WE ARE ALL HERE TO HAVE A GOOD TIME AND MAKE NEW FRIENDS. - A Warzone victory with 25 team kills = 15 points plus 25 points = 40 A 7th place finish with 19 kills = 5+19 = 24 You can choose your three highest scoring games over a three hour period. ANY GAMES PLAYED WITHOUT AN ACTIVE STREAMER WILL NOT BE ELIGIBLE FOR SUBMISSION. Tournament games award 50% more points. Ladder games award double points. We will contact the winners after reviewing all submissions to ensure a fair tournament and disqualify any cheaters. WE ASK EVERYONE BE RESPECTFUL OF THE RULES OUTLINED HEREIN AND OPERATE AT THE HIGHEST LEVELS OF INTEGRITY AND RESPECT WITH OTHER CONTESTANTS WHILE COMPETING IN ELITE TOURNEY EVENTS. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO MONITOR YOUR HISTORICAL KILL DEATH RATIO UP TO 2 WEEKS PRIOR TO THE TOURNAMENT START. The levels of the players who didn't win the tournament. Rules. The top 4 teams will advance into a bracket where 4th ranked faces off against 1st ranked – 2nd faces off against 3rd. Your team and opponents will join random Call of Duty Warzone Quads (4) games in Verdansk and compete to score the most points over a time frame of 3 hours. WE COME FROM DIFFERENT BACKGROUNDS AND ARE OF DIFFERENT AGES. payouts. . point system. 1st Placement – 10 Points 2nd Placement – 6 Points 3rd Placement – 3 Points. AS SUCH, WE WILL NOT ALLOW SUBSTITUTIONS OF ONE PLAYER FOR ANOTHER, FOR ANY REASON. Submit Scores. This is a Warzone tournament. ANY TEAM FOUND TO BE COMPETING WITH A PLAYER WHO AN ACTIVE ACTIVISION BAN FOR CHEATING WILL ALSO BE DISQUALIFIED. 3. For point system and rules, see Rules page They award points based on this formula: (31 – rank) ^ 3 * 0.6 + 1000. PAYOUTS WILL BE MADE TO THE WINNING TEAMS WITHIN 48 HOURS AFTER THE CLOSE OF A GIVEN TOURNAMENT. WE ALLOW UP TO (BUT NO MORE THAN) 1 HOUR AFTER THE CLOSE OF THE APPLICABLE TOURNAMENT TIME TO SUBMIT TEAM SCORES. AGAIN FOR YOUR OWN PROTECTION, PLEASE DO NOT SHARE ANY OF YOUR ACCOUNT INFORMATION (YOU COULD INADVERTENTLY COMPROMISE FINANCIAL DATA OR RECEIVE A BAN FOR SOMEONE ELSE CHEATING ON YOUR ACCOUNT AND BEING CAUGHT). EACH ELITE TOURNEY EVENT HAS A TEAM KD CAP CONTINGENT UPON THE TYPE OF TOURNAMENT AND BRACKET YOU DECIDE TO COMPETE IN. In team games, the team essentially splits the points earned from the defeated players. Defeating one of the built-in levels is worth 2,500 points the first time you defeat it. SCHEDULE AND PLAY AT ANY TIME! 6th of December. YOU HAVE A 24 HOUR TIME PERIOD TO CHOOSE ANY 3 HOUR BLOCK OF TIME TO PLAY. Defeating a player who is 10 or more levels above you gives a base of 10,000 points. THESE STREAMING RULES ENABLE US TO VERIFY THAT EVERY TEAM “IN THE MONEY,” HAS ABIDED BY THE RULES AND REGULATIONS LAID OUT THROUGHOUT THIS SECTION. warzone underground the ultimate warzone challenge!!!!! WE PROHIBIT PLAYERS FROM USING ACCOUNTS NOT REGISTERED TO THEMSELVES IN ORDER TO MAKE THE KD CUTOFF OF ANY PARTICULAR ELITE TOURNEY BRACKET. HOWEVER, YOU ARE PERMITTED TO REGISTER AS 1V3,4 – 2V3,4 – OR 3V4. Tournaments. og league is an online warzone tournament gaming site that was created because we believe everyone deserves a chance to win cash prizes in warzone. The Twitch Rivals: Warzone Streamer Showdown is an online competition, featuring 90 invited streamers with tournaments being held in North America, Europe, and Taiwan. All games to be submitted via screenshot/photo/video upload in #submit-scores in the Warzone Tournament section of the Peaked discord (this section is yet to be set up, so don't go