EXERCISE 4. She asked me if _____ 2. Is John at home? » Simple Present: Negatives and Questions » Exercise; Simple Present: Yes/No Questions Change each sentence into a yes/no question. GrammarBank.com. You just need to put the auxiliary verb before the subject.. Check Hint Show answer. One way it can be changed into a question is to use do, does or did as the first word. have done → had done, today → that day). / Exercises / Change statement into questions. It means when we are asking yes/no questions, we are expecting the answer, yes or no. Reported speech questions with Yes/No questions exercise - Convert Yes/No questions into indirect speech statements. Here are some more examples: Sentences always have a main verb. Changing statements into questions is easy. The opposite of a closed question is an open question. Phrasal verbs are generally used in spoken English and informal texts. Check Hint Show answer. We also often make changes to the tenses and other words in the same way as for reported statements (e.g. We introduce reported YES/NO questions with ask + if: Note that in the above example the reported question has no auxiliary "do". Question: Are you from Germany? (wrong at all) I request the creator to correct it I am not wrong. (The other main type of questions are WH-Questions (where, who, what, why, etc.) My sister enjoys playing tennis. Show all questions <= => He plays in goal. thank you, The students attended the meeting of the English Club. 'Yes / no' questions … There are different ways of changing statements into questions.. Reported Yes / No Questions: Present Simple Change the direct questions into reported questions: 1. Warning. document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); SLEEP 6. To change from a direct 'yes / no' question with inversion to an indirect question, you add 'if' and change the word order back to a normal positive sentence. Did they found the answer? We always use the short answer, not only Yes or No. Privacy Policy . GrammarBank PDF eBooks Click Here. To make a question from a sentence with the BE verb, we use question word order. Note that we sometimes use "whether" instead of "if". There are mainly two types of questions – Wh-questions and Yes/No questions. Check Hint Show answer. Open Questions. Up to now, we have practiced making questions from sentences that have the BE verb or a helping (auxiliary/modal) verb. Yes / No Questions; Wh – Questions; YES / NO QUESTIONS. I have corrected it. no, he would have been angry. Questions and present simple. Direct: He said to me, ‘Where do you live?’ Indirect: He asked me where I lived. Imagine a regular sentence with the BE verb, such as ‘He is tall.’ Like usual, this sentence starts with the subject and the verb comes next. For example. Change statement into questions. Sometimes, a sentence can have two helping verbs. Subscribe and get the latest news and useful tips, advice and best offer. Make a question tag using the word “right,” a helping verb, or a being verb. Use a question tag to easily form a yes/no question. She asked me if … Then write the question. Examples For changing interrogative (question) sentence into indirect speech we have to observe the nature of question and then change it into indirect speech according to it rules for indirect speech. Study the example given below. Open questions keep the other person in the conversation in charge. If the sentence has a helping verb, switch the subject and the (first) helping verb around to make a question. There is a computer lab in the building. For example. But there is pronoun change and backshift. Yes / No questions are the questions which are answered yes or no. Questions in the Passive. English speakers do this, too (see type 2), but the unmarked form of an English yes/no question, like (1), requires rising intonation and a different word order from a statement—one that inverts the subject and the operator. it helped me a lot to write the test and i have got good marks . If you have problems forming (making) questions, then this lesson is for you! Modal verbs, such as can, must, should, might, may, are also helping verbs. He was born in this town. If you find a mistake or have a question, please leave a comment below. Sentence: You are from Germany. However, there are some sentences that have neither. It checks for more than 400 types of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors, enhances vocabulary usage, and suggests citations. So we switch the sentence order and put the auxiliary verb before the subject, to make the question, ‘Has she had a job’? And how can idioms help you become a fluent speaker? Grammar - Parts of Speech and Sentence Structure - Sentence Structure - Forms of Sentences - Questions - Yes-no-questions: Extensive explanations on the usage. Firstly, in question #2, do changes to Does in the question because the subject is ‘she’, which is the third person singular, so we  add ‘s’ to the auxiliary verb ‘do’ (but not to the main verb!). See the past simple page in this site for a printable list of irregular past tense verbs. How questions with did are formed and used in the Simple Past They are sitting in a row.We have clarified the doubts.I want the answer in yes/no questions, This questiona any question ia very dificult, What is the question for you need to go home, I love this this help me in my English subject, One answer is wrong in this? that will be covered in the next lesson. Make a Yes/No question. He was a mechanic in his own country. They should revise their lessons. We add the verb ‘Do’! Yes / no questions with the verb to be - exercise Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb to be - am, is, are. Am I late? She can drive a lorry. For example, (Note: It does not matter if the answer is ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ — the question form is the same. We usually use this type of question to … For example: ‘Have you got a car? SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE Affirmative and Negative Statements, Time Expressions: 117 1. Change a Statement into a Yes/No Question. He decided to leave his wife. HOBBIES or ACTIVITIES HABITS MICHAEL’S HABITS SAM’S HABITS 27407_08_ch08 pp3.qxd 12/21/06 10:08 AM Page 117 In/On/At, Like/Need/Want Transform these sentences into a yes or no question. To turn the statement into a question, put a comma, then add the question tag. Between 2000 B.C. Indirect speech for Interrogative (question) sentence. For each habit, write one statement about Michael and one statement about Sam. Hosted by Dreamhost, Making Questions Lesson 1: Yes/No Questions (Rules & Exercises), The Difference between 'a few/few/a little/little', The Difference between "Other" & "Another", The Social Dilemma: A Lesson on Social Media (Upper-Intermediate), The Social Dilemma: A Lesson on Social Media (Advanced), Bad Habits to Break to Improve Your Life (Upper-Intermediate Lesson Plan), Political Correctness (PC) Gone Mad (Upper-Intermediate Lesson Plan), Etiquette & Manners (Upper-Intermediate ESL Lesson Plan), Sometimes vs. Direct: Mother said to me, ‘What are you doing there?’ In #2, the main verb is ‘had‘, and there is an auxiliary verb ‘has‘. Check out this list of figures of speech! Discover a list of the most widely used idiomatic expressions! Each question has a mistake. In other words, when you change a sentence from sentence word order (Subject + Verb) to question word order (Verb + Subject), switch the subject with the first helping verb. Questions are a fantastic method to stimulate thinking and, if used skillfully, work vastly superior to simply dumping knowledge into somebody’s head. They went to the swimming pool. After this lesson, Lesson 2 explains WH-Questions like what and who. GrammarBank Exercises eBook: $7.99 - Children's eBooks: $6.99 - Download and Print Instantly! Let’s do some exercises to practice this last point. I have confirmed it from a professor of English. YES/NO QUESTIONS (1): Change the following sentences into Yes/No questions. They are nice. Present simple exercises for elementary level esl - interrogative forms. ‘Do’ is another helping verb that we add to make questions when there is no auxiliary verb already (or BE Verb). (Statement) Is she a teacher? Before submitting the test, check the following: What are idioms? He loves this town. For example, I have written the report. You can learn about these changes on the Reported speech 1 – statements page. Posted by Manjusha Filed in CBSE English Grammar. NOTE: If the answer is Yes, we always use the long form. this one the answer must be would he have been happy it doesn’t make a sense. questions exercise. They like soccer. It’s important to remember the difference between a main verb and a helping verb because verbs like ‘do/have/will’ can be a main verb and an auxiliary verb. Yes No Questions Exercise – English Grammar Exercises This yes no questions exercise is 50 questions to help you practice questions in English. Open questions can be defined in two different ways: They are questions that can’t be answered with a “yes” or “no.” Open questions allow clients to answer in whatever way they want. Wh-Questions are also called Information Questions because we are trying to get some specific information from another person (not just a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answer). We have learned three key rules for making Yes/No questions: It’s time to mix it all together. In North America, we add ‘Do’ to make a question when the main verb is ‘have’. WH Questions - WH WORDS. Thanks for pointing that out. Have you ever seen a handsome boy as I am? Learning English Online Why are you asking Jab? Video: Form a Yes or No Question in English From a Statement If there is another helping verb, put it after the subject. / Have you got a pen?. Try to remember these rules and complete the practice exercises below. Before giving this worksheet to your students, review and discuss the formation of Yes/No questions. Of course, most tenses make questions by using 'inversion' (changing the word order). She wastes her money on jewelery. If this is the case, change the order of the subject and first helping verb in the same way. DRINK 3. Secondly, sentence #3 is in the past tense (found), so we change the helping verb “Do” to the past tense (= Did) and keep the main verb in its base form (the present tense). and A.D.100,the head- hunting Malays came. In the next exercise,  look at the answer to a question. Hello. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please leave them in the space below. (Statement) The above sentences become the following questions: Note two things. Expressions to change the subject in a conversation, American political parties and presidential election, Spaces (don't add any unnecessary spaces). Negative yes-no questions are question forms that begin with a negative helping verb such as aren't, isn't, can't, don't, didn't. It’s really useful And we can also check the answer after writing I love these questions, No we’ll be staying for a week Frame yes or no questions. 210 The Grammar Book Many of the world’s languages form yes/no questions simply by adding rising intonation to declarative statements. Question: Are you hungry? It is the world's leading software suite for perfecting written English. (Before doing the exercises you may want to read the lesson on yes or no questions). Downloadable worksheets: Worksheet: Simple past of Regular Verbs ... A- Change the following sentences to questions beginning with the given question word. I agree that it did not make sense. Also, there is no yes/no question for that sentence because the answer isn’t ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. See if you can ask simple present question with am, is, … I want the answer in yes/no question. A Yes/No question is a question that has a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answer. Many students are good at answering questions, but poor at making their own questions (with correct grammar). Check Hint Show answer. To form Yes/No questions, we use one of these verbs: auxiliary verbs ( be, do and have ) or modal verbs ( can, may,etc. If the verb in a statement is am, is, are, was or were (these are the forms of the verb 'to be') then we can simply move it to the beginning of the sentence.. Sophie is nine.Is Sophie nine?. Verb exercises Look at these sentences: In #1, the main verb is ‘has‘ and there is no auxiliary verb, so we add ‘Does‘ to make the question ‘Does she have a job?‘. With many examples and varying exercises. – Written by Matthew Barton (copyright) / Creator of Englishcurrent.com. Questions. becomes "Does John have red hair?". Yes/No questions in the Passive (Present Simple) Do you want to provide emphasis, freshness of expression, or clarity to your writing? Statements can be changed into questions. Questions: wh- questions - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary Copyright © ). She wakes up early. Check Hint Show answer. Home . GrammarBank.com. (Note: In England, it is common to use ‘have + got’ instead of ‘Do you have’. He has a car. So, how do we form a question then? This does conclude the tutorial on how to form a "Yes" or "No" question in English from a statement. Joe is always talking on the phone. (Incorrect = You don’t need the past tense twice.). In yes/no questions, we use if or whether to report the question. Change WH-Questions from direct speech to indirect speech-- Reported speech exercises. Your email address will not be published. Changing statements into questions. About English Current . FOOD 2. To make a question out of that statement, the verb would move before the subject and change form with the addition of a helper word, thus becoming: "Did Laura walk to the store?" English Exercises > questions exercises. A long time ago, people used to ask questions like this: This is now old-fashioned and out of use. All rights reserved | This template is made by Colorlib. An auxiliary verb is also called a helping verb. These are short words that ‘help’ the main verb create tense. The children were tired.Were the children tired?. (Present Perfect tense). Yes/No questions – be (am, are, is) Subject and verb change their position in statement and question. We have learned three key rules for making Yes/No questions: If the sentence has only the BE verb, switch the subject and the BE verb around to make a question. She is a teacher. Teachers, you can download the exercises as a worksheet (see the link at the very top). Read below for an explanation or jump to the exercises if you want to practice. If is more common. If you found this page helpful, consider a donation to our hosting bill to show your support! Question tags go at the end of a statement to turn it into a question. The answer, clearly, is you again, since the topic of an imperative sentence will normally be the implied you. You can do this by switching the subject and the BE verb around: The rules are the same for the past tense. The dog understands you. A man's work is nothing but this slow trek to rediscover, through the detours of art, those two or three great and simple images in whose presence his heart first opened. Example. But if a sentence also has a helping verb (auxiliary or modal), then switch the subject and the helping verb around. Here, ‘have‘ is the auxiliary verb, which is helping the main verb ‘write’ change into the present perfect tense. English Current recommends Grammarly as a learning tool to reduce English mistakes. We recommend using Grammarly. This is also grammatically correct.). Check out our list of hundreds of phrasal verbs classified in alphabetical order. Sometime: The Difference in English, Grammar: How to Use This/That/These/Those, The Difference: So & So that (English Grammar), If there is neither the BE verb or a helping verb, add ‘. December 24, 2014 - A sentence that tells us something is a statement. Yes/no questions. Jane and Alice sisters? No, he would have been angry. One way of doing this is to change the word order – put the verb at the beginning of the sentence and add a question mark at the end, like this: Questions in the Passive are formed with to be and the past participle *. Type your answer in the box. ), Let’s review the rules of making Yes/No Questions. She wants a pet. You don't need to use inversion. Language Focus: An explanation of how to form Yes/No questions in English, Grammar Worksheet: yes-no-questions-worksheet-esl.docx (scroll down to study the exercises online). There are various ways of changing statements into questions. For example: "John has red hair." Do not put ‘not’ in the question.). would he have been angry? For example. When we report a Wh-question, we use a reporting verb like asked or enquired. Change these sentences into question form. 1. By the end of this activity you will be able to: Change statements into questions and vice versa. Rewrite the question without the mistake. → Example: Yes, I am. Show all questions <= => There is a restaurant nearby. This is called sentence word order in English. How do we form questions in the Passive voice? Answer: No, I’m not. CIGARETTES 5. Show all questions <= => He is Mexican. Then after the subject, put the second helping verb. An example is given below. A question can be of two types. We are late.Are we late?. Check Hint Show answer.