of this type occurred at No Mercy when The Undertaker challenged John "Bradshaw" Layfield for the WWE Championship, although a match was held previously with similar stipulations. Some promotions, such as Frontier Martial-Arts Wrestling, the International Wrestling Association of Japan, International Wrestling Syndicate, Extreme Championship Wrestling, Big Japan Pro Wrestling, and Combat Zone Wrestling, have specialized in hardcore matches, with "standard" non-hardcore matches being the exception. The battle royal is a multi-competitor match type in which wrestlers are eliminated until only one is left. A lack of audience that is a legitimate aspect of the production and not a kayfabe stipulation of the match (i.e. The Hangman Horror match was created by Raven to end his feud with Vampiro. Tag team matches can range from two teams of two fighting, to multiple man teams challenging each other. The most common example of an elimination match is the Three-Way Dance, where the first fall would eliminate one wrestler, reducing the match to a standard one-fall match. The match, unlike a traditional steel cage match is a one-fall match and victory cannot be achieved via escaping the cage, which, if attempted would be very painful and difficult. A Boiler Room Brawl or Boiler Room match starts in a boiler room, with the winner being the first wrestler to successfully get out. A dumpster match is a hardcore match which is won by forcing your opponent into a dumpster and closing the lid. The Electric Pool match was a very dangerous type of match which has only been held once. A variation, the Lingerie Pillow Fight, requires the participants to wear lingerie. This variation of the Lockdown Match has 4–8 competitors and is a two-stage process. [25][26] In the later days of WCW, it was referred to as a Triple Decker Cage match, a reference to the match type being used in the finale of the film Ready to Rumble. The Battlebowl is a two-ring variation on a battle royal, the wrestlers start in one ring and try to throw wrestlers into the second ring, after which they can be eliminated by being thrown out of that ring. In this version – unlike traditional battle royals where all the wrestlers begin the match in the ring – the competitors (after numbers 1 and 2 begin the match) enter at timed intervals in accordance with the number that they have drawn until the entire field has entered. Similar to the WarGames match utilized in WCW, Total Nonstop Action Wrestling's Lethal Lockdown consists of a single ring enclosed by a steel cage with two teams facing off with each other. A hardcore match that has beds of thumbtacks, nails, barbed wire, glass, and/or lightbulbs. The match can be won by either a pinfall or a submission. 9, Foley, Mick. What does the Australian term mushie mean? In a Fans Bring the Weapons match, all the weapons are provided by the fans prior to the show. These types of matches often included other stipulations and weapons in them.[43]. Forms of contemporary no holds barred wrestling in which rules are thrown out the window are Hardcore Wrestling and Cage Fighting. There are different types of such matches, and though most follow normal battle royal rules, teams may be eliminated when either one or both partners are eliminated from the ring. [117] Another variation is the two out of three tables match. A Desert Deathmatch is a match where there a tank full of scorpions is placed in the center of the ring, and the first wrestler placed in this tank for 10 seconds loses. What does the Australian term minkey mean? The referee follows the action with a microphone in hand during the event. An Anus Explosion Deathmatch is a match where the only way to win is to stick a firecracker up an opponent's buttocks and light it. A Divas battle royal in the WWE is another battle royal variation consisting of all female compeitors. It can be contested between two females, two males or between one male and one female. Typical battle royals begin with 20 or more participants all in the ring at the same time, who are then eliminated by being thrown over the top rope and having both feet touch the venue floor. The cage is turned off in a time interval, allowing the participants a chance at escape before it turns back on. A Backstage Brawl take place at backstage or the locker room. Extreme Rules is just a fancy ECW style buzzword for no DQ. This match featured heavy brawling by both competitors The Mountie and Big Bossman at SummerSlam (1991). In kayfabe, the match is sometimes used when a wrestler is "injured" (at the hands of another wrestler) and wants revenge but cannot be "medically cleared," thus he agrees to a non-sanctioned match where "the promotion is not held liable" for any injuries incurred during the match. A steel cage match is a match fought within a cage formed by placing sheets of mesh metal around, in, or against the edges of the wrestling ring. A Circus Deathmatch is a type of scaffold match where in the ring is a scaffold and under that scaffold, there is a type of spider net made of barbed wire 6 feet below. At one point the Mountie tried to use his cattle prod, but missed. [53], A Sadistic Madness match, created by Total Nonstop Action Wrestling, is another variation of the First Blood match, the main difference being that the opponent must be bleeding before a wrestler can legally pin them. In a Taipei deathmatch the wrestlers' fists are taped and dipped into glue and in broken and crushed glass, allowing shards to stick to their fists. An example would be between Mitsuhiro Matsunaga and Shadow WX. The first match of this type occurred during the Impact Wrestling: Final Resolution taping on December 3, 2013, as Magnus defeated Jeff Hardy to become TNA World Heavyweight Champion.