About us / Our staff Disclaimer: All content is provided for fun and entertainment purposes only Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation by your doctor. I hope this was helpful! With that said, if you still have a gut-feeling that you need to take the course, take it! It’s 2015 and your blog is still reaching many readers! I am worried about my writing and I’m not sure if I will be able to understand APUSH fully since it is a lot of reading and other information to take in that I am not sure if I will be able to fully comprehend. I don’t think she took all the AP courses offered, just most of them. I’m currently taking Pre Calculus, Physics, German 2, and Soph English. We had pop quiz over some major events and I got all the matching section correct, but all the chronological order wrong, haha. . What other classes (specifically AP’s and any science classes) di you take your junior year? -Pre-Calculus Honors The Declaration of Independence is one of the most important documents in the history of the United States.. Fast Facts. Keep in mind that APUSH is probably different than other history courses that you’ve taken, for better and for worse. We had to reach chapters, answer questions, and do a DBQ. Sorry for the super-long comment. See how other students and parents are navigating high school, college, and the college admissions process. How do you feel about history? Of course, I don’t advise cramming for this course but, who knows, you might be someone who could pull it off. Have you had trouble with it in the past? Good luck (: Hello, (Still, it’s something you can work and improve on next year!) Like economics? Hello, ... Just tell us who you are to view your results ! AP classes are typically more challenging than regular high school classes, but did you know that some APs are harder than others? Then next semester I decided to take 2 APs (Environmental science and Psychology), Spanish 2, and Advanced Functions and Modeling which will require a lot less writing for me. However, if you really have no interest in the subject and only want to take the class because you’re afraid you won’t get into your college of choice if you don’t, I would deeply reconsider putting it into your already busy schedule. Also, if you are anything like I … I am in 4 clubs and 3 societies. Well, I read the part about the writer… I didn’t learn much to write in past years so I am not a good writer and I don’t really know much about good essays. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? Hi everyone, I just wondered if anyone can tell me just how difficult a history degree is? Good luck everyone! Lower pass rates might indicate a more difficult class; however, sometimes pass rates in the hardest subjects are unexpectedly high because only the most dedicated students take those classes. What I’m trying to say is take this class to learn, realize that you will learn, and try your best to do well. Hi! It sounds like you have a lot on your plate for junior year, which is a great thing for when college applications start rolling around but for right now, it could become quite overwhelming. As I mentioned in the first part of this section, though, it's also a class that's usually taken by the most high-achieving students, so there shouldn't be wide-ranging problems with a lack of preparation. I know grades may seem like a bigger deal, but colleges also want to know what makes you special beyond grades. ( Log Out /  I think it’s really important to have some time to just enjoy yourself, instead of having piles of work to do (and yes, you’ll NEED a lot of rest when the SATs come around). I wish I could give you a definitive yes or no, but I don’t know if that’s possible. Do you mean retake the class or the exam? Don’t feel like you need to take a course because all of your friends are taking it. Samantha is also passionate about art and graduated with honors from Dartmouth College as a Studio Art major in 2014. If you're better at quantitative subjects such as math and science and struggle with subjects that require lots of reading, writing, and memorization of facts, you can assume that AP US History will be difficult for you. Can you handle it? -AP Physics 2 *I am updating this blog two years after I wrote it; it has become obvious that this is my most popular post thanks to all you apprehensive high-school students. The roaring 20’s (my favorite) and the 60’s will fascinate you. I only got a 4 on the exam, which is pretty average but if you’re looking for expert advice on how to ace it I am, unfortunately, not that person haha I think I began to study (like really, really study) a couple of days ahead. Just don’t use this as an excuse to accept a B because it could be seen as an A. I had a first day of school and I have APUSH, pre-calc, ap chem, 11 eng.. I’m glad someone could take something away from my rant (: I am completely with you on that, by the way. Thank you! This way, when you get multiple choice questions, you can eliminate answers that really don’t fit in and you’ll have a better chance of getting it correct even if you don’t know the answer. However, I also wonder what you mean when you say “I don’t like history.” Is it the content or the assignments you don’t like? so this is my situation …. The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776.. 3. Don’t take the course just because your parents forced you to or because you think it’ll look good on college applications. 10 Insane Hard History Questions. There were days when I would come home at 7:00 p.m with an essay, 20+ questions, chemistry homework, and a clinical journal to do. The tools of spanking are varied. Or, like you said, use that time to do other activities that would look good on your potential application– volunteering for an organization or cause that you deeply care about, for example, will look just as great as any AP class (assuming you put in enough hours and effort toward it) to a college admissions board, I’m sure. I love your article, it’s funny and helpful at the same time. Is the work load of APUSH going to hinder my time for my other classes? Think of it as dedicating necessary time to yourself and having the opportunity to do even better in the classes/activities you are already in. Not a fan of studying (pretty sure there are many out there).