"The group creates a flux where they alternate between two places at once. ", ", "Two PCs become partly fused together. In the ship is a crystal that changed the teleportation so they can teleport away once they have the stone. "There is a long delay between leaving and arriving, while hold music plays. Each PC has a key in their hand to a different door in the complex. A door remains closed on the far side of the room, and there are no windows to be seen. A random party member becomes ethereal for 1d4 hours. ", Similar Area. ", "There is a brief delay between leaving and arriving, while an autonomous voice intones 'your call may be monitored for quality assurance purposes. “Related object” refers to an object that you have taken from a target location within the past six months, such as a book in a mage library, linen thread on a bed in a royal bedroom, or a lich mausoleum A piece of marble inside. There are always enough patrons that the inn feels lively but not uncomfortably crowded, and waiters and waitresses bustle around providing delicious drinks and hearty meals. 1 is true north, 2 is northeast, 3 is true east, and so on. You hope it’s unrelated…but it’s probably not. Over one hundred varieties of gemstones have been identified and named. ", ", They can be sold to a nearby farmer who will shear them and the bolts of cloth are known for making wearers more stealthy. You are teleported into a sealed crate that appears to you to be moving…. ", The image does not fade right away, if they close their eyes for the next few ours they can still see it like an afterimage. It will last for 7 days then teleport elsewhere. The caster gets teleported into a novice conjuror’s summoning circle. There is a half broken ship with a skeleton of an old man and a wood puppet. ", You've stayed behind and slowly collapse into a bunch of folding flesh. The last key opens a crypt filled with dead bodies in various states of decay. The hand then tauntingly waves it’s index finger back and forth before popping out of existence. A worm hole representative appears and congratulates the party on being the 1 billionth customers. "Party takes 1d4 damage and are covered with infernal sigils. You hope it's unrelated...but it's probably not. "They are possessed by mischievous spirits. While others who use magic dabble in movement through and across the planes few do it as often or as well as the teleporter. Not knowing that his summoning failed (which it did), the novice demands the completion of a trivial task from the caster. The party vows to take better care of their feet. "You point at a spot and cast teleport. One random item they possess becomes cursed. The pocket dimension snatched the caster up in the hopes of keeping them inside it as a permanent source of sustenance. Have a nice day. If the Result is Odd, then for the next 4 hours the PC will feel a heavy sadness. "Animated, talking copies of your skeletons appear next to you. Exiting through the far door instantly transports the caster to their intended destination. The same as above, but with them living out a vividly-described happy life with a family. After one minute, the clone pops out of existence at the same time the caster is teleported to the position of the clone. "A violent, fiery explosion occurs at the point of casting as the caster rapidly shoots into the sky, breaking every surface in their way. "Thirty floating ethereal sheep appear. "Rather than teleport over a distance, everyone involved instead teleported 1 hour forward/backward in time for every 10 feet the teleport would take them. There's 300 GP inside and this seems like as good a place as any to build a fort or keep. The circle’s magic was not strong enough to send the party to their destination so the party arrives about half way in between their starting point and their destination. "The caster appears 30 feet above where they initially teleported, pressed flat against the palm of a massive ethereal hand. ", A person teleports ‘slowly’…meaning the visibly see the astral sea, hell, celestia and other planes as they zip through them. 4. “No such place” refers to a place that does not exist at all. A beholder zombie. The effect is indistinguishable from successful teleportation unless someone else was teleporting at the same time. But as soon as you attempt to approach them, you feel you soul and body get hot as your dragged away and teleported to the original desired location. A random party member secretly changes alignment for 1d4 days. The universe moves, but the caster is kept in one place. The hand quickly and viscously swats the caster down to the ground, causing them to take 2d6 falling damage and 2d6 bludgeoning damage. The caster appears 30 feet above where they initially teleported, pressed flat against the palm of a massive ethereal hand. It gives you a coupon and 200 GP. ", Teleport 5e This spell teleports you and up to eight voluntary creatures that you can see within the range of the spell, or an object you can see within the range of … 2. Flip a coin to determine if they are friendly or hostile... and your mom said you couldn't make new friends. The ground is blackish brown, and the dirt is cracked and dried up. ", Cardiff Property Blog Local property market information for the serious investor Articles Courtesy of Northwood Cardiff. "The caster gets teleported into a novice conjuror's summoning circle. "The spell appears to fail, when in actuality the effects of the spell are delayed by one minute. "The party is teleported to a narrow alleyway where bandits wait ready to attack and rob them. "Every part of the person's body arrives at the destination... except for their skin which comes several minutes later", ", The teleportation has some stopovers on random locations for 1d4 seconds each. He sells corn for 2 silver coins per bushel. The ground is blackish brown, and the dirt is cracked and dried up. Any attempts in the general area to teleport within 10 minutes of the original casting causes this mishap to repeat, targeting the new caster. Split exactly down the middle, only one half of the body is transported. The caster is teleported to a plane of Fire Elementals inside a heavy iron cage. It crumbles as they teleport away. You live a beautiful life and live to see your children and grandchildren grow up happy and healthy after intermarrying with the aliens. Salvage what you can from the pink goo. A frost giant. The caster teleports to their intended destination, but with their left and right arm switched. They are returned to their original position shortly after. 