Though the cost of victory was high -- millions of Necrons had been destroyed as a consequence of the rebellion, including all of the members of the Triarch save the Silent King himself -- the Necrons were once more in command of their own destiny. ", No known Necron Dynasties begin with the letter "J. 4. All other original content is part of and cannot be copied, sold or redistributed without permission. The march of aeons during the Great Sleep left the Mephrit's grandeur faded and tattered. No one has borne witness to the atrocities committed by these steel harbingers of apocalypse and lived, and so it can only be guessed at the threat stirring on barren worlds scattered across the galaxy. The terrible wars between the Old Ones and the Necrontyr that followed, known later in Aeldari myth as the War in Heaven, would fill a library in their own right, but the Necrontyr could never win. So would things remain until the 41st Millennium and the return of the Sarnekh Dynasty's most notorious outcast, the self-styled pirate king Thaszar the Invincible. Thus lured by the spoils of victory and the promise of immortality, the separatist Necrontyr realms abandoned their Wars of Secession and the War in Heaven began. Through a series of living stone portals known as the Dolmen Gates, the Necrons were finally able to turn the Old Ones' greatest weapon against them, vastly accelerating the ultimate end of the War in Heaven. To start, simply click on the button to generate 10 random names. Necrontyr cities were built in anticipation of their inhabitants' early demise, as the living were only brief residents living in the shadow of the vast sepulchres and tombs of their ancestors. There might be four C'tan at present in the galaxy, four thousand or any number in between. In return for this aid, the Deceiver assured, it and its brothers would deliver everything that the Necrontyr craved. It will help you to generate 1000's of cool Warhammer 40k Necron Names which you can use in books, novels, games, or whatever fantasy world you want to use it. 1. Several of their Warp Gates were destroyed by their own hands to prevent the entities of the Warp from spreading to uncorrupted worlds. The Tomb Stalker is a massive Necron robotic construct that serves as a guardian on Necron Tomb Worlds. Let the Aeldari shape the galaxy for a time -- they were but ephemeral, whilst the Necrons were undying and eternal. As such, they are almost impervious to destruction, and their mechanical bodies are swift to heal even the gravest wounds. As such, they acted outside the political structures, and held both the right and the means to enforce their will should a Lord, Overlord or even a Phaeron's behaviour contravene the edicts of old. A Null Field Matrix requires incredible amounts of power to function properly and is a fragile device that must be hidden away at a Tomb World's very heart to prevent its destruction. Necrons. Weird things about the name Necron: The name spelled backwards is Norcen. ", A defender from the Imperial Guard is overwhelmed by the assault of the Necrons of a newly awakened Tomb World. The inhabitants of Mandal have thus learnt to dread the onset of dusk. GW, Games Workshop, Citadel, White Dwarf, Space Marine, 40K, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, the ‘Aquila’ Double-headed Eagle logo, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Battletome, Stormcast Eternals, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are either ® or ™, and/or © Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world. Nominally a hereditary position, the uncertain life spans of the Necrontyr ensured that the title of Silent King nonetheless passed from one royal dynasty to another many times. Ordering Mandragora's Dolmen Gates reactivated, he sent forces to seize the many coreworlds from the Ork hordes of Warboss Snagratoof. So it is that whilst most Asuryani craftworlds are re-honing half-remembered strategies from the War in Heaven, Alaitoc is reaching its hand, assailing the Necrons on their own territory, sabotaging their Tomb Worlds and bringing the fight to their legions of undying warriors whenever the opportunity presents itself. Nihilistic Necron Destroyers can be lured to a battle with promises of carnage and slaughter, whilst Crypteks can be retained through acts of patronage. Though neither so majestic nor so mighty as crownworlds, the coreworlds were great powers to be reckoned with in their heyday and, barring disaster, are so again in the 41st Millennium. Necron Lychguard armed with a Hyperphase Sword and a Dispersion Shield. Remaining at the forefront of the Necron force's bloody harvest, they reap a heavy toll on the enemy, the speed and ferocity of their attacks undiminished by their antiquity. The dynasty's relative power is therefore greater than it was in ancient times, for its people have emerged far more reliably from stasis hibernation than most other Necrons. Utilising physical principles and technology that have not been rediscovered by any other intelligent species since they began their long sleep, the Necrons created immense subterranean warehouses to store their race for the millions of Terran years they would spend inactive. Few enemy commanders encounter Deathmarks and live to tell the tale. This name generator is not affiliated with Games Workshop, merely inspired by their works. Thaszar's vessels have already begun to prowl both the Webway and realspace, and the galaxy will surely come to rue the day