In addition, the Legion maintains a small number of tanks and Daemon Engines. Christian’s list, which he took to a 5-0 3rd Place finish at the 106-player Games of Westeros IX event in March, represents the current “tech” for Thousand Sons in a soup list. You can’t re-roll hits or wounds for the attacks and they have to go on the model you copied from, but it can be a fun way to turn your opponent’s favorite toys against them, particularly if they’re tooled out for killing big targets. He works very well surrounded by Scarab Occult Terminators or Rubric Marines to benefit from both of his auras, and he benefits significantly from being around the Changeling, Fateskimmer, or a Changecaster, where the 6+ roll to ignore wounds and bonus to strength are significant. If you want to go heavy on rubrics, the cannon is worth it but otherwise, stick to 5 man squads. If you’re taking this guy, consider giving him double butcher cannons. However, the last known act of the Thousand Sons as a legion was the Battle of the Fang, in which Magnus committed almost all of their remaining assets. Roll a D6 for each enemy unit within 6” of that model, subtracting 2 if the unit is a Character or Vehicle. For a time it appeared that Tzeentch protected the Thousand Sons from the corruption and fragmentation that most of the other Traitor Legions underwent, but eventually the Legion went through a crisis of mutation and de-evolution, seemingly at the wish of their patron-God. It should be costed at 8. This just isn’t that great given how bad Helbrute guns are and it doesn’t work on the Forge World Dreadnoughts. You can add 2 to the test. KIMERA KOLORS pure pigment acrylics set 13 pure pigment acrylics and 1 satin medium, 30ml dropper bottle with flip top cap, agitator steel ball inside each pot High pigment concentration, ranging from 30% to 50%Creamy consistence and matt finiture, but they can be made satin by adding in your mix the satin medium provi Thinking about snatching it up, as if I want to expand this army to 2K points I think it would be difficult with strictly Tzeentch daemons (don't want any other chaos gods in the mix). Whether it had any effect on the legion's gene-seed is doubtful, but upon learning of it years later Magnus himself considered it to be a poor omen.[3a]. It was established in 1636, and ruled China proper from 1644 to 1912. Every Psyker in the detachment gets an extra power free. Pick the nearest visible enemy model within 12”. The funny part is that against Primaris targets and the like, the three options are basically the same, with AP-4 giving you the slight edge. They’re also a great choice to carry the Dark Matter Crystal as long as your opponent doesn’t have too many snipers (Sadly, this means giving them a Dark Matter Crystal is less useful in the post-Raven Guard meta, where you’re going to face Eliminators a lot more often). This list was likely one of the most complained about lists as well, as it ended up being incredibly popular, and spawned a number of other similar Knight lists that sometimes made up to 30% of major events. 1 is +1 Attack, 2 is +1 Strength, 3 is +1 Toughness. Each Fellowship was led by a powerful Psyker. As a result, it is not unusual at all for a Thousand Sons warband to raid a museum, library or private art collection rather than a military target. Finally, Magnus’ aura doesn’t just give re-rolls to hit of 1, but also allows nearby Thousand Sons Psykers to re-roll 1s for psychic tests within 9″. [41a] Their actions during the bulk of the Heresy are not currently known, though a portion of the Legion did engage the Space Wolves at the Battle of Yarant. You should probably avoid these, but they’re juuuust good enough that you’ll talk yourself into considering them over and over (this is almost always a mistake). Outside of your psyker HQs, you have some other choices to consider. Welcome to the one Chaos Space Marines army where Hellforged Dreadnoughts are perhaps not so great. – Great stratagem, and worth building around. All Thousand Sons Psykers know an additional psychic power, the one that matches their Cult. This is a huge ability for Thousand Sons, whose AP-2 bolters already had what the rest of Chaos was missing when it came to actually making the large volumes of fire on Scarab Occult Terminators work. – Use after a non-Daemon Thousand Sons character kills an enemy Character, Vehicle, or Monster. This isn’t the flashiest new ability but holy crap is it something the Thousand Sons really needed. When they use Smite it’s a downgraded version, so they’re best when they’re manifesting other powers, but throwing out extra mortal wounds never hurts. There are currently two major Chaos Soup builds that compete at the top levels of the tournament circuit and Thousand Sons detachments are a primary component of one of them and often sneak into others. Chaos Land Raiders are all dramatically overcosted, especially now that the new Space Marines Codex has dropped their costs even further while letting chapter tactics affect them and giving them combat doctrines. [10b], At least one Imperial commentator on the subject believes that the Thousand Sons have a cult network that provides potential recruits for the legion.