23 Whitchurch Road Cardiff CF14 3JN "The circle's magic was not strong enough to send the party to their destination so the party arrives about half way in between their starting point and their destination. "Party is covered in blue flames for 10 minutes, it doesn't deal any damage to them though. "Their ass is now in the front of them. ", 5th-level Conjuration . Everyone becomes under the effect of the gaseous form spell. The spell’s area overlaps walls and other solid and liquid objects (preventing intruders from bypassing the ward by teleporting into a wall or through similar means). ", Apparently, they were clones, not teleported, and all of their dying cells were replaced with new ones. Five hundred doves appear with you and fly away as a nearby magician yells, ‘Ta-da!!!’. Roll 1d4 and an evil twin of yourself appears that lasts that many days, but you’re both unable to kill your own copy. Off Target. They stay in the same place and go through time instead of space! If you want to teleport to a seaside city but appear in the sea 18 miles away from the shore, then you are in trouble. "You are teleported into a sealed crate that appears to you to be moving....", ", "'Where are my feet?' "Sulphuric gas and an overwhelming scent of brimstone fill the air. You and your team (or target object) appear in a different place that is similar in appearance or atmosphere to the destination. It’s nearby and slowly creeping back to you. They are returned to their original position shortly after. There is a long delay between leaving and arriving, while hold music plays. "A person looks physically younger. ", You and your team (or target object) appear at a random distance in a random direction to the destination. "The teleport was successful, but you also brought some interesting things with you. Teleport trap wards an area, redirecting all teleportation into or out of the area to a specific point within the area determined by you at the time of casting. ... Investiture of Flame/Ice/Stone/Wind – Become the embodiment of an element and – so long as you maintain concentration – you’ll have access to a magical attack, an area of affect, varying movement abilities, and resistance to the element. They throw up immediatly. Your mournful spouses kiss you goodbye as you close your eyes one last time…then you arrive at your destination as if none of it ever happened. The group creates a flux where they alternate between two places at once. ", '", Thirty floating ethereal sheep appear. ", They exchange eye colors. "The caster is briefly teleported to a treasure vault filled to the brim with gold and valuables. The visit e.g. It's nearby and slowly creeping back to you. An exact copy of the Taj Mahal appears next to them. ", The alien populace welcomes you with open arms. The feet reappear soon after. Teleporting is useful to save travelling time, and may be used to quickly get to a home or safety bunker. (The soul is fine though). The hand quickly and viscously swats the caster down to the ground, causing them to take 2d6 falling damage and 2d6 bludgeoning damage. A frost giant. ", The teleportation goes to the right place, although the timespace has been flawed. ", A blood hawk. You find that you are standing on a piece of dust several hundred feet across. ", This combo can solo the Tarrasque. "The object or person teleporting doesn't appear at the destination and in place a monster does. ", "Party gains 1d4 health and are covered with glowing angelic sigils. It's also about creativity and shenanigans. They yell for your help. ", If you designate an object as the target of the spell, the object must be able to fit into a 10-foot cube, and it must not be worn or carried by an involuntary creature. ", It will protect any camp or domicile you tell it to. Have the players lip sync Harry Belafonte’s ‘Day-O’ or they stay possessed for another 1d4 days. "Five hundred doves appear with you and fly away as a nearby magician yells, 'Ta-da!!! An ancient green dragon. Any movement relative to the point of casting and the point of impact is translated across teleportations. The former prevents teleporting in, since the players just won't know about the interior. You each end up with a familiar that guided you out of a pocket dimension while in transit. You arrive where you wanted, but 5 years too late. Each PC has a key in their hand to a different door in the complex. 5. His name is hard to pronounce, but he thanks you for freeing him. The unexpected magic effect of this spell made this journey particularly difficult. 