he awakened. The deliciously focused trickles of electromagnetic energy given off by the physical bodies of the Necrontyr all about them awakened a new hunger in the C'tan very unlike the one they had once sated using the nourishing, but essentially tasteless, energies of the stars. Mephet'ran the Deceiver, one of the C'tan Shards. Liked this video? Tectonically unstable planets crushed Necron strongholds slumbering at their hearts; stars went supernova, consuming orbiting Tomb Worlds in their death throes. Easily the size of a dozen men, this centipede-like robotic construct makes use of arcane Phase Generators, allowing it to stalk the Tomb World of its slumbering Necron lords, burrowing through solid ground. The Necrons focussed the unimaginable energies of the living universe into weapons too mighty for even the Star Gods to endure. Even in life, the Necrontyr civilisation was one of strict protocol and process, governed by nobles whose rule was absolute. The Necrons may have infiltrated the Imperium to an extent. During their long periods of dormancy the Necrons left their sepulchres guarded by silent, tireless machines. His new machine body was far mightier than the frail form he had tolerated for so long, and his thoughts were swifter and clearer than they had ever been. The Necron nobles of the Tomb World of Zantragora have but one overriding goal. Above each furnace swooped and dove the ethereal true-forms of the C'tan as they glutted themselves on the cast off spiritual detritus and life energy of an entire species; growing ever stronger. If the Necrodermis is compromised, the C'tan Shard explodes in a pulse of blinding energy, its being scattered to the galactic solar winds. It should be noted that necrodermis is not an alloy of other metals but a fundamentally new material created by the Necrontyr. Necron Overlords and Lords form the nodes of the command structure, allowing each noble an allocated hierarchical value at any given time. The ranking structures within the Necrontyr armies and fleets have remained constant, no matter how vast and disparate the dynasties have become. In the shroud of orbital wreckage surrounding the planet, Thaszar has access to all the raw materials he will ever need to build a Necron pirate fleet the scale of which has not been seen for 60 million Terran years; in the reprogrammed Necrons of Zapennec, he has crews and captains of unfailing loyalty. They recovered the fragments of the great map from one of the Crone Worlds of the Eye of Terror, spread their networks of Outcasts and Exodites ever wider and waited for the ancient enemy to return. A Tomb World is at its most vulnerable during the revivification process. Each dynasty of the Necrontyr sought to claim its own destiny and some began to secede from the overall Necrontyr Empire and the rule of the Triarch. With the Orks driven off or destroyed, the reclaimed Tomb Worlds were then awoken, swelling Imotekh's forces further. In this, their prayers were answered, though the price for their species would be incalculably high. Backed up by the formidable strength of a Lychguard, a warscythe can split even an armoured warrior of the Adeptus Astartes nearly in two. Though the Adeptus Mechanicus can only guess at how this Nodal Command system truly operates, they have determined that there are at least four levels of hierarchy within the Nodal Command, which the Tech-priests have designated Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum levels, in ascending order of command priority. The lords of the re-emergent Oltep Dynasty delved deep beneath the empty Imperial hab-blocks only to discover that the favoured, The worlds ruled by the Oroskh Dynasty are heavily infected by the dreaded Flayer Virus -- the result of a deliberate contamination conducted by. The Pandora's box unleashed in the Warp by the creation of the younger races finally scattered the last of the Old Ones and broke their power over the galaxy once and for all. In the wake of these victories, the C'tan and their undying Necron servants now dominated the galaxy. Necrons. Collectively, these beings were known as the Old Ones, and they were absolute masters of forms of energy the Necrontyr could not even conceive of, yet alone wield. With the devastating weapon known as a Rod of Covenant at their disposal there is very little that can survive the assault of a Triarch Praetorian. Its face looks like it is covered by a mask that has holes and a mouth. Well, suffice to say that the concept of glory is wasted on the inglorious.". The vast majority of Tomb Worlds, however, take a more aggressive tack, launching resource raids, planetary invasions or the full-blown genocidal purges the Necrons' former C'tan masters once called "red harvests." If the Necrons can be prevented from waking to their full glory, if the scattered Tomb Worlds can be prevented from unifying, then there is a chance of survival. The Lykhaz Dynasty is a recently awakened Necron Dynasty that come from the Tomb World of Orinok. Records held in the Black Library contradict those maintained on Ulthwe, which are again at odds with the archives held on Alaitoc. For generating Warhammer 40k Necron Names simply scroll down and click on the Get Necron Names Button to randomly generate 10 Warhammer 40k Necron Names . Necrons tickets are obtained by defeating necron. In these days of the Necrons' awakening, no world in the galaxy can rest easy... Mandragora was always an important world, a hub for the Necron