[9b]. Very good to have on bigger HQs like your Winged Daemon Prince, and can help a lot if they end up out of position. Psychic Awakening: Ritual of the Damned gave the Thousand Sons a set of 7 new stratagems that really helped improve the faction’s power s a standalone option. Malicious Volleys. Instead, their best trick is slowing units down with Warp Reality. The Thousand Sons won the battle 10-6, including First Blood, Slay the Warlord and Linebreaker. The Cult of Duplicity is the other frontrunner for “Strongest Cult you can take” and the number of deployment tricks you can pull here, particularly working in concert with the. When the Thousand Sons background was established in second edition, the revised version became their primary design, with their ornate elements more overtly 'Egyptian'. By the end of the war, more than 4.7 million American men had served in all branches of the military: four million in the army, six hundred thousand in the navy, and about eighty thousand in the Marine Corps. The most surprising addition to the Thousand Sons’ Codex, the Mutalith Vortex Beast is one of the game’s strangest units. As one of the most powerful telekines of the XV Legion, he served as the Magister Templi of its Raptora Cult. On that front, Warptime can help you get there. [3a] Their name is believed to originate from the first step of the Legion's creation process; for unknown (but presumably notable, if the Legion was named because of them) reasons, exactly one thousand Marines were created and trained first, with the Fifteenth brought up to full Legion numbers afterwards. We can break the Thousand Sons lists into two groups: Monofaction lists, which can be pretty strong but still shouldn’t be considered “top tier,” and Soup lists, which typically use Thousand Sons as part of a Supreme Command Detachment or Battalion as a way of getting Ahriman and a Daemon Prince or two into the army and, in the case of a Battalion, use Rubrics for firepower and Cultists to generate some additional cheap CP. With the only surviving cognisant members being those incredibly strong in heretical psychic powers, the Thousand Sons are now a legion of ghosts led by the damned. They get +1 to all hit rolls until your next psychic phase. It also appeared to bring with it an unavoidable fate of physical de-evolution, but it is unknown exactly what influence Tzeentch had on the development of the Thousand Sons and their geneseed and from what point this influence began. This event was known as the Council of Nikea, and at it – after much deliberation – the Emperor announced that no Astartes must ever again employ the use of psychic powers, upon pain of destruction visited upon them by the Emperor himself. The Cult of Scheming has some cute tricks, and the best of. The Vortex Beast is best used as a Distraction Carnifex-type unit, drawing fire from other more important targets while still acting as a threat if your opponent doesn’t deal with it completely. – Use before the battle to upgrade a bolter weapon (including a twin heavy bolter) on a Vehicle in your army. – Use after a Mutalith Vortex Beast resolves a power. Pick a visible enemy unit within 6” and roll a D6. The series was released on videocassette format by Embassy and won a National Education Association award for best … Every army has this, but it’s easy to forget how useful it is when you can take objectives from Knights and larger units by having a single Cultist or Tzaangor on them. That model’s unit, and every unit (friend or foe) within 3” of that model suffers D3 mortal wounds. You can only equip it if you have 10 models in the unit, which requires a lot of points to get there. Every Psyker in the detachment gets an extra power free. an. If you manifest this power with a roll of 12+, those units take D6 moral wounds instead. When it comes to Star Wars, it is impossible to forget the warfare.But