We welcome challenges, criticism & debate. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Spotify, Books Again with the chaotic femininity stuff! I haven't noticed anything too off base in his work so far. of Communication, Ancient, Continental. He is just giving you 12 rules of what to do which will help you to not burn in the eternal fires of (symbolic) hell. Put effort into submissions and stay on topic. Facebook | He is the acclaimed author of 12 Rules: An Antidote to Chaos, reaching global fame as a clinical psychologist and a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. Surveys | If a follow-up question is deemed to be too unrelated from the OP, it may be removed. A Deep Learning semantic search through his youtube channel Ask him now