looking for it just yet). +++TOURNAMENT POINT SYSTEM+++ We are playing 5 rounds of Warzone-Trios. Once the tournament is live, come back to this page, go to Scores/Leaderboard and your team leader will have the option to enter your kills and placement for every Warzone game. We are playing 5 rounds of Warzone-Trios. ANY FORM OF KD ALTERATION PRIOR TO THE TOURNAMENT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. The seasonal ladder additionally multiplies the result of this formula by the number of days in the season. Likewise, winning a 20 player FFA gives 19 times as many points as a 1v1. But i don't like fighting, soon enough people will shout. PLAYERS FROM HAWAII ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE THEIR GAMES HOSTED BY SOMEONE FROM ANOTHER STATE. Kill - 1 Point . The scores will be shown on our website under the results tab. ... Warzone Trios. 04 Launch your Warzone … You can play unlimited matches inside the time allowed. THIS MEANS YOU WILL NEED TO ENABLE “ARCHIVE MODE” ON TWITCH. 2. EXPLOITATION OF GAME BUGS OR GLITCHES IS PROHIBITED. legal. warzone underground the ultimate warzone challenge!!!!! WE ONLY REQUIRE YOUR GAMEPLAY IS ON DISPLAY. YOU WILL THEN BE ABLE TO CHOOSE YOUR BEST 3 MATCHES WITHIN THAT TIME FRAME. WHILE USING ELITETOURNEY.COM AND ASSOCIATED SOCIAL MEDIA, PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL OF ONE ANOTHER AS WELL AS OF OUR COMPANY. ... We will try to create a Live tournament with 8 players in the next half hour. more. 4th place -> 75 points. •Team with best score after 2 games wins the prize money. more teams, more $$$. FREE ENTRY CREDIT WILL BE GIVEN OUT VIA COUPON CODE THAT CAN BE USED FOR A FUTURE TOURNAMENT AT CHECKOUT. The winner of a rankedtournament is awarded points based on a number of factors: 1. If you visit https://www.warzone.com/Points, you can see how many points you have, the progress to your next level, and all points you've earned in the last 30 days. February 11 - 7:00 pm EST . The point system is based on kills and placement. BRAG TO YOUR FRIENDS! •If a player can’t make it on your team you’re able to continue tournament but must notify host if team is incomplete. You will have 3 hours to get as many points as you can. AS SUCH WE ASK YOU TO KEEP TOXICITY TO A BARE MINIMUM AND AVOID TALKING POLITICS IN CHAT. Defeating a player who is equal level to you gives a base of 5,000 points. After a competitive battle through the open bracket, JoshOG and his team were able to top the chart after scoring a total of 221 kills. Scores submitted after that grace period will not be counted. If you hover your mouse cursor over a point award, you will be shown additional details about how that number was calculated. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A MINIMUM OF 200 WARZONE GAMES LOGGED ON YOUR ACTIVISION ID ACCOUNT IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE. You will select your best 3 matches. IF YOU SUSPECT ANOTHER TEAM IS CHEATING WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO. ANY FORM OF MATCH-FIXING OR TEAMING IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. MOST TEAM KILLS IN A SINGLE REPORTED GAME. EACH TEAM MUST HAVE AT LEAST ONE PLAYER STREAMING THE TOURNAMENT. Thank you for your interest in Borderless Tournaments. WIN CASH, MERCHANDISE, FREE ENTRIES AND OTHER PRIZES! Twenty (20) points for a win. NICKMERCS had also previously called out players cheating at Warzone tournaments, and SBMM tracking early on in January. Each player who is ten levels or more above you