what’s the normal effect that Star Wars Legion can have on a fan? The first iteration saw extensive use of 'mutated' body designs such as elongated limbs or 'flamer' parts. The Cult’s best trick is the, The Cult of Time specialize in time magicks and turning time into a weapon. In either case, you’ll want to load up on powerful psyker HQs, and use those to both toss out a ton of mortal wounds, boost nearby units, and slam into enemy lines. News of this sanction fleet, meanwhile, had previously reached the ears of the now-corrupted Horus himself. Helbrutes have gotten progressively cheaper over 8th edition and they’re not bad per se, but they’re also still outclassed by many other superior options, either when it comes to shooting, where you’ll use a Forge World dreadnought, or combat, where you can use a Maulerfiend. Useful when you need to get an extra Smite off. Chapter Approved and Ritual of the Damned really shook things up for the Thousand Sons from an army composition standpoint; not only is the monofaction army more viable, and more units from the army viable, but the units you’d use have completely shifted – whereas before Thousand Sons relied on large groups of Tzaangors, the army now looks at significant numbers of Rubric Marines and Scarab Occult Terminators, while Tzaangors have fallen by the wayside. Those that were found suitable were taken to the gene-laboratories underneath the Himalayas to begin their transformation into Astartes. Pending a nerf or removal of Abhor the Witch (possibly/hopefully in CA 2021) playing a typical T-sons list is effectively starting at a 30 point deficit. THE HERO WITH A THOUSAND FACES You can help Lexicanum by fixing it. This mutative process became referred to as the flesh-change, and was much feared by the Thousand Sons after it first appeared during the Compliance of Bezant. After the battle the Thousand Sons were fully committed to Horus' cause on Terra. Horrors are notable here for their ability to be an incredibly cheap harassment unit. While Rubric Marines aren’t the world’s best troop choices, Tzaangors and Cultists give Thousand Sons two decent, cheap options for filling out detachments. A S+2 AP-1, D3 Damage melee weapon that allows its bearer to shoot and charge during a turn in which it fell back. The Thousand Sons lay down a relentless hail of ensorcelled bolts as they advance. Those few who survive are born anew and become newly made Chaos Space Marines - Aspiring Sorcerers of the Thousand Sons. In game terms this means regenerating wounds and models. However ultimately, no cure could be found and during the Great Crusade the Thousand Sons suffered a slow death from its gene-seed flaw. This is also where I’ll note that, in addition to being a danger to the PSYKER units around them, Hellforged Dreadnoughts don’t get much out of being THOUSAND SONS units, so if you’re including them as Thousand Sons in your army, it’s almost always going to be because you are playing a monofaction list. Horus confirmed to his traitorous council of war that he believed this interjection of his into the Emperor's own decree would result in Magnus never leaving Prospero alive. Subtract 2 for Characters and Vehicles, for each 4+, the unit takes D3 mortal wounds. But with a detachment of Chaos Daemons they can get a real boost: Their Discs give them the DAEMON keyword, allowing them to benefit from boosts like Flickering Flames and Heralds of Tzeentch (in addition to boosts from psychic powers that affect HERETIC ASTARTES units such as Prescience). The only viable sources now known of are the surviving sorcerers of the Thousand Sons, powerful psykers who are so invested of the powers of the warp that the condition of their geneseed and the effects it would have upon someone implanted with it can only be guessed at. The Thousand Sons have some of the game’s best Warlord Traits and with the new Cult traits on top of those, you’ll likely end up using this stratagem in every game you play, particularly if you’re bringing a Thousand Sons Supreme Command packed with multiple strong characters. This is Ahriman’s Warlord Trait and it’s a good reason to make him your Warlord, especially if you aren’t running a soup list that can easily screen him. He has the large unit of Scarabs set up to teleport in and recover dead models with the Time Flux psychic power. But overall, the best use for these guys is to charge them headlong into key targets that will lose a Shooting phase falling back from them, such as Leviathan Dreadnoughts and Tank Commanders. The list runs an Alpha