Note 2: This discussion assumes the partners are also playing Jacoby Transfers, which affects the treatment of certain Stayman bids. Estimate how many tricks you could take (or lose) if you were declarer. Bidding Objectives = "8 and 25" 0002). When you think you understand the topic, play your way through the practice hands. 2. Having been raised on an orchard with many varieties I can say without a doubt that this is the best apple hands down. Look at each hand, write down how you think the bidding would proceed and what the final contract would be. 154 Bidding in the 21st Century GENERAL CONCEPTS The Bidding It is important to introduce students to the concept of a convention and its purpose, i.e., it helps us ask and answer bidding questions that normal bidding methods cannot answer. Simple classic Goren bidding with 5-card majors, 1NT 16-18, strong twos, Stayman, Blackwood, Gerber. Secondly, if responder has a very weak hand it is usually a good idea to bid over 1NT before it is doubled. There are two advantages. After a 1NT opening by partner, a 2C response shows a weak 3-suited hand that’s short in clubs. However several of its red-colored sports (e.g. If no such fit exists then a 3NT contract may be tried.In order to facilitate exploration of minor suits over 1NT bids, I propose a 2 club response followed by 3 clubs as an extended Stayman asking for other suit information. If either opponent bids 2 or higher (after the Stayman 2 § bid), the structure is off and the bidding reverts to a natural style. If you and your partner play strong notrumps (15 to 17 HCP or 16 to 18), responder should have at least 8 HCP to use Stayman (with one exception we’ll discuss at the end). Sample Problems from Workbook 6. Transfers offer more flexibility in the bidding: there are many types of hands that you might like to show after 1NT, and this method enables you to show several different ones. Set hands with solution for beginners and improvers. 1N 2H I have Hearts but a weak hand P With Stayman you respond 2 Clubs and opener responds in a 4 major if they have it: North South 1N 2C (2C is Stayman looking for a 4 card major suit) 2H (2H says that North has a 4 card Heart suit) If South also has 4 Hearts they can now pass or have the option of bidding 2S, 2N, 3H etc to show some extra values. Basic strategy. Learn different techniques, while combining tactics and improving your game strategy. Playing a strong 15-17 1NT, Garbage Stayman shows 0-7 points. You never know! Note 3: Most of the treatments below do not apply to Puppet Stayman. A - Weak Hands Stayman can be used to try to improve the contract when responder has a weak hand. After an opening bid of 1NT, the stayman convention is a bid of 2 ♣, saying nothing whatsoever about the club suit. North: 1 NT (16 HCPs, balanced hand) East: Pass (12 HCPs) South: 2 ♣ (10 HCPs – Stayman asking for a 4-card major) West: Pass (2 HCPs) North: 2 ♠ South: 4♠ (with minimum 15 HCPs from North plus South’s 10 HCPs, there are enough points for Game) Contract: 4 ♠ by North Lead Card: Q ♣ by East Interactive Bridge Tutorials The feedback and guidance will be an invaluable aid to helping you understand and memorise. Look at your winners and losers 3. The Stayman bidder should usually have at least invitational values. These are just 36 boards of randomised hands….in LIN format. Download a set of 24 hands. 28 for minor 0003). 14 Oct 2019 Cathy, OHIO, United States. With no fit, 6NT is still a good bet, but best to check on the aces. Add your comments Visitor reviews. Over 200 online Flash Cards including new topics: Strong Twos, Stayman and Transfers. Muppet Stayman – 19 boards: Download Now: Splinters – 8 Boards: Download Now: Transfers (see above for notes) – 10 boards: Download Now: Puppet Stayman: Download Now: Sample Hands. Hand A Hand B Hand A first looks for a fit. But even if that is your understanding with your partner, you can play "Garbage Stayman" -- you can bid Stayman with a weak hand and pass whatever partner bids. Practice your Bidding. Garbage Stayman is a rare but fun little variation of the Stayman convention. 