6. You can then make one melee weapon attack against the attacker. function RndMsg() { Caster couldn’t focus to cast the spell so instead he cause an explosion that injuries the party. ", I recommend making this item a "very rare" item, and potentially making it available to party's who can't naturally get the teleportation spell. The teleport transports only their consciousness to the new place and their spirit must find its way back to its comatose body, Timespace anomaly – person arrives 2x larger than before but moves and acts 2x slower. An innkeeper immediately rushes over to the caster and informs them that their room has been covered, as well as all their food and drink. All creatures (or target objects) trying to teleport suffer 3d10 points of force damage, and then the DM recasts d100 and consults the above table to determine where you appear (you may die again, and you have to take the damage every time you die). A flash of lightning strikes the player intending to teleport dealing 3d6 damage. ", ", "The party’s bodies and equipment are left behind but their souls make it to the destination, their bodies become dormant until their souls (now in ghosts form) can make it back to their bodies. You're naked as the day you were born. "Everyone sneezes. External Door. ", But as soon as you attempt to approach them, you feel you soul and body get hot as your dragged away and teleported to the original desired location. It will last for 7 days then teleport elsewhere. There are always enough patrons that the inn feels lively but not uncomfortably crowded, and waiters and waitresses bustle around providing delicious drinks and hearty meals. "You arrive where you wanted, but 5 years too late. Community portal Forum Activity Explore. "You come to in a strange land. Maybe just one eye changes. Apparently, they were clones, not teleported, and all of their dying cells were replaced with new ones. A large section of a stone tower apparates next to them making it the tallest structure in the area. They arrive just in time to watch future versions of themselves create a paradox and explode. Free of conflict, strife, and famine. Teleportation Circle is a spell that's available as of level 5, with a castingtime of 1 Minute for D&D 5e - Read up on all the spells on DND-Spells | Dungeons and Dragons 5e - … “Hear description” refers to a place that you hear the location and appearance of from others, such as a place from a map. As the inn’s fare fills the caster’s belly and the patrons begin to socialize with them, the caster becomes less and less inclined to leave. "A flash of lightning strikes the player intending to teleport dealing 3d6 damage. Have the players lip sync Harry Belafonte's 'Day-O' or they stay possessed for another 1d4 days. The destination must be an open space on a solid surface. If you do this every day for a year in the same place, you have created a permanent circle. "The teleportation has some stopovers on random locations for 1d4 seconds each. Lasts one day. Required fields are marked *. The caster is transported to another dimension where they are forced to fight progressively more difficult opponents in an arena. You’re missing your left arm. ", No syrup or butter though. Have a nice day. "The caster is transported to another dimension where they are forced to fight progressively more difficult opponents in an arena. You can see where they they are, floating as specters/ghosts. The party is teleported to a narrow alleyway where bandits wait ready to attack and rob them. ", ", Advertisements. Edit. Technically, teleport requires familiarity and can't cross planar boundaries. "Their clothes and belongings teleport ten feet away. "The caster randomly teleports between the two locations for the next minute. Party is covered in blue flames for 10 minutes, it doesn’t deal any damage to them though. 13 The Old ACME Trick: Teleportation (5e) Via D&Dbeyond.com. After one minute, the clone pops out of existence at the same time the caster is teleported to the position of the clone. ", But to use 5E is to basically hook up the setting to a massive volcano of mechanics, monsters, tools, and preconceived possibilities that could launch a thousand campaigns. The caster disappears into the clouds and descends to their intended point of teleportation one turn later, breaking all surfaces along the way and causing a similar explosion to the first at their point of impact. Any party members teleporting with you did not feel this effect, only the one who cast the teleport spell experienced it. The caster is teleported into an empty seat at a warm, cozy inn. The party now exists in duplicate in different places. "One random item they possess becomes awakened. Like the roadrunner and his coyote nemesis, D&D is defined by what your party is willing to do to your enemy. ", D - Dunamancy Spell DG - Graviturgy Dunamancy Spell DC - Chronurgy Dunamancy Spell HB - Homebrew Spell R - Ritual Spell T - Technomagic "Hair length increases by a year's growth. Your skeleton arrives at the spot, but not you. This spell instantly transports you and up to eight willing creatures of your choice that you can see within range, or a single object that you can see within range, to a destination you select. 5th-level conjuration. All creatures within a 15 foot radius Sphere other than the caster must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw. And why is there one in front of me?’ Expect piercing damage. "Split exactly down the middle, only one half of the body is transported. “Occasionally seen” refers to a place you have seen several times, but you are not very familiar. It crumbles as they teleport away. Gemstones have a wide variety of physical traits, including size, hardness, color, and translucency. Two people teleport. All of the casters gear and clothes are teleported in a different place nearby. You find that you are standing on a piece of dust several hundred feet across. ", They appear in a crop circle next to a very bewildered farmer. ", "Teleportee loses a kidney. So I don't recommend giving the item to level 10 players or lower, this is a level 11-15 category item. The old teleportation circle trick is simple but great. When they are eventually killed, their teleportation is completed and they revert to their previous age. One random item they possess becomes awakened. "A person's hair doesn't teleport! They teleport to the right place but not oriented to the ground correctly (upside down, horizontal,etc), causing them to fall on their backs, stomachs, or heads. The caster is briefly teleported to a treasure vault filled to the brim with gold and valuables. "All equipment, including the contents of pouches, is scattered on the ground around the destination. A blood hawk. "A singularity