armies that did battle on the eastern rim of the galaxy. Their torso is fused to a skimming anti-gravity flyer that enables them to attack faster and further than the standard Immortals. But before it was complete, the seeds of destruction the Old Ones had planted millennia before brought about an unforeseen cataclysm. The Necrons are still a shadowy presence rather than a full-fledged force in the galaxy of the present time. As even the smallest of Tomb Worlds has at least two-score nobles of lesser rank, an Overlord can commonly draw upon at least a hundred legions of Necron Warriors, should they have need. But the Necrons are ageless and undying, their technology still unmatched by any of the younger races of the galaxy. After long, bitter centuries of searching for some power to unleash upon the Old Ones, the Necrontyr researchers used stellar probes to discover unusual electrodynamic anomalies in the oldest, dying stars of the galaxy. With its charges thus rendered mindless, the complex's Tomb Mind took charge of their living metal bodies. After multiple encounters with the Necrons, it has become obvious to Imperial savants that as a conflict worsens, a Tomb World will temporarily withdraw its existing forces from combat before releasing a new, more potent army led by an extended Nodal Command. Since the Necrons are all robots with no gender, I didn't separate the names into male and female. From the earliest days, the rulers of individual Necrontyr dynasties were themselves governed by the Triarch, a council composed of three monarchs or "phaerons.". The common soldiery, such as Necron Warriors and Immortals, are largely considered to be interchangeable chattel by their noble masters. Pariahs are often used by the Inquisition and the Ordo Hereticus against the witches and renegade psykers. Alas for the Necrons, such defences are far from complete. Outwardly, this appears little different to the glow of teleportation, leaving the foe to wonder whether the Necron has finally been destroyed or has merely retreated to its tomb. The C'tan or Necron "Star Gods," known in the Aeldari Lexicon as the Yngir, are said to be the oldest intelligent beings in existence in the Milky Way Galaxy. Yet this absence of psychic ability enforces its own limitations, particularly when combating creatures to whom sorcery is as much a part of war as conventional munitions, as there is no surer defence against a psyker than another, more powerful, psyker. however, complex reanimation protocols and self-repair rituals keep their forces strong, even in defeat. This includes even 'dead' Necrons (those who have not yet repaired themselves) and those already engaged in close combat. Indeed, he had known the C'tan's ultimate destruction to be impossible and had drawn his plans accordingly; each C'tan Shard was bound within a multidimensional Tesseract Labyrinth, as tramelled and secured as a Terran djinn trapped in a bottle. The skeletal forms of Necron Warriors are a spine-chilling sight to behold; kinetic projectiles and lasblasts bounce harmlessly from their metallic limbs. A site all about the Necrons. Pariahs are very rare in the galaxy since perhaps only one person on an entire world will be a carrier of the gene in every human generation. There are thousands of Tomb Worlds scattered throughout the galaxy whose halls are thronged with shambling automatons, Necrons whose minds fled during the long hibernation, and whose bodies have been co-opted by a Tomb World's master autonomic program in an attempt to bring some form of order to their existence. Now the siege has finally ended, and Trakonn's armies have finally cast the upstart Humans from their planet and begun the search for the other Tomb Worlds of their dynasty. Should a C'tan Shard rebel, or a fault develop in its control relays, then fail-safe mechanisms automatically activate, whisking the creature back to its tomb, there to languish for long Terran centuries until times are dire enough that the Necrons must call upon its services again. Errors in circuitry and protocols ensured that a revivification destined to take place in the early years of the 41st Millennium of the Imperial Calendar actually began far earlier in a few cases, or has yet to occur at all in others. However, in the ongoing battle for status and proper protocol among the Necrons, even a laughable court is considered better than no court at all. Awakening on Athonos, the Tomb World to which he had been exiled, and driven by some urge he could not identify, Thaszar returned to Zapennec. Necron Names . The Pariah Gene is extremely rare and confined solely to Mankind, meaning that Pariahs are quite rare in the galaxy, and there are very few even amongst the Necrons. They seem to attack from nowhere often simply appearing at nearly any location in the galaxy, no matter how well-defended. Of these powerful constructs, the most fearsome known to Mankind is the Tomb Stalker. In the aftermath, and fearing the vengeance of the Old Ones, the Deceiver and its brothers had hidden themselves away, hoping one day to find allies with whom they could finally bring the Old Ones to account. Now, after sixty million standard years of dormancy, a great purpose begins. Seemingly, Valgul remains untouched by the Flayer Virus that has consumed his people, but what truly sane creature would willingly live amongst gibbering Flayed Ones? Such individuals do so in ignorance of the many millions of encounters that, though predating the Sanctuary 101 