The body enjoys taking horsetail in spurts. The Hyemale species is specific for building enamel on teeth, strengthening gum tissue, loose teeth and bone structure. To prepare, bring 1/4 litre (c. 8.5 fluid ounces) of water to the boil, pour over 1 heaped teaspoon of horsetail. Horsetail, a rough textured and scruffy looking relative of ferns, is remarkable for the amount of mineral salts it absorbs from the soil. There are no reported serious side effects or toxicities. The above ground parts are used to make medicine. Adding horsetail to your daily routine is easy and can make all the difference for remedying these problems. Equisetum (/ ˌ ɛ k w ɪ ˈ s iː t əm /; horsetail, snake grass, puzzlegrass) is the only living genus in Equisetaceae, a family of vascular plants that reproduce by spores rather than seeds.. Equisetum is a "living fossil", the only living genus of the entire subclass Equisetidae, which for over 100 million years was much more diverse and dominated the understorey of late Paleozoic forests. Final Thoughts. Horsetail can be taken in this way for 6-10 days each month to maintain health. The diet the cures cavities, How one mother cured her son’s cavity, and A success story: Remineraling teeth after bottle rot in a breastfed child. ) You can take a tablet of horsetail daily, which also has the benefit of helping the other areas of your body (skin, nails, teeth, bones, kidneys, etc.). Horsetail is also rich in minerals and while helping the body produce more urine, replaces lost minerals due to more frequent urination. It is also known as Pewterwort (due to its use in polishing pewter and wood), Scouring Rush( due to the abrasive coating of silicates on its stems which was used for scouring metal pots). Also, horsetail-based teeth and gum preparations treat bleeding gums and ulcers in both cats and dogs. Horsetail ointment can be applied to heal wounds, stop bleeding, prevent infection, and reduce pain . However, a person with weaker teeth and bones can take larger doses for a longer period of time. In Your Landscape. Because horsetail can also cause low levels of thiamin, you should not take horsetail if you drink heavily. For teeth repair and building, 1,500 mg per day. Herbs which are also great at supporting kidney function are horsetail and buchu. Overview Information Horsetail is a plant. This is the primary reason why this tea is consumed, although some like the distinct flavor, and others may be interested in the other specific benefits that horsetail can give to your health overall. Look for Horsetail at your local Health Food store. Horsetail is one of the highest silica-containing plants on earth. This is easy and inexpensive ($5 per bottle)! Also, oregano essential oil helps you in clearing the pain, inflammation and swollen gums. Kidney irritation could occur with long-term, repetitive, and frequent use. This herb isn't in powder form ,so it will go into my coffee grinder to make the powder. As a source of silica, this herb is now being studied for bone, hair, and skin health. It is a remarkable medicinal herb that offers numerous health benefits. Horsetail herb: Other Uses. Maria Treben specifically mentions its use for bleeding and inflamed gums. Horsetail has been approved by the German Commission E for use as a diuretic for edema. Digoxin (Lanoxin) -- Horsetail may cause low levels of potassium (hypokalemia) in the body. What is Horsetail? Well known physician from the Roman times Galen recommended horsetail herb as the best remedy for bleeding conditions, lung disorders, kidney and bladder diseases.. Let’s take a look what conditions horsetails extract benefits the most according to modern day medicine. I had a young infant at the time, and was dealing with some health issues for … Unfortunately, horsetail is often treated as a weed (similar to dandelion) and destroyed once found. Side Effects of Horsetail. Taking it for 5-10 days, followed by a few days off, will be more effective than a continual daily dose." Names of Horsetail in various languages of the world are also given. I will use for one month then use my normal homemade toothpaste. ... teeth can hurt so bad and I have read so many sites looking for answers, Thankyou for being one of them I have read that supplementing with lots of Vitamin C can help block the effects of phytic acid/grains. Nicotine patches or gum -- Horsetail contains some nicotine, and should not be used if you are also using nicotine replacement patches or chewing gum. How much? Horsetail is a thin, and sterile perennial plant with a rhizomatous stem that looks like the tail of a bird or a horse. Kristie. What is Horsetail? We've read and heard that an herbal mix of nettles, oatstraw, and horsetail (shown below) are reported to have exceptionally high sources of natural silica (and other nutrients) that are very good for the teeth and bones. Horsetail is a perennial plant. Horsetail is a plant. Horsetail herb – Due to its silica content, the herb can aid in the healing of broken bones and ligaments. You can also buy horsetail extract in a bottle and can add this to your scalp manually. Horsetail reeds (Equisetum hyemale) is a great addition to the edges of backyard ponds If you want to build strong teeth and bones, you have to eat the stuff that will build them. Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients in Horsetail. We'll see. Horsetail is a unique plant with its history going back to the line of plants that date back to prehistoric times. Silica may strengthen bones, nails, hair, skin, and teeth, as well as bodily tissues, membranes, and cell walls. Dr. Paul Haider – Master Herbalist for over 30 years, helping people to live healthier lives. Horsetail comes in many varieties, but the one most often used medicinally is … Some have recommended it as a poultice or warm compress. Brittle nails: A specific type of topical formulation (including horsetail and other chemical elements) applied every night for 29 days (or every other day for 14 days) in clinical trials. Horsetail herbs are 35 percent silica, one of the most abundant minerals on the planet. Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) Also known as shave grass, this ancient herb is one of the best remedies for rebuilding bones, teeth, and other connective tissues of the body. Turned into a lotion, it can be used to treat dog’s eczema. What is horsetail used for? No, the horsetail is for the silica source which the body uses to repair teeth, bones, hair, nails, etc. The tooth powder recipe is an herbal formula of various items as pine resin, red root, white sage and a coupla others, I'd have to look it up for all the speciic ingredients and percentages, but it … ; Diuretic: A dry extract of horsetail containing 0.026% total flavonoids was given as a 300 mg dose, by mouth three times per day. Reasons for Harvesting Horsetail Herbs. Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) tea. Try taking horsetail extract or drinking tea twice per day for 8 weeks to reduce fluid build -up in the body. Simply crush horsetail and soak it in warm water for about 15 minutes, then wrap in a cloth and apply it to the spot. How Horsetail is effective for various diseases is listed in repertory format. The above ground parts are used to make medicine. Horsetail can also be used for direct applications. It may also help the body absorb calcium and restore a healthy balance between calcium and magnesium. When made into horsetail tea, it contains high amount of different minerals, including manganese, potassium, aluminum, and flavonoids. The teeth deteriorate but it is from the toxic blood stream and the enamel-destroying toxic saliva which is a result of an impure (toxic) blood stream. People traditionally used horsetail to reduce fluid buildup and inflammatory issues. Horsetail may interact with the following herbs and supplements: areca, thiamine, herbs and supplements that may lower blood sugar, and chromium-containing herbs and supplements. I was at a typical dentist office getting my teeth cleaned and checked for cavities. If a child has good wholesome food and has been given a "good solid start in life" with a full healthy set of teeth and … And, as the stories go, we heard that this mix can help teeth to heal from decay, and that they might even regrow! Using the horsetail herb for dogs in this way should be done two to … But you have to take this in moderation as excess silica … In fact, horsetail herb has been around since pre-historical times, remedying everything from ulcers to wounds as well as kidney problems.. December 12, 2014 at 2:53 PM. It is reproduced by its spores instead of the seeds. Reply. Equisetum hyemale, commonly called scouring rush or rough horsetail, is a non-flowering, rush-like, rhizomatous, evergreen perennial which typically grows 3-5’ tall and is native to large portions of Eurasia, Canada and the U.S., including Missouri. Horsetail has a high amount of natural Silica for teeth, hair and nails . It is commonly called horsetail or winter scouring rush, but there are several varieties. The herb is popular for its cognitive boosting function, protecting bone health, alleviating respiratory issues and promoting good oral health. Refined sugar and flour have none. It has a high mineral content, especially silica. Horsetail is known to concentrate heavy metals and other toxins in its leaves. Or prepare a homemade toothpowder by mixing 3 parts each of oak bark, peppermint, horsetail root, 1 part of cloves and 6 parts of comfrey root and use it to brush your teeth regularly. Take a Silica supplement. In this article, we look at the evidence for clove oil as a treatment for toothache, and investigate whether it has any possible side effects. Because of its content of silica, this plant is used when the body needs help to repair bones and collagen. Limit its use to one month at a time, or stop for one week every three weeks when taking this herb. Reply. Some of these mineral salts are potassium, manganese, magnesium, sulphur and calcium. Horsetail contains more than 35% silica, a compound that is used to strengthen connective tissues such as skin, hair, nails, bones (including broken bones, fractures and osteoporosis), teeth, cartilage, ligaments, arteries and mucus membranes. List of various diseases cured by Horsetail. Silica helps the body capture and store calcium, which provides more of this mineral for the body to utilise. If you haven’t heard of horsetail herb, you’ll be pleased to discover that it doesn’t involve the tail of a horse. Horsetail is a member of the Equisetaceae family; the sole survivor of a line of plants going back three hundred million years. This particular species is one that has been used for centuries for tooth and gum care. ... cartilage, teeth, nails or hair. From Father Kneipp to Father Kuenzle, several famous herbalists have sung the praises of the humble horsetail herb.