16-18, responses: Stayman and Transfers as per 1NT opening : 1NT Protective: 12-14, responses: Stayman and Transfers as per 1NT opening: 2NT Direct: Unusual - see note 6. It includes the standard method for handling invitational hands with a five-card or longer major suit when using Stayman. Most authorities believe Stayman is a triploid variety, although there is no direct evidence of this. Let’s review the four steps of the PLAN: 1. When we open in a minor suit we usually choose the longer minor, even if it's only 3 cards in length. Again, hands with both majors use Stayman when one major is only four cards long and start with a transfer with longer suits. Hands 1 and 5 could be played at either a spade or a diamond slam if a 4-4 fit is found. Additions to the No trump bidding book; gives some examples of where conventions such as Stayman Super accepts, SARS (Shape Asking Relays after Stayman) and Quest Transfers get you to the right contract when basic methods would fail. Here is how to communicate these larger hands to your partner. So we open in a minor suit. This deal shows why this is recommended: Opener. How to use 0001). Try some sample activities now: Hands of the Day. 27 Play of the Hand in the 21st Century SAMPLE DEALS EXERCISE NINE: Counting Winners Introduction When you play a hand of bridge, you put your PLAN to work. Main Menu Beginners Bidding Opening Lead Playing Deals Quiz: Barrier-Reversing Quiz: Deal # Thursday Free Downloads Cribsheets Conventions Quick Book Glossary Books to read Deal a hand Other stuff. AQJ10 K8 So for most players, that sequence shows an invitational hand with 4 spades and <4 hearts. (b) Hands with a four-card and a five-card major. See comments. Responses as 2NT opener: DEFENSIVE BIDS: Opponents open: Defensive methods: Strong 1C: Double = majors, 1NT = minors: Weak 1NT: Double = Penalties, … Pause to consider your objective 2. But the two most obvious deviations favor the majors. The first one we'll look at is called "stayman," and the second is "transfers." To get the most from these hands, pick a topic that you want to learn and then work your way through some of the tutorial and quizzes. Practice hundreds of bidding exercises, in a variety of bidding topics, accompanied by clear and simple written explanations. Responder A J 6 4 Q 2 K Q 3 J 10 5 4 A 10 4 K Q 9 7 Q 10 8 J 9 7 Opener begins with 1NT. The ideal distribution is 4-4-4-1 or 4-4-5-0, although 3-4-5-1 or 4-3-5-1 is also okay. Practice your hand play, either by using the guided option or by playing freely against our smart robot. The basic idea needs to be covered for the students. Firstly, the contract is often improved and rarely worsened. Traditionally you only used Stayman when you had at least one 4-card major, and the opponents are entitled to assume you're using Stayman in the "normal" way. Stayman is a bidding convention in the card game contract bridge. Play of the Hand: Lessons 1 and 2; Play of the Hand: Lesson 3; Play of the Hand: Lessons 4 and 5; Play of the Hand: Lesson 6; Play of the Hand: Lessons 7, 8, 9; Play Too Fast Series–Mike Lawrence; Plays and Coups; Playing Questions; Probabilities-Pekiner; Puppet Stayman; Puppet Stayman by Richard; Pustilnik: Lesson for Sept 13, 2017 If he does, he'll bid it. Workbook 6, No Trump, Including Stayman and Jacoby Transfer, includes 265 hands to practice responding and rebidding after an opening bid, or overcall, of 1 no trump. These practice games can be used for learning in many ways. Quizzes, crib sheets, opening leads. As mentioned earlier, Stayman is our preferred method of exploring the right contract when in possession of 2 long Majors. Scarlet Staymared) are triploid. Includes a thorough discussion of both the concepts and mechanics of Stayman and Jacoby Transfer Weak 2 Opens and Pre-emptive Bids. However, if a second 5-card suit is a minor then: a 3 (or 3) responder re-bid is natural and game-forcing (10-15HCP, + shape), showing two-suited hands. With a completely balanced hand, consider using Stayman only when the super-balanced hand containing a 4 card major is headed by Ace, King, and Queen. Bidding Practice hands with audio feedback 'Millionaire' Style Games. The set contains 24 hands with sample results and hand records. Use in class to introduce duplicate play or for making up boards for novice duplicate club and provide hand records at end of session. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING THE PRACTICE HANDS SET. Negative Responses to Partner's 2NT opening bid. Study them on your own or with a partner. Responses are limit bids : 2NT Protective: 20-22 balanced. Join Now! Checkback Stayman - A method similar to the New Minor Forcing convention for responder to determine if opener is holding a 4-card major or 3-cards in responders bid suit. Stayman is typically used with hands that have invitational or better strength. hand on which you can use Stayman: (a) Hands with two four-card majors and at least four diamonds. You alert the 2NT bid because it doesn't fit that description. Stayman with Weak Hands ("Junk Stayman") Using Stayman often promises enough strength to invite to game. These probabilities are not correct if partner deviates from my assumptions in opening 1NT. Let us take a look at some sequences and their meanings. Whenever you have a balance hand and the appropriate point count, open 1NT/2NT. The ideal is a 4-4-5-0 distribution. All simple changes of suit after the response to Stayman are weak. Bridge - bid and play techniques, with prepared hands. Stayman with an Invitational Hand This section covers the use of Stayman with an invitational-strength hand of 8 or 9 points. Suited Hands – Hands with 6+ card suits and 17+ HCPs 17-21 HCP - Double and then bid your suit. 1 ♣ is the correct opening bid. It is used by a partnership to find a 4-4 or 5-3 trump fit in a major suit after making a one notrump (1NT) opening bid and it has been adapted for use after a 2NT opening, a 1NT overcall, and many other natural notrump bids. Simple Overcalls: Big Hands Sometimes you have a big hand (17+ HCPs) but the opponents open the bidding. Another factor is your skill in playing 4-3 fits, and the opponents’ skill in defending. Sample Deals. Here are some suggestions: 1. It is very useful to also play transfers and Stayman after partner overcalls any number of notrump. Stayman. 0000). This is not a problem because you don’t need to show the 5-4 hands – you’d use the 2 ♣ Stayman for any hand with 4-4 in majors or longer. If he doesn't, he bids 2 ♦ to deny a 4 card major. Note that a weak hand containing a 5-card major (e.g. Short-suit points: If you have a trump fit with partner, add 1 point for a doubleton in a side suit, 2 for a singleton, 3 for a void. Analyze your alternatives 4. If opener cannot make his normal rebid, he should pass or double. (a) Weak Hands with Two Four-Card Majors Hand D ♠Q 7 8 2 ♥Q 9 6 3 ♦J 9 6 5 3 ♣Void If your diamond suit is long enough to allow you reasonably to pass the 2 ♦ response, then you can use Stayman. 4 - Gerber after a 2 response to Stayman Much the same as the standard Gerber bid after a 1NT opening, except that responder is known to have a 4 card major. stronger hand. The Stayman conven-tion is one of the world’s most popular and respected conventions. You might think that any opening bid is an attempt to find a trump fit in the suit bid. VI. Evaluating your hand: High-card points (HCP): A=4, K=3, Q=2, J=1 Long-suit points: Add 1 point for a good 5-card suit, 2 for a 6-card suit, 3 for a 7-card suit. These hands can be set up in dealer machines used by bridge clubs. More communication is the key. Stayman, promising a 4+ card major asking partner to bid their 4 card major (2H or 2S) if they have one, otherwise rebid 2D (can have as few as 8 HCP for this bid) 1NT: 2D, 2H or 2S: 0-9: are all sign off bids - promising five cards in the bid suit with only minimum points. This hand doesn't have a 5+ major, and it isn't within the 15-17 or 20-21 hcp ranges for a no-trump opening. What it means is, "Partner, do you have a 4 card major?" Transfers are Still Available after Partner Overcalls in Notrump. With Junk Stayman, the strong hand is the declarer more often than not, but a fair number of times the weak hand is the declarer.