Legion Possessed Bomb detachment, using Nurgle-marked Possessed. Now we’re talking — this brings some much-needed stability to Vortex Beasts, and allows you to manifest two powers at random, then mash out a third that you need. They’re still good but at double the cost of a Cultist, they’re no longer the cheap way to fill out a Detachment and they’re no longer the horde option you want to build the whole army around. The nine cults are currently:[40a]. As we’ll see in the lists section later, these tend to be either Supreme Command Detachments loaded with Psykers, or Battalions that use a mix of Psykers and Tzaangors. List of Hymns: Unto Us A Boy Is Born Up In Heaven US Air Force Hymn US Army Hymn US Marine Corps. Tzaangors aren’t the core of the army they used to be, but a large blob of them can still hit like a truck and cause some damage. With the ability to move 30″ on Turn 1, the best way to run these is to take 2 to 3 of them and run them up the table on turn 1, charging them right into your opponent’s front lines and tying up key units that might otherwise cause you problems or shoot at your slower units. In this section, we’ll look at a recent monofaction list that makes good use of the ability to take multiple Cults. Doesn’t it thrill you to see the Battle of Hoth and triumph in the clash of the Rebel Alliances as the elite Rebel teams charge on a stormtroopers legion in the Forest Moon of Endor?. They’re still one of the hardiest troop options in the game, at, T4, 3+ save like all marines but with a 5+ invul on top of that and the All is Dust rule grants +1 to saving, if the weapon is D1, so even their invul becomes a 4+. Finally the point cost is pretty cheap so if you have an elite slot open and the points to pay for it, the Shaman is a welcome buff bot. [12], See main article — Notable Battles of the Thousand Sons. Thousand Sons stratagems are, on the whole, only OK, but they’re not bad either, and the baseline power of your units will do most of the heavy lifting. Phew, that was a lot of words about a bunch of space muscle wizards! It’s got some extra utility for Thousand Sons, where you can use it to boost Daemon Engines like the Heldrake, Defilers, or the Decimator. READ PAPER. The documentary series was consolidated into 13 hour-long episodes for American television syndication. He died on June 6, 2018 in Toluca Lake, California, USA. The Cult’s best trick is the Divine the Future psychic power, which really helps smooth out your variance. "Follow the plan! Use it to escape bad combats. This is a good set of powers, and having it really opens things up for the Thousand Sons in a way that underlines how much the Death Guard got screwed. On average, this is going to get you 1-2 mortal wounds, which isn’t amazing, particularly for a power that has Warp Charge 7. 2 groups of 5 Rubrics with one SRC in each and boltguns on the rest / force stave on the sorceror. Then you can use the, The most surprising addition to the Thousand Sons’ Codex, the Mutalith Vortex Beast is one of the game’s strangest units. However, as the Crusade entered wilder regions of space, more and more hostile forces were encountered that deployed powers similar to those that the psychic warriors of the Thousand Sons wielded. The existing Legion stock of vehicles and equipment has rarely been remarked upon since the end of the Thousand Sons' Imperial loyalty (indeed, it is not actually known if the Legion managed to retain anything other than those Legionaries who were transported from Prospero to the Planet of Sorcerers), but it is known that they sometimes scavenge or steal such items during raids. The best part about this discipline is that it works on HERETIC ASTARTES, so you can easily cast its spells while souping. On the whole you won’t have much need for these, but you could do worse that putting some Rubrics in one and using it to put a bunch of AP-2 bolter fire in your opponent’s face and forcing them to deal with a Drill before the rest of your army arrives. Like most marine armies, rhinos are cheap but probably not as cheap as they should be. [1], While the Thousand Sons have an interest in all forms of knowledge, they particularly pursue items or places that may hold sorcerous power or reference arcane secrets. [3c] It was decided that Magnus and his legion would be called to account, and the whole matter of Astartes employing psychic powers at all would be ruled upon. For Warlord Traits, Otherworldly Presence is the jam if you want resilience, while High Magister is the pick if you need him to be casting.