The energy of Jupiter might not be as serious as that of Saturn, but it sure does bring its own magic to the party. The natal aspects between the respective rulers of the first and seventh houses, and any affliction thereto, should also be carefully borne in mind and all testimonies duly weighed. The Moon passing through the Ninth House, a rather fortunate influence, tends to considerably improve the horoscope as a whole, causing the mind to be interested in all matters connected with either the occult life, or philosophy and religion, and if the native can aspire high enough he will now be able to come into touch with that plane of knowledge wherein all things are known: therefore, by awakening the intellectual side of the nature he will be greatly benefited by the Moon’s passage through the house. In a general sense he may expect the personality to come more to the fore, and all matters connected with the form side of existence to engage his attention more than previously; and as the Moon now commences that half of her circle which lies under the earth, he must prepare for the change of condition which the Moon’s passage over the ascendant nearly always brings, for, as has been stated elsewhere, the lower half of the horoscope (houses I. to VI.) It is widely believed that Secondary Progressions reflect the evolution of the personality, whereas the other techniques are more linked to more concrete events (Symbolic, Solar Arcs, and Primary Directions, particularly). We will face great internal conflicts and suffering. Actually, they are complementary, even though some astrologers deem that the transits technique is the most reliable one. While there are many ways of doing this—including Tarot cards, runes, pendulums, or simply following your intuition—astrology has been my favorite way to help others ride the waves of the universe. When the progressed moon is in the 12th house, it is an important period in our lives. Here are interpretations for the progressed moon in the 12 houses of the birth chart. When the progressed moon changes house, changes of interests will be evident. Saturn represents commitment, responsibility, discipline, and Venus represents love. This position generally tends to break up existing conditions, and consequently sometimes affects the health, in accordance with the strength of the Moon at birth or the solar influences operating in the progressed horoscope. We take risks when expressing ourselves. The progressed Sun in Capricorn was in partile opposition to the natal Davison Moon in Cancer and also made a nearly exact semi-sextile (30°) to the Davison Sun. The Moon passing through the Third House will affect the mental conditions, giving great activity in all matters connected with the mind, stimulating to greater thought, and also tending to bring changes. Since the 7th house is an angular house, this is a time of a lot of activity. He brings expansion and good fortune, which naturally makes it easier to find a relationship with this aspect. Alan Oken's Monthly NewsletterSign up for the Newsletter Celestial Happenings Travel Diary Article 1 Article 2 CELESTIAL HAPPENINGS | PISCES 2021Hello everyone and warm greetings to you. Now that you are equipped with some of my fool-proof aspects to look for, be sure to drop us a note and let us know if you see anything cool coming up for you. The most important thing for us at this time will be the spiritual meaning of our past experiences. From an occult standpoint the Moon’s passage through this house is favourable, as it will precipitate many things that have been held in suspension: there will, moreover, be an occult vein running through the native’s consciousness, whether he recognises it as such or not, this being one of the psychic houses in all of which the Moon has some strength, being able to receive all the vibrations that are active in the nativity. When reading these descriptions, take the external factors as being more likely to apply to prog moon in prog houses, and the internal factors as being more likely to apply to prog moon in natal houses. We have a constant concern over obtaining something in reward for our work, or to obtain a place in the world. We can be useful to many people while our progressed moon is in the 11th house. This is one of the deepest periods of life. There will also be new encounters, contacts, or relationships. All favourable influences coming from the planets to the Moon while she passes through this house will tend to unify the native with others and to bring him into contact with those whose lives will run parallel with his own; but no ties or attachments—no unions particularly—should be formed when the Moon in her progress through the seventh meets any affliction to the other planets.