[24]. Kane is best known for his participation in the first five inferno matches. [87] In addition to masks and hair, championships,[88] or careers[89] — as a form of retirement match — can be put up as the wager in any combination. The wrestlers are grouped based on the suit they drew from a deck of cards – spades, diamonds, clubs, or hearts – and the order of when each group enters is based on a random draw of the cards. The Object on a Pole match, whose name is usually derived from the object being hung, i.e. The next cinematic match would occur on an episode of Raw in 2018, which featured Matt Hardy, who had returned to WWE and became "Woken" Matt Hardy, against Bray Wyatt and was called the "Ultimate Deletion;" this was just like the "Final Deletion," including being held at Matt's compound. Each door may only be opened once and is only allowed to remain open for sixty seconds, after which it is padlocked. Square Go! In lucha libre promotions, a torneo cibernetico is a similar type of match between teams of up to eight wrestlers who enter in a predetermined order. the match is conducted normally, except with no audience, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic) is not necessarily considered an empty arena match. Major League Wrestling's "Rumble" style battle royal. [43], A Spike Nail Deathmatch is a match where a large bed of six-inch spiked nails sticking out of a rectangular piece of plywood is made available. Usually women would participate in these matches with some occasional male involvement. [76] The second Casino Battle Royale was an all-female version and was held during the pre-show of the aforementioned All Out event. It is also used as a way to write a wrestler off TV to give them some time off. -1 revealed that he will face Jon Moxley for the AEW World Title in a No Holds Barred Match in ten years time. The program consisted of previously released legit interviews with Hogan's co-stars (with the exception of Lister, whose in-character interview as Zeus was used to play up his storyline \"jealousy\" of Hogan), reviews from various WWF co-stars, then the film in its entirety and then a pre-recorded steel cage match pitting Hogan and Zeus on opposing tag teams. It made its televised debut on TNA when Samuel Shaw beat Mr. Anderson by first rendering him unconscious with a chokehold and then putting him into the straitjacket. A No Disqualification match, also known as a no holds barred match,[59] or sometimes as an "anything goes" match, "boot camp" match, "Raven's rules" match, or "extreme rules" match, is a match in which neither wrestler can be disqualified, allowing for weapons and outside interference. In WWE, Edge has competed in the most TLC matches (7) including the first three, and has often used this match to gain an advantage in a storyline, with some referring to it as his specialty match. To win, a wrestler must strip their opponent's tuxedo off. What does the Australian term cobber mean? Any number of men: One ring- Over the top rope elimination. Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal initially introduced in WCW at the 1992 Halloween Havoc for the Sting versus Jake Roberts match, also known in TNA as the "Wheel of Dixie" and WWE as "Raw Roulette",[90] is not a match type itself, but a way to assign a type to a match that does not yet have one. In TNA, this match was between two wrestlers (or up to 6) fighting inside a chamber. match (often shortened to Three Strikes), is one where wrestlers must achieve three victories of a specific nature in a specific order before the other. The rules are made to mimic mixed martial arts matches, with the octagonal cage meant to mimic the cage used by the Ultimate Fighting Championship. Another variation of this match is the Final Wars Steel Cage which starts off with two wrestlers brawl inside a steel cage for thirty minutes with other wrestlers entering at a timed interval to help out one of the opponents for an victory. Hogan teamed … It is possible to have one wrestler attempting to escape over the top of the cage wall while another tries to escape through the cage door. The ring itself is surrounded by cactus, fire stones (electric space heaters wrapped in barbed wire) and dry ice. Like professional wrestling matches, the matches would be worked, with the participants not being in the perceived danger and the winner being predetermined. [106] Total Nonstop Action Wrestling used a "Pole match" as a setup to another match, placing objects at four of their six turnbuckles with the promise that the first wrestler to reach each object would be allowed to use them weeks later at an already scheduled cage match. This match originated in Japan and was done various times in the 1990s. The cage-based match, came from Extreme Canadian Championship Wrestling (ECCW), in which the 8-feet-high steel cage which surrounds the ringside area with the top wrapped in barbed wire and "extreme" weapons scattered around the ring and ringside area. This match was only done once, by Japanese hardcore wrestling promotion Frontier Martial-Arts Wrestling in October 1998, where Mr. Gannosuke faced off against Hayabusa. It was contested on the flatbed