adds 1,000 points. If a team wins a tournament, they essentially split the points earned from all defeated players. The system will then take your 3 most successful lobbies to submission. The prize pool for Warzone From Home, 100 Thieves’ one-off event, will be split in half between a charity of the winning team’s choice and the viewers. THE DEADLINE FOR INDIVIDUAL/TEAM REGISTRATION IS 1 HOUR AFTER THE START TIME OF THE TOURNAMENT YOU INTEND TO PARTICIPATE IN. WARZONE. $3000 PRIZE POOL. EXAMPLE 2 : 28TH PLACE WITH 18 KILLS = 0 POINTS FOR PLACEMENT, 18 POINTS FOR KILLS = 18 TOTAL TEAM POINTS. https://www.warzone.com/wiki/index.php?title=Points&oldid=4651. Warzone is a customizable Risk-like strategy game where you compete with your friends to conquer the world. Winning a 3-player FFA gives (on average) twice as many points as a 1v1, since there were two losers as opposed to one. The points are added up as follows: 1st place -> 150 points 2nd place -> 125 points 3rd place -> 100 points 4th place -> 75 points 5th place -> 50 points Per kill you are receiving 10 points. Your submissions will be checked after the game. OTHER RULINGS – No alt accounts, reverse boosting, or smurfing. •Team fee is $75. They were able to score a 91–76 win over the Ninja squad which was secured in the final game of the tournament. RESIDENTS OF ALL COUNTRIES ARE ELIGIBLE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY ELITE TOURNEY EVENTS. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO PLAY WITH THE SAME TEAMMATES THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRETY OF THE TOURNAMENT. •Can run as a solo in the tournament if you choose to. Led by Ninja, the Ninja squad also featured King Richard and TSM Albralelie. Rules: Each Team will hop into a Custom Lobby, created by the Bermuda Esports League and play each other in a standard Battle Royale format. Borderless Tournaments. barstool sports college championship tournament Barstool’s inaugural Viceroy Warzone league and tournament. WARZONE QUADS. IN THE EVENT OF A TIE, THE TIE BREAKER WILL BE: ***ALL CHEATING IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND POLICY ENFORCEMENT WILL BE ABSOLUTE!! PLAY ANY TIME. POINTS SYSTEM: • Each exclusion equals one point • Each win equals 5 points • In the event of a tie by the number of points, the following is considered: • The team with the most exclusion is directly qualified ... Because you cheat the system. The Twitch Rivals Doritos Bowl Warzone event might be over now, with a winner announced and cash being dolled out to those involved, but on January 21, it hit a controversial hitch. – Enter as many public warzone games as you want with your team during your tournament’s allotted time – Every kill is worth 2 points and additional points are awarded based on how well your team places – BRC takes the total number of kills & placement points of your best 4 … RACISM IS ENTIRELY PROHIBITED. Games will take place in public lobbies, in 3 hour increments, once a week for 7-weeks before we crown the first-ever Barstool Sports College Gaming Champion. IF YOU PLAY WITH AN INDIVIDUAL WHO IS NOT REGISTERED, YOUR TEAM WILL BE DISQUALIFIED. At which point the four teams will play 2 … Point System. IF ONE OF YOUR TEAMMATES MUST LEAVE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE TOURNAMENT, YOU AND YOUR REMAINING TEAMMATES MAY NOT BE PERMITTED TO ADD NEW PLAYERS TO YOUR TEAM AFTER REGISTRATION (THIS APPLIES EVEN IF ANOTHER REGISTERED PLAYER IS CAPABLE OF PLAYING WITH YOU). The levels of the players who