It is said that rainbows are a common sign from angels. Why am I seeing these angel signs often? Angels like to leave feathers as a reminder that they are there, and watching over us. These are signs that someone not of this world is working to guide you and be there for you. Since rainbows generally forms after storms, they are a good reminder that if you push through the hard times just a little longer, there will be something beautiful waiting for you on the other side. Finding a white feather While any feather may be a sign, white feathers are often thought of as the "calling card" of the Angels. Feathers. Butterflies Flying Around You. A butterfly is considered to be a special message from heaven. All of these experiences are suggestive of an angel watching over you and looking out for your best interests. Having an angel watching over you means having a relationship. One of the most common signs of angels is a small feather. Sometimes they give us signs they are near. Below I am going to go over some of the signs that you might be being watched over in ways you don’t understand. Our Guardian Angels are with us all of the time. Among the most powerful signs of angels are enhanced perceptual faculties and sharpened intuitions. When you see a feather on the ground this could be a message that you are not alone. Signs of an Angel Watching Over You Seeing a Rainbow. Flickering Lights can be a clear validation of the presence of angels, as it is one of the top signs of an angel watching over you. Call it whatever you want, regardless, it is amazing. It is also believed that these lights are modes of communication. I am going to share with you 5 amazing signs your Guardian Angel is with you and watching over you! That is one of the signs an angel is watching over you. Signs they know will resonate for you on your individual path. We all have our own Angel that is always looking out for us. Here are the Top 10 signs of an Angel watching over you. A Gentle Breeze. Think of them as counselors, and the angelic symbols they send you as their pieces of advice. The clouds have, for long, been touted as the gates to heaven. You are a team. These are the signs that your angel is with you and giving direction to you. If you suddenly see a sparkling streak of light in your peripheral vision or notice circular light flashes, known as orbs, on digital photographs, it is a potent sign of an angel watching over you. As earlier indicated, you may also notice butterflies and other animals that have a liking to you, such as rabbits or even bees that won’t sting you. 12. An angel is watching over you and will provide for your family. 1. (Remember, for more advice, grab your copy of The Secret Law Of Attraction.) This is especially true if the feather is found somewhere where feathers are not commonly found. 17 Signs That You May Have An Angel Watching Over You: 1. Feeling a gentle breeze or the movement of air around you without it having a physical causation is another undeniable angel sign. Enhanced Perception And Intuition. 1. If you have recently lost someone close to you, this could be a sign from an angel. Signs of an Angel Watching Over and Protecting You From Evil - Know Everything Angels can do no more than help you make the right decisions towards living a divine life. When you make the conscious choice to work with your angels, they give you signs like numbers and feathers to let you know you are on the right path or to guide you. They are a symbol of encouragement, hope, and perseverance. 2. Look At The Clouds. 9. Here are 8 signs your guardian angel is with you!