event, went entirely unremarked upon because no one survived to make note of them, the records were lost or deemed mythic, or simply took place on a world where the inhabitants made no distinction between differing alien perils. Pariahs wield spear-like Warscythes that are also outfitted with built-in Gauss Blasters that make them extremely dangerous opponents. Degenerate alien species squat amongst the ruins of those Necron Tomb Worlds that remain, little aware of the greatness they defile with their upstart presence. It was a war, he said, that the C'tan had lost. Rather, they see themselves as the gardeners of Creation and dispassionately use the Orrery in a precise and sparing manner, pruning the galaxy only out of need to prevent it from becoming wild and overgrown. Likewise, the Necrons now enjoyed a political unity that the Necrontyr had never known, though it was achieved through tyranny and the complete loss of individuality and emotion rather than by any form of consent. In 873.M41, both feuding Dynasties each despatch, By no means did all of the Necrontyr people go willingly to the chambers of transformation, but the nobility of the. At the same time, they offered amnesty to any secessionist dynasties who willingly returned to the fold. Developed during the War in Heaven, these networks of anti-psychic field emitters generate an unknown energy field that destabilises a psyker's connection to the Warp, rendering him unable to utilise his full power. Renewed by their devouring of the life energies of an entire species, the C'tan were now unstoppable, and with the legions of the Necrons marching in their wake, the Old Ones were doomed. The biotranserence process imbued in every one of the Silent King's subjects the command protocols with which he would rule over them with an iron hand. The system is often likened to the ancient flow charts once used to design cogitator algorithms during the Age of Technology. Immortals are typically armed with gauss blasters, weapons even deadlier than the Gauss Flayers used by Warriors. Yet the Silent King knew that the time of the Aeldari would eventually pass, as it must pass for all those beings still cloaked in flesh. Despite their best efforts, the Old Ones' greatest works and places of power were overrun by the horrors their own creations had unleashed. Ferociously quick, the most common use for Destroyers is as mobile fire support platforms. Zahndrekh. With one hated enemy finally defeated, and the other spent from hard-fought victory, the Silent King at last led the Necrons in revolt against their C'tan masters. Their phase technology allows them to deploy anywhere in the galaxy, almost instantaneously through unknown means. A Platinum-level Necron Lord has not yet been encountered by Imperial forces. Their world-rending weapons were lost to the void or fallen into disrepair, while many of their coreworlds are no more. In death, they surpass the Warriors in nearly every way. Thus, Necrons entering the Webway had to reach their intended destination through its shifting transdimensional corridors quickly, lest the network itself bring about their destruction. They offered the Necrontyr a path to immortality and the physical stability their race had always craved. None can say for sure how many Tomb Worlds entered the Great Sleep, but it is certain that a great many did not survive into the late 41st Millennium. Lower still are the Necron Lords, each charged with the keeping of a dynasty's single core or fringeworld. The entire species was now his to command as one, and so it fell upon the Necrons to honour their side of their terrible bargain. Genestealer Cults is probably the best army for alpha strikes. Savant speculation indicates that this level of Necron Lord would command massive Necron fleets intended to conquer entire swathes of the galaxy. Progress has proved excruciatingly slow, and every step is marked in the blood of the "lesser" species. Assailed at every moment by ionising solar winds and intense radiation storms, the flesh and blood Necrontyr became a morbid people whose precarious life spans were riven by constant loss. A Refined Necron's Handle is refined at a Refiner 3000, and costs 500m from a f7 bedrock chest. Charistoph. On the newer, second site (, Wait, there's even more! Map of Necron Dynasty activity across the Milky Way Galaxy, ca. It uses its powerful senses to trail its prey from kilometres away and can sense the frenzied rhythm of a panicked man's heartbeat through hundreds of metres of solid stone. Now as the Enslavers breached from the Immaterium in epidemic proportions, the survivors looked doomed. The motives of Necron nobles and royals are often muddied by the pursuit of personal power, making accurate divination of an individual's intentions -- and therefore of the campaigns conducted by their undying legions -- nigh impossible. Those dynasties listed below can be considered the most powerful of those that remain and are currently known to the Imperium of Man. Weapons glance off his armour or simply pass straight through him as he shifts in and out of reality using the Necrons phase shifting technology. They are masters of dimensional dissonance, singularity manipulation, atomic transmutation, elemental transmogrification and countless other reason-defying technologies. Szarekh. Anrakyr. On other occasions, the campaign is less a martial action than a systematic extermination, the swatting of lesser lifeforms as they themselves would swat insects.