If your dog is showing signs of an ear infection, seek treatment right away to ensure the problem does not become serious. Look for grass seeds and other plant material, as well as for ticks. Therefore, it is vital to keep your dog’s ear dry and prevent the infection-causing microorganisms from multiplying. A dog may also become lethargic due to reasons other than physical problems. "The most common cause is an underlying allergy to either food (chicken, beef, and soy are amongst the most … In puppies, ear mites can also be a source of infection. That’s because chronic ear infections are usually a sign that something else is wrong. The dogs’ ears have different anatomy and are more prone to damages. Over time the number of opportunistic microorganisms increases so significantly that they stay displacing the beneficial microorganisms. Your vet will want to know the following: After obtaining your dog’s history, your veterinarian will perform a physical examination. Dogs with floppy ears (cocker spaniels, poodles and Labrador retrievers) or hairy, inner ear canals (schnauzers) are susceptible to suffering chronic ear infections. Ear Infections in Dogs. In addition to shaking their heads, affected dogs scratch their ears and regions around the ears. 1 If you notice any of them, make an appointment with your veterinarian right away. Excess moisture is a common cause of ear infections, so be sure to thoroughly dry your dog’s ears after swimming and bathing. Otitis media and interna can be very serious and may result in deafness, facial paralysis, and vestibular signs. All rights reserved. But severe infections or those due to underlying conditions may take months to resolve, or may become chronic problems. This structure predisposes … In fact, it is one of the top 10 reasons dogs go to … If you checked your dog’s ear and they are clean and odor-free, leave them alone. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. A lethargic dog will generally be slower to respond to a call or stimulus than a dog that is switched on and alert, and they will often spend a lot of time lazing about and sleeping. Easily save as a PDF or print. Lapses in your dog’s treatment may lead to the recurrence of the infection. This includes drying the ears after routine cleanings and preventing water from entering the ears during baths. If the infection affects only one year, the dog will probably hold its head bent in the direction of the affected ear. ), but also to prevent the spread of infection to the middle and inner ear. Barley awns and foxtails can get caught in the hair around the ear, and if they enter the ear canal, they travel only further down, which will eventually cause infection. Ear infections are typically caused by bacteria, yeast, or a combination of both. Swab your dog… Today, dogs come with a variety of differently shaped and sized ears. Once you are done with the moist part of the cleaning, gently press a cotton ball or dry cloth inside the ear to absorb the moist. Ivana has worked in veterinary medicine since 2010. Most ear infections in adults are caused by bacteria and yeast, though ear mites are a common cause in … 4.5 out of 5 stars 1,209. These infections often result from the spread of infection from the external ear. The ear mites pinhead-sized, white dots that move frenetically when exposed to light. An elimination diet is best, see how he does on the Purina HA but if he’s still has ear infection, try an elimination diet… here’s a link to Dr Karen Becker about yeasty skin & ears, about 5 mins into her video she talks about potatoes & sweet potatoes & how to stop your dogs ear infections with a sugar free diet….. starch=sugar Table of Contents: What Causes Ear Infections in Dogs? Anaemia The condition is medically known as Otitis Externa. Treatment . 2015 - 2021 © Barking Royalty. Dogs with yeast-related ear infections often have dark brown or black debris in the ears. Wipe out the canal with absorbent gauze. Factors that may predispose your dog to ear infections include: If your dog is showing any of the common signs of ear infections, it’s important to visit your veterinarian as soon as possible. Your vet may also prescribe an ear cleanser and a topical medication for you to use at home. But there’s a reason ear infections are so hard to get rid of and keep away. Do not try to treat ear infections at home. More often than not, ear mite infections are complicated by opportunist yeast and bacteria. If you purchase a product through this article, we may receive a portion of the sale. Canine ear infections are yeast infections that require immediate treatment. In such cases, treating the ear infection requires managing the underlying allergic condition. If your dog is showing the first signs of an ear infection, this product is for him. Ear infections in dogs is a common occurrence and if left untreated can turn into an uncomfortable and most painful experience for your dog. Be on the lookout for signs of ear infection in your dog. Your