of a moving semi-trailer truck which drove up to 55 MPH. [70] American independent promotion USA Xtreme Wrestling hosted a match involving 8–12 competitors known as the 8 Ball Challenge. Two types of matches take place in parking lots, the parking lot brawl[65] and the iron circle match. Here Are Our Top English Tips, The Best Articles To Improve Your English Language Usage, The Most Common English Language Questions. These types of matches were made popular in the late 1970s and early 1980s by American territory wrestling promotions, as well as Japanese promotions during the 1990s. Since 2010, WWE has held an eponymous Elimination Chamber pay-per-view every February, with this match type as one of its marquee matches. The other occasional ways to win a steel cage match are by pinfall, by submission, though these are less common stipulations in the modern era, an even less likely stipulation is that weapons can be thrown into the ring by the wrestlers' managers. [92] Historically, these types of matches were contested between managers or valets, due to their supposed lack of wrestling ability. A Jailhouse Match is a match in which the loser would spend the night in a New York City jail cell. [43], A Nail Hell Deathmatch is a match where some boards with nails were hung on the ring ropes all the way across, and onto opposing sides of the ring there was a board, on one side there was nails and on the other side was barbed wire. A Bricks match is a match where concrete bricks are made available as weapons. [43], A Double Hell Deathmatch or an electric pool match is when exploding (or non-exploding) barbed wire is put up at two sides of the ring in place of ropes, and the other two are left with nothing. [30] The first WWF Inferno Match was between Kane and The Undertaker at the 1998 Unforgiven pay-per-view, where special effects and pyrotechnics experts were brought in from Hollywood to set up and control the fire around the ring. Mexican death match, or Armageddon Rules match), in which a wrestler must be pinned or made to submit/rendered unconscious before the referee will begin the ten-count. On some occasions, multi-competitor matches are contested under similar rules as a tag team match. WWE features a match called the Championship Scramble in which none of the wrestlers are eliminated. The quartet delivered this music with no holds barred abandon. After a 5-minute period, the match turns into a Battle Royal where elimination is gained by throwing your opponent over the ropes and to the floor. It was a hardcore wrestling match with falls count anywhere. This was also used on the May 8, 2017 episode of Raw, where the winning team earned a number one contender's spot for Matt and Jeff Hardy's WWE Raw Tag Team Championship. A chairs match, also known as a steel chair match, is a standard weapons match with chairs being the only legal weapon. (by pinfall, submission, disqualification, or countout). [40] In the 1980s and 1990s, handicap matches were used in preliminary matches involving large star wrestlers (usually heels), such as King Kong Bundy, Big Van Vader or Yokozuna, who – as a way to get a monster heel persona/gimmick over with the crowd – would completely dominate their opponents despite the latter's superiority in numbers. Lv 7. This match was featured in the W*ING hardcore wrestling promotion in Japan and was first done in 1993. The main event was the "Tag Team Apocalypto" where The Hardys last defeating Decay. The Intergender tag team match features mixed-sex teams but it differs from a Mixed Tag Team match in which that men and women can be in the ring at the same time and face each other under the standard rules. This stipulation was used in WCW. ‘This time it was McCabe versus Steel, in a tag match with no holds barred.’ ‘I have 9 no holds barred fights and am ranked the #1 fighter in the world under 155 lb.’ 1.1 Used to convey that no rules or restrictions apply in a conflict or dispute. The Explosion match is usually accompanied with barbed wire ropes, a large barbed wire wrapped explosion board is placed in the ring laced with a small amount of C-4. Unlike a normal wrestling match, which is done in one take and typically in front of a live audience, cinematic matches are shot over several hours with various scenes filmed, similar to filmmaking, with more higher budget production involved. In some tag matches, a person can save his teammate by breaking the table with his own body. A variant of the 10,000 thumbtacks deathmatch is the East Coast Thumbtack, this match has 177,000 thumbtacks placed in the ring. Otherwise, anything goes: any weapon can be used, any amount of wrestlers who are not booked in the match can be involved and any move can be used (except moves banned by the promotion booking the match before-hand). Alternatively, Rage in the Cage may refer to a match held in Florida independent organizations IPW and NWA Florida in which 20 or more wrestlers take part in a battle royal inside a steel cage. This match also originated in Japan in the early 1990s.