didn't win the game. Top 20 = 1 point. NO SMURF ACCOUNTS PERMITTED (YOU MUST PLAY ON. IF A MEMBER OF YOUR TEAM IS FOUND TO HAVE ENGAGED IN THIS CONDUCT, THE ENTIRE TEAM THAT PLAYER IS REGISTERED WITH WILL BE DISQUALIFIED FROM THE ACTIVE TOURNAMENT. Win - 5 Points. Kill = 1 point; 1st place = 20 points; 2nd place = 15 points IF USAGE OF CHEATING SOFTWARE IS FOUND TO BE IMPLEMENTED BY ANY CONTESTANTS, THEY AS WELL AS THEIR ENTIRE TEAM WILL BE DISQUALIFIED FROM THE ACTIVE TOURNAMENT. ALL TEAM MEMBERS MUST BE REGISTERED IN ORDER TO PLAY WITH YOU WHILE LOGGING TOURNAMENT GAMES. Modern Warfare Warzone tournament prizes. YOU CAN CHOOSE TO REGISTER INDEPENDENTLY, OR TO REGISTER YOUR ENTIRE TEAM AT ONCE. The 2 best games will be taken into account at the final tally of points, all other games will be disregarded. The number of players who didn't win the game. FOR YOUR OWN PROTECTION, DO NOT SHARE PERSONAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOURSELF OR OTHER INDIVIDUALS. 2nd of December. Each player who is equal level to you adds 500 points. 2nd place = 15 Points. THIS INCLUDES KD TANKING, REVERSE BOOSTING, ETC. AS CALL OF DUTY WARZONE IS CROSS PLATFORM ENABLED, ALL PLATFORMS ARE PERMITTED (THIS INCLUDES XBOX, PS4, AND PC). DESIGNATE AT LEAST ONE STREAMER (OR 2 OR 3 OR 4 IF YOU WANT), ARCHIVE YOUR STREAM(S) FOR AT LEAST 24 HOURS. SOLO PLAY IN A DUOS TOURNAMENT IS PROHIBITED. 02 Check-in to our discord to get the latest news and if you have any questions. YOUR DESIGNATED STREAMER IS NOT PERMITTED TO LEAVE UNLESS YOU HAVE HAD ANOTHER TEAM MEMBER STREAMING THE ENTIRETY OF THE TOURNAMENT AS WELL. Total points for All Three Games played will be Final Results. 4th place = 9 Points. If you get a gold star the first time you defeat it, you'll receive the two awards together as a 5,000 point award. faq. Up to $100 grand prize. IF WE SEE ABNORMALITIES IN YOUR KD RATIO THAT GIVES YOU ADVANTAGES TO ENTER ANY ELITE TOURNEY EVENT WITH A KD CAP, YOU WILL BE DISQUALIFIED. Each player who is ten levels or more above you adds 1,000 points. Game Rules. Stats are not cumulative for scoring purposes – only games played during round 2 will count for round 2. "Based on the evidence submitted from various sources in and out of the tournament.. [Twitch] determined that [their] … Defeating the same player three or more times in a 10-day period reduces the points earned from that player by 80%. YOU AND YOUR TEAMMATES ARE RESPONSIBLE AT ALL TIMES FOR ANY TECHNICAL ISSUES SUCH AS LOSS OF CONNECTIVITY. contact us. IN THE EVENT ONE OF YOUR TEAM MEMBERS IS SUBSTANTIALLY LATE (LATER THAN 1 HOURS AFTER THE NORMAL REGISTRATION DEADLINE), YOU WILL HAVE TO CONTACT AN ADMIN ON OUR DISCORD CHANNEL IF YOU STILL WISH TO OFFICIALLY ADD THEM TO YOUR TEAM. Prize Pool is based on participation! WITH REGARDS TO CAMERAS: WE DO NOT ASK OR REQUIRE THAT YOU SHOW YOUR FACE ON STREAM. If the winning player is over level 8, their points are also affected by how recently they've defeated this player before. IF YOU WISH ALTER YOUR ROSTER, YOU MUST DO SO BEFORE THE TOURNAMENT GOES LIVE BY ASKING AN ADMIN ON OUR, THE NORMAL REGISTRATION DEADLINE FOR OUR USUAL SATURDAY EVENT IS 7PM EST (NOTWITHSTANDING APPROVED LATE ENTRIES UP TO 1 HOUR LATE). The number of players in the tournament. However, team members can also receive different amounts of points due to the above rules (if the team members are different levels or have defeated some of the opponents recently in a tournament.). This page was last modified on 2 July 2018, at 01:08. Go compete! SCORING SYSTEM. There is a 30 minute grace period after tournament completion time to submit all scores. With the top 3 receiving prizes Game Rules ... 