brings a house golem into being under your control. Teleport is a spell that's available as of level 7, with a castingtime of 1 Action for D&D 5e - Read up on all the spells on DND-Spells | Dungeons and Dragons 5e - Spells, Tools, Spell cards, Spellbooks' "They appear in a crop circle next to a very bewildered farmer. A random creature has been picked up while the magic trail travels. Your familiarity with the destination determines whether you can successfully arrive. You’re naked as the day you were born. "Teleportee arrives at the right place but the wrong time - either past or future. If you target an object, it must be able to fit entirely inside a 10-foot cube, and it can't be held or carried by an unwilling creature. Flip a coin to determine if they are friendly or hostile… and your mom said you couldn’t make new friends. DNDSPEAK is a website dedicated to providing you with extra material for your tabletop games. ", The party asks itself, ‘What is a cassowary? In your twilight years you sit on your deathbed along with your fellow PCs. "They teleport to the right place but not oriented to the ground correctly (upside down, horizontal,etc), causing them to fall on their backs, stomachs, or heads. His name is hard to pronounce, but he thanks you for freeing him. ", Usually you will appear in a similar area closest to the destination, but since this spell has no distance limit, you may appear in any place on the same plane. Soft, upbeat music is constantly being played by a talented bard in one of the room’s corners, which somehow gives the caster a feeling of home. "Roll 1d4, you are now a different race temporarily for that many days. In the ship is a crystal that changed the teleportation so they can teleport away once they have the stone. No syrup or butter though. There is a half broken ship with a skeleton of an old man and a wood puppet. ", © Copyright by Dndspeak 2021. A creature takes 5d6 fire and 5d6 thunder damage on a failed save, or have as much on a successful one. Teleport is to successful place, but 500 ft up…. If the result is Even, nothing happens. Mishap. Wall hangings cover the walls for decoration, and oil sconces are set at regular intervals when lighting is desired—though none of the sconces are in use currently. ", Sort, filter, and read the full descriptions for every magic item in 5th Edition D&D. The caster randomly teleports between the two locations for the next minute. This adventure takes place after the events described in Hoard of the Dragon Queen and The Rise of Tiamat, but does not directly depend on them. Teleportation Circle. Watching’ followed by a chill down their spines. An incredibly brilliant Fire Elemental has harnessed the power to ‘trap’ teleporters in their tracks and intend on using their arcane energy to power the device. Teleportation allows the player to get to a certain location on the map without moving. "Teleport is to successful place, but 500 ft up...", There is a brief delay between leaving and arriving, while an autonomous voice intones ‘your call may be monitored for quality assurance purposes.’. In actuality, the inn and all its original occupants are part of a small sentient pocket dimension that feeds off of feelings of contentment and satisfaction. "The party asks itself, 'What is a cassowary? They encounter themself, but the other party is the polar opposite of the players and will try to kill them. The planes have long overlapped, touching each other in particularly thin points, the war for good and evil, law and chaos waged through them all. "An inter dimensional tavern and inn appears next to you. ", A beholder. "The party’s bodies and equipment make it to the destination but their souls are left behind, their bodies become dormant until their souls (now in ghosts form) can make it back to their bodies. The caster put a bit too much accent on the last syllable, and the party is scattered around the world. The visit e.g. The pocket dimension snatched the caster up in the hopes of keeping them inside it as a permanent source of sustenance. During these 4 hours, the PC can not make intimidate checks nor persuasion checks, if they attempt to, they are automatic fails. The spell appears to fail, when in actuality the effects of the spell are delayed by one minute. Any movement relative to the point of casting and the point of impact is translated across teleportations. ", A tiny Puckish man hitched a ride out of his prison dimension. ", Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire; Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix ; Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince; Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows; Rowling's Companion Writings. Their clothes and belongings teleport ten feet away. The party’s bodies and equipment make it to the destination but their souls are left behind, their bodies become dormant until their souls (now in ghosts form) can make it back to their bodies. Class(es): Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard Casting Time: 1 minute Range: 10 feet Components: Verbal, Material Duration: 1 round. Caster/Group needs to succeed saving throw or take fall damage. ", An inter dimensional tavern and inn appears next to you. When they are eventually killed, their teleportation is completed and they revert to their previous age. ", Party gains 1d4 health and are covered with glowing angelic sigils. "The caster is teleported into an empty seat at a warm, cozy inn. Both parts of the body are still alive and function as normal, connected mistically to each other, but split. It gives you a coupon and 200 GP. He sells corn for 2 silver coins per bushel. Teleportee accidentally moves through time as well as space, heading 21-1D20 hours into the future as well. While holding one stone, spend one minute to teleport to other stone, so long as both stones are on the same plane of existence (1/Day) The party appears unharmed but surrounded by 2,000 pancakes.