[43]. The first wrestler to score a pinfall, submission, or knockout is the winner. The winner receives a world championship match of their respective gender's division—either the AEW World Championship or the AEW Women's World Championship. The special referee will often be biased towards or against one of the competitors or will be assigned as the Special Referee to ensure the match is called down the line. Hardcore wrestling, the most violent and bloody type of professional wrestling is a subset in which some or all of the traditional rules do not apply. The Big Born Crisis Deathmatch starts out on a scaffold above a barbed wire net over a ring. No Holds Barred was part of a pay-per-view program available to customers on December 27, 1989. The standard match rules apply as wrestlers may leave the position and attack other wrestlers outside the ring with a twist that the wrestler be pinned or forced to submit is eliminated from the match. It begins with a group of five wrestlers, and every three minutes, another group of five wrestlers enter, while the 21st and final entrant enters alone. [8] The Broken Hardys and Decay continued their feud at Bound for Glory, where Decay lost their TNA World Tag Team Championship to The Hardys in "The Great War". There are also extended straps at the corners of the cage which can be used to choke the opponent. [43] Variants of the thumbtack deathmatch staged by TNA Impact Wrestling have been done where the objective is modified to simply slam an opponent into thumbtacks on the mat. The Submission Count Anywhere match debuted at Breaking Point 2009 between D-Generation X and The Legacy where a wrestler can be submitted anywhere to win. The Rock had his own variant of a strap match: the Brahma Bullrope match, a renamed bullrope match (because of The Rock's nickname, The Brahma Bull) during the WWE's Attitude Era. This battle royal differs from a standard version of the match in that the contestants do not all begin in the ring at the same time, but instead enter the match at timed intervals in order of their assigned entry numbers (comparable in style to WWE's Royal Rumble match). A participant involved in a Gauntlet match may be said to be "running the gauntlet" but in most cases this designation being reserved for those who are involved for most of the match. This variation of the Lockdown Match has 4–8 competitors and unfolds as a two-stage process. The most well known version of this match was at the IWA Kawasaki Dream King of the Deathmatch, where Terry Gordy faced Cactus Jack in August 1995. [87] Upon unmasking, it is not unheard of for a wrestler's real name and information to be published. The loser is the wrestler that is blown up. The first Casino Battle Royale occurred during the pre-show of AEW's inaugural event, Double or Nothing in 2019, and was a men's match. The late superstar lost a battle to a lung issue in one of the most shocking developments to close out 2020 and, as a … The first Three Stages of Hell match occurred in 2001 between Triple H and Steve Austin at No Way Out (2001), which Triple H won 2-1. Unlike tag matches, the three/four man team will challenge the person handicapped individually until he is knocked out, at which time the match is over. A Finisher match is the objective in this match is to perform a specific move. [60] The key differences between a no holds barred match and a standard hardcore match are that in a no holds barred match, falls must be made in the ring and there is less emphasis on the use of weapons whereas in a hardcore match, not only are there no disqualifications, falls can happen anywhere. The inaugural fight pit match was held during the May 27, 2020 episode of NXT, between Matt Riddle and Timothy Thatcher (with Kurt Angle as a guest referee).[28]. [95] The pillows may be used as weapons, but other than that, standard wrestling rules apply. The wrestlers start the match in the ring enclosed in a steel cage. An example of an Iron Man Match is Dolph Ziggler vs. Seth Rollins at Extreme Rules (2018) for the Intercontinental Championship. A Last Ride match is a hardcore match in which the victory condition is for one wrestler to force their opponent into the back of a hearse, close the door, and drive it out of the arena. In the following list of weapon-based matches additional rules have supplanted or replaced the standard rules. [93], An evening gown match is usually contested by two female competitors. Participants enter at one minute intervals and are eliminated via pinfall, submission or by being thrown over the top rope.[75]. This match was held in the Tri-State Wrestling Association, a predecessor to Extreme Championship Wrestling. (Ok, it may not be the best, but it is still awesome!). No holds barred would allow the usage of banned moves such as choke holds, piledrivers and the like. [54], A Four Corners of Pain match is a match where in each corner of the ring, there is a container that has a weapon or another type of harmful item. Rey Mysterio attempts to beat the odds once again in this No Holds Barred, No Disqualification WWE Title Match against Brock Lesnar. The program consisted of the film No Holds Barred in its entirety, followed by a match previously recorded at a Wrestling Challenge taping on December 12 in Nashville, Tennessee. Impact Wrestling (formerly Total Nonstop Action Wrestling) uses the "Gauntlet for the Gold" format, which is named similarly to the Gauntlet match but is actually very different. Elimination variations are the four-way match (known as a Fatal Four-Way in WWE), the five-way match (known as a Fatal Five-Way in WWE) or the six-way match (known as the Six-Pack Challenge in WWE), involving four, five, or six wrestlers inside the ring, respectively. [35] The other, dubbed the Tower of Doom match, had two teams of five make their way down from the uppermost cage to the bottom, with victory achieved