1 point; Lobbies. IN THIS CASE, KD CAPS STILL APPLY BUT ARE SPREAD ACROSS FEWER PLAYERS. ELITE TOURNEY STAFF WILL THOROUGHLY REVIEW EVERY ELIGIBLE TEAM FOR PRIZE PLACEMENT BEFORE OFFICIALLY DISPENSING ANY WINNINGS. Each player who is equal level to you adds 500 points. This time he made comparisons to Fortnite, making it clear that cheating is an inevitability when there’s money on the table. AT THE CULMINATION OF THE TOURNAMENT YOU ARE REQUIRED TO ACCURATELY REPORT YOUR PER GAME TEAM KILLS AND PER GAME TEAM PLACEMENT FOR YOUR TOP 3 GAMES. The seasonal ladder awards points at the end of each season to each player that holds a rank of 30 or better. Top fifteen placement earns your team ten (10) points. Tournament # 8. JoshOG, along with his star-studded squad of HusKerrs, and Diegosaurs came out victorious in the second week of KEEMSTAR’s Warzone Wednesday tournament. You get points for placement and kills, collect points to secure the 1st place! WHILE WE URGE YOU TO READ THROUGH ALL RULES, HERE’S A DOWN AND DIRTY, BARE MINIMUM CHECKLIST TO START YOU OFF ON THE RIGHT FOOT: EXAMPLE 1 : 3RD PLACE WITH 8 KILLS = 15 POINTS FOR PLACEMENT, 8 POINTS FOR KILLS = 23 TOTAL TEAM POINTS. VIOLATION OF THIS WILL NOT LEAD TO TEAM DISQUALIFICATION BUT KILLS FOUND TO HAVE BEEN GAINED THIS WAS WILL BE DEDUCTED FROM TEAM TOTAL. 3rd place -> 100 points. Defeating the same player twice in a 10-day period reduces the points earned from that player by 50%. 1 kill = 1 point. The points are added up as follows: ��. During the penultimate round, METZY_B, kryptic_j0ker, and Unifyz were disqualified. Warzone is the latest addition to the Battle Royale craze, based on the latest Call of Duty title Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. 2nd place $75. Call of Duty Warzone Tournament (Solos). ACCEPTABLE STREAMING PLATFORMS INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: TWITCH – FACEBOOKGAMING – YOUTUBE. Once purchased, fill out the form below to enter into the tournament! (IT’S NOT ALWAYS JUST ABOUT THE MONEY). live scoreboard. PAYOUTS WILL BE MADE UPON VERIFICATION OF TOURNAMENT RESULTS VIA PAYPAL. $5 per player entry fee. This is tracked independently between games and tournaments. THIS REGULATION APPLIES TO CONSOLE GAMERS AND PC GAMERS ALIKE. Getting a gold star on one of these levels is worth an additional 2,500 points. – Activision accounts must have at least 50 Warzone games played. +++TOURNAMENT POINT SYSTEM+++. example 1 : 3rd place with 8 kills = 15 points for placement, 8 points for kills = 23 total team points.. example 2 : 28th place with 18 kills = 0 points for placement, 18 points for kills = 18 total team points in the event of a tie, the tie breaker will be: most team kills in a single reported game. warzone underground the ultimate warzone challenge!!!!! Welcome to Call of duty : Warzone tournament hosted by Duncs. No cheating of any sort will be permitted. In addition to the tournament points, the winner of course won a bunch of games within the tournament itself which all awarded elevated points. log in our vision. For a tournament entry to be considered valid, participants must provide all necessary/requested information. 3rd Place $25 The tournament will be held online, organized via Discord. If a player defeats the same opponent in tournaments multiple times within a 30 day period, the points they earn from that player are reduced by 80% for all victories after the first. The number of players in the tournament. Top five placement earns fifteen (15) points. PS4 PLAYERS ARE REQUIRED TO SHOW ON THEIR STREAM THAT CROSS PLATFORM PLAY IS ENABLED. 03 Make sure to review the rules. Saturday - Choose Your Start Time (12pm, 3pm, 6pm, and 9pm CST) 3 Skill-based divisions (Casual, Amateur, Intermediate) Warzone BR Quads (Verdansk) 3 hrs • Best 3 Matches. The levels of the players who didn't win the tournament. EACH TEAM IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES ENCOUNTERED WITH REGARDS TO STREAMING SUCH AS CONNECTIVITY AND ARCHIVAL ISSUES. •Check in is required before tournament starts so that we can lock your team in. If a player defeats the same opponent in tournaments multiple times within a 30 day period, the points t… MORE INFO CHECK OUR RULES AND REQUIREMENTS PAGE. It is a cross-platform game, and as such, all platforms are allowed.Although it is an online tournament, we want to maintain the local aspects of Newnan Esports. (SEE ABOVE). Point System: 1 Point per Elimination for each Game. 1st place -> 150 points. When players win a ranked multi-player game, they are awarded points. BORDERLESS TOURNAMENTS . Tournament Information. Top 3 - 3 Points. Contact a tournament admin to get the "Warzone Tournament" Role ... matches are completed the top two players from each match will be given an overall top 4 spot using a points system to decide on placement. With this release, they are keeping the cross platform intact allowing anyone from PlayStation or Xbox to compete against one another. rules. we only hold skill-based warzone tournaments to put everyone that registers on an even playing field. Defeating a player who is lower level than you gives fewer than 5,000 points, depending on their level. Steps to participate in the Warzone tournaments 01 Sign up your team members with one checkout or separately. 1st place = 20 Points. At least 1 team member will stream the games to ensure they respect every rules. All games started within the 3-hour time period can be summited. Daily Call Of Duty: Warzone tournaments, ladders, & cash matches available on UMG Gaming! Winning a 128 player tournament awards, on average, twice as many points as a 64 player tournament. Best 3 games from 7:00 - 10:00 pm EST. ELITE TOURNEY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MONITOR THE STREAM OF ANY REGISTERED PLAYER WE SEE FIT DURING TOURNAMENT-PLAY AS A PROACTIVE EFFORT TO DISCOURAGE CHEATING. The Twitch Rivals Warzone EMEA Showdown tournament scoring system will award one point per elimination. TILL. The number of points the winner(s) are awarded is based off of a number of factors: The winner of a ranked tournament is awarded points based on a number of factors: The 1v1 and 2v2 ladders award points every 24 hours to each player that holds a rank of 30 or better. - Point System: 1 Kill = 1 Point YOUR STREAM MUST BE AVAILABLE FOR AT LEAST 24 HOURS AFTER THE CLOSE OF A TOURNAMENT FOR ELITE TOURNEY TO REVIEW. Real-time games award half as many points as multi-day games. 2v2 Tournament - Point System. FaZe Face-Off Warzone tournament: schedule, format, teams, prize pool, and how to watch by Daniel Conlan In partnership with Twitch Rivals, FaZe clan and Atlantic FaZe are bringing together 100 of the top pros, streamers, and celebrities from the world of music, film and sport to compete for $75,000. Players can earn points by winning single-player games, multi-player games or tournaments, unlocking achievements, or from ladders.