vet may prescribe oral and/or topical medications, so it’s important to follow dosage information and ask any questions when administering meds to your pet. Wipe the exterior gunk off if any comes up. While a healthy dog usually can defend himself against this bacterium, a dog who has a weakened immune system may find it more difficult. Treating Your Dog’s Ear Infection: How to Care For Your Pet. If there is too much wax, instill a few minerals or baby oil drops inside the ear and wait for several hours. The second, the most common opportunistic microorganism responsible for causing chronic otitis is the bacterium Pseudomonas. It helps to heal either liquid or thick secretions in the dog's infected ear and helps cleanse the ear wax. For example, if you swab your puppy’s ear and place the swab against a dark background, you will be able to see them wriggle around the wax. Everything you read in this article was written by a medical expert whose name, biography and picture are shown below the article. If you feel that any of our content is inaccurate, out-of-date, or otherwise questionable, please contact us. If your pet is scratching near his ears or shaking his head, external parasites may not be the culprit. To use vinegar for your dog’s ear infections … > Gently Palpate the ear and assess the severity of pain. This does not mean you need to become an ear wax police patrol and look inside your dog’s ears every day. Usually, the two opportunistic microorganisms work together. The tick causes severe yet local infection accompanied by a foul-smelling and bloody discharge. Alternatively, instead of mineral baby oil, you can use a wax eliminating solution. Each ear shape has its own maintenance requirements. In cases of severe chronic disease where other treatments have failed, your veterinarian may recommend surgery such as a Total Ear Canal Ablation (TECA). But, ear infections in dogs can be caused by food allergies, parasites, foreign bodies, trauma, excess moisture in the ear or hereditary conditions. Be diligent about checking your dog’s ears after playing in tall grasses. If you suspect your dog has a foxtail inside its ear, to prevent the seed from puncturing the eardrum, you can instill around ten drops of baby mineral oil inside the ear. Excessively vigorous cleaning of … Food allergies are often the culprit in cases of otitis (ear inflammation). Ear mites (scientifically known as Otodectescyanotis) are pesky parasitic insects that feed on wax and skin debris. In dogs without chronic ear infections, routine cleaning is not necessary. While they are among the most common health issues, most owners don’t know the causes, symptoms, or treatment related to them.. Today, we’re going to talk about all of those things and more. To use coconut oil to help treat or prevent your dog’s ear infection, put a small amount of coconut oil at the entrance to their ear canal. Founded in 1884, the AKC is the recognized and trusted expert in breed, health, and training information for dogs. You may also notice an abnormal odor from the ear or see redness or swelling. Even healthy dogs and cats can appear lethargic, according to Boston Veterinary Clinic owner Dr. Brian Bourquin, any increased signs of inactivity in your pet can be indicative of a larger problem. The vet will examine the ears with an otoscope – a device designed specifically for ear examination. A common cause of ear infections is water being trapped in your dog’s ear. If your dog suffers from recurring ear infections, it is possible that the underlying cause of the infections is Candida - a single-celled organism that causes yeast infections in dogs. Ear swabs designed for humans are definitely forbidden for dogs. Ear thermometers are usually somewhat more expensive, but your dog will appreciate your willingness to shell out a few more bucks. Suppose your puppy is shaking its head vigorously, scratching its ears excessively, and has an unpleasant smelling, mahogany-black ear wax. If your dog is prone to chronic or recurrent ear infections, identifying and managing any underlying causes such as allergies can help prevent new infections from occurring. http://www.theonlinevet.com/newsletter.phpHow To Treat Your Dog's Ear Infection With Natural At Home Remedies Use a good quality dog ear cleaner, such as Banixx. The matter of vaccination causes a lot of debate, when it comes to both people and... CBD Oil For Dogs: What Dose To Give Your Dog? Cocker spaniels, basset hounds, golden retrievers, dachshunds and poodles are often vulnerable to frequent dog ear infections. Therefore, the dog’s ear canal is more vertical and somewhat L-shaped. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to reduce the length and severity of these episodes for your dog. If, instead of plucking, your dog is more comfortable with trimming, go for it. A dog in pain will shake its head and scratch its ears trying to relieve that discomfort. Depending on how severe the infection is, your vet may need to put your pet under general anaesthetic to remove the … A foul odor coming from the ears is usually a yeast infection and can be treated with an ear wash containing boric acid and anti-fungal ointments. You can use another moistened cloth or cotton ball to wipe the accessible portions of the ear. http://www.theonlinevet.com/newsletter.phpHow To Treat Your Dog's Ear Infection With Natural At Home Remedies It could be an ear infection. Ear infections in dogs are common and most dogs suffer from this painful condition sometime in their life. Therefore, the treatment is used until all eggs have hatched and all adult mites are destroyed. Once yeast cells take over in the moist, dark areas of a dog’s ears, the ensuing ear infection continues spreading into the inner ear and eventually causes fluid build-up behind the eardrum. The vet will remove the foreign body with alligator forceps and an otoscope. Ear infections; Dental disease; Glaucoma and other eye conditions; Pancreatitis; Anal sac issues; Urinary tract infections; If your dog experiences persistent vomiting, or you notice blood in their stool along with lethargic behavior, you should see your vet immediately. Some dogs show no symptoms of ear infection aside from a buildup of wax and discharge in the ear canal. Your vet will evaluate both ears, and the exam may include: Your veterinarian will thoroughly clean your dog’s ears using a medicated ear cleanser. When wax, debris, or any type of foreign material enters the canal, gravity encourages the accumulation to go deeper. The type of discharge gives a lot of information about the culprit. If your dog has picked up a cold or another contagious condition that is going around, they may become rather flat and lethargic for a couple of days before the other symptoms become apparent or acute, as their bodies start to prepare to fight off the illness. Why is my dog lethargic, and not eating or drinking? Here are some critical tips on how to keep your dog’s ears clean and healthy. In addition to scratching or rubbing the ears, a dog in pain from an ear infection may become lethargic or withdrawn, display a loss of appetite, or become moody or irritable. This article will give you some guidance and knowledge with ear infections in dogs. The homeopathic product EAR INFECTION helps to soothe itching in your furry companion's ears and reduce the redness associated with inflammation. Get it as soon as Tue, Feb 16. You can only observe the external portions of the ear and the beginning of the canal. The otodectic mange is particularly common among puppies. But for the other dogs, their ear infections could be easily thwarted. These foreign particles can easily find their way inside the ear canal, especially if they get attached to the ear openings’ hair. In severe cases, your vet may prescribe oral antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications. Why is my dog lethargic, and not eating or drinking? https://www.akc.org/subscription/thank-you. Unless treated, the … That is why it is advisable to keep the hair around the ear openings well-trimmed. If there is no hair to catch onto, the seeds and ticks will not be able to enter the ear and work their way through the ear canal. 15 Reasons Why Your Dog Is Breathing Fast, 10 Reasons Why Your Dog Won’t Eat (But Drinking Water), Puppy Vaccination Schedule – Shots Your Puppy Needs, Ear Infections In Dogs: Types, Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment. But, ear infections in dogs can be caused by food allergies, parasites, foreign bodies, trauma, excess moisture in the ear or hereditary conditions. Dogs with narrow ear canals, such the Cocker Spaniel and the Shar-Pei, and dogs with hairy inner ear canals, such as the Poodle and Schnauzer, can also be susceptible to middle and inner ear infections. Read all instructions carefully. The homeopathic product EAR INFECTION helps to soothe itching in your furry companion's ears and reduce the redness associated with inflammation. Obesity. Infection and illness. Always seek veterinary care if you think your dog has an ear infection so it can be treated immediately. From an ear-health point of view, the blood leakage they cause may trickle down the canal, and since blood is a good food source for many microorganisms, infections are likely to occur. Depending on the … If there is anything suspicious, like debris, wax, too much hair, or a weird smell, contact your veterinarian. For example, soft and dark brown discharge is usually associated with Malassezia infections. For example: Depression: A depressed dog is a lethargic dog! In dogs with allergic skin issues, the incidence of ear infections is a bit lower – they appear in 50% of the cases. (100+ foods covered). The state of the eardrum is an important prognostic factor. Canine ear infections can occur in any breed of dog; however, dogs with floppy and furry inner ears, such as cocker spaniels, are more susceptible. You may be able to treat and prevent mild dog ear infections using natural treatments.