when all five members of a team escaped a door there. A Doomsday Chamber of Blood match, created by Total Nonstop Action Wrestling, is a First Blood match that takes place inside of a barbed wire topped cage. In some cases, a special referee is put into a match which is already a different match type or stipulation. With Hulk Hogan, Joan Severance, Kurt Fuller, Tom Lister Jr.. A TV-network boss pits a wrestler called Zeus against a wrestler called Rip in a wrestling match. The Lucha en Jaula Electrificada is another variation of the electrified cage match which the only way to win is by escape. While the ring is surrounded by flames just like in a standard Inferno match, the match is decided by pinfall or submission and not by burning your opponent. The Cage of Death match is type of steel cage match with various weapons littered in the cage, such as electrified cage walls, cacti, tables, light tubes, glass, thumbtacks, baseball bats, barbed wire and numerous other weapons and objects have been used in it. The match has two variations: one is competed as a ladder match, which the person/people must retrieve an object suspended above the ring, and the other is a traditional style match won by pinfall or submission. A tuxedo match is contested between two male competitors in tuxedos. However, the rule is now much more commonly observed for safety reasons. Hardcore matches came to prominence in Japan in the 1970s, and then in the United States in the 1990s in promotions like ECW and later WWE. The barbed wire net is removed and the match continues. The lad, who turns nine today, was signed to a deal with AEW in the wake of his father Jon Huber's passing last month. This 2nd stage is when all 50 wrestlers get into one ring and there is no elimination. Whether or not it is truly a tag team match is debatable, as it involves no tagging, but it is contested between tag teams. The earliest known "steel cage matches" of any kind took place on January 9, 1936 in Caruthersville, Missouri, in a card that included two such "chicken wire fence" matches between Jez and Otto Ludwig, and Joe Dillman vs. Charles Sinkey. Occasional interference from the lumberjacks is not uncommon, nor is an all-out brawl on the outside involving most of the lumberjacks. When a wrestler is pinned or submitted, the entire team is eliminated and the last team remaining wins. A notable example of this match type was the Mimosa Mayhem Match, which was contested between Chris Jericho and Orange Cassidy at All Elite Wrestling's All Out pay-per-view in September 2020, where the only ways to gain victory was by pinfall, submission or by knocking the opponent into a large vat of mimosa. Used by the AAA promotion in Mexico. This variant may allow women to be eliminated by being thrown through or under the ropes as well as over the top rope. Tag team matches are occasionally held under elimination rules; that is, the losing wrestler is eliminated from the match, but their team is allowed to continue with their remaining members until all members of one team are eliminated. World Championship Wrestling's Thundercage, based on the film Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, is a large domed structure of steel bars engulfing the ring. For such examples like the Extreme Rules 2012 PPV between Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus and The Rock vs. A falls count anywhere match allows pinfalls to take place in any location, negating the standard rule that they must take place inside the ring and between the ropes. On most occasions, one member of the team competes in the ring with one or more of his or her teammates standing behind the ropes. Most often this simply means there are no-disqualifications, which itself eliminates countouts, sometimes allowing decisions to take place anywhere. 2/17 MLW Fusion Results: Filthy Island themed edition featuring King Mo vs. Low Ki in a No Holds Barred Fight, Mil Muertes vs. Savio Vega in … Another word for no holds barred. A captain's fall match is a match where two teams of multiple competitors compete in an elimination match and captains are assigned to both teams. A Crocodile Deathmatch is a standard death match, with the added stipulation that the loser must wrestle a crocodile at the completion of the match. Most often this simply means there are no-disqualifications, which itself eliminates countouts, sometimes allowing decisions to take place anywhere. Its tagline was "No Ring. This match originated in TNA (now Impact Wrestling) in 2005. 17 casket matches have taken place, 11 of which have been won by The Undertaker. Russian Chain match, Yappapi Indian Strap match, Samoan strap match, Texas Bullrope match, Country Whipping Match). In TNA's "Full Metal Mayhem" variation, steel chains are also permitted along with tables, ladders, and chairs. A Gauntlet match, also referred to as a Turmoil match, is a quick series of one-fall one-on-one matches. Often, the ring will be lined with many kendo sticks for the wrestlers to use. It is common for tables matches to also include a "no-disqualification" clause, which turns them into hardcore matches by nature (although this variation may also be alternately known as a Hardcore Tables Match). A light tube match is a match where hundreds (usually 200) of long, cylindrical, glass fluorescent light tubes are attached to the ring ropes (usually via tape), and mock shaped weapons and mock large objects made of light tubes are made available.