These chemicals have been shown to cause tumors in laboratory studies and have been linked to thyroid problems as well as cancers of the lung, liver and thyroid too. However, in this OSH Answers document, we are only considering dust particles that cause fibrosis or allergic reactions in the lungs. TCE exposure may cause kidney cancer and increase the risk of lymphoma and liver cancer. Every new expanse of artificial turf contains plastic grass and about 120 tons of finely chopped tires that emit a small amount of toxic, cancer-causing, mutation-triggering chemicals and metals. Baking soda can cause irritation in the respiratory tract if the fine powder is breathed in through the nose or mouth. Sandra McNulty. Mothproofing chemicals, which contain naphthalene. 4. 4-PC, the chemical that gives carpets their distinctive "new carpet smell" and is associated with eye, nose and upper respiratory problems. 5 Auramine production: Auramine can … For instance, if dogs consume something they shouldn’t, it can lead to a potentially dangerous obstruction in their intestines. The Department of Health and Human Services has not yet evaluated whether these chemicals can cause cancer. If you notice your dog shedding pounds, either rapidly or slowly, make an appointment with your vet. Petechiae is caused by broken blood vessels under the skin Credit: Alamy 2. If you have one of these genetic mutations, you are at much higher risk of developing colorectal cancer. PVC is produced using vinyl chloride, which is known to cause cancer and liver damage in PVC plant workers. Illegal Cancer-Causing Chemicals Found in Nearly 100 Well-Known Shampoo Brands News. Leukaemia, a type of blood cancer that starts in … Gerinoil irritates skin, eyes, and lungs. Flea and tick control products. Rarely, people inherit genetic mutations that cause colon polyps to form. By Abram Katz. Trichloroethylene (TCE) is a chemical used to make refrigerants and as a metal degreaser. Carpet Beetle Bite Effects. These rashes will often itch and may even create a burning sensation. Fire retardants with PBDEs, which may cause damage to thyroid, immune system and brain development functions in humans. 1 Dog licking carpet fibers is one such cause for obstruction. It may be found in contaminated soil or water near military bases and in some commercial and household cleaning products. It does not actually clean anything. African-Americans are at higher risk of developing colon cancer. And, claims that formaldehyde is being emitted by off-gassing are simply untrue. Generally, lead affects children more than it does adults. Many popular flea and tick control remedies include suspected carcinogens like fipronil and permethrin. Lead can damage a developing baby’s nervous system. Even low-level lead exposures in developing babies have been found to affect behavior and intelligence. Rug, carpet, and upholstery cleaners may also contain naph¬thalene, which, according to The Condensed Chemical Dictio¬nary, is “toxic by inhalation.” Headaches, confusion, nausea and vomiting, excessive sweating, and urinary irritation can all result from exposure. More than 50 other countries have banned the use of asbestos, but its use remains legal in the U.S. after a complicated history of legislation and regulation. Mold can cause health problems, especially allergies and asthma.But you probably don’t have to worry about it leading to lung cancer.. No research directly ties mold and lung cancer. Naphthalene is also suspected of causing cancer in humans. Pancreatic cancer is the cause of lumpy stools because these cancers are caused by digestive problems. It is caused by uncontrolled cell growth, and affects a wide range of cell types and organs in the body. This usually occurs when you are asleep and there are carpet beetles around the area of your bed. Styrene is a colorless, flammable liquid, which has a sweet odor and is highly volatile. There are a variety of reasons your dog may lick the carpet, but the following are some of the most likely causes: Something tasty or interesting was spilled on the carpet. Carpet backing may also be made from polyvinyl chloride, or PVC, which can contain eye and respiratory irritants, and endocrine-disrupting phthalates. This is considered a health product and is ingested as food.The new Vitality Reds and cocoa, came with a warning label stating that the powered food contains lead and could cause cancer. “Does Weak Immune System Cause Cancer” Amoxicillin Baby Immune System Connection Between Te Central Nevous System And The Immune System Is Best Described As Uptodate Adaptive Immune System. Contact us anytime, day or night, for information and support. HPV cancers include cancer of the cervix, vulva, vagina, penis, or anus. It might even cause health problems, such as an intestinal blockage. Homemade carpet fresheners are usually touted as safe alternatives to commercial products. Lead exposure can cause miscarriage, stillbirths, and infertility (in both men and women). These bits of skin can cause reactions in people who are specifically allergic to these triggers. But if you're reading this in a … Mold does not cause lung or other cancers, but it can cause a variety of health problems. Tiny red spots covering the skin. Learn how to rid your carpets of pollutants. Styrene is widely used to make plastics and rubber, which are used to manufacture a variety of products, such as insulation, pipes, automobile parts, printing cartridges, food containers, and carpet backing. We are not including chemical dusts that cause other acute toxic effects, nor long term effects such as cancer for example. And that … This article does not contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. Feline cancer initially manifests as a lump or bump on any parts of the body. Headlines. All-in-all, new carpet smell does not equal leaking chemicals. In 1980, laboratory studies showed that exposure to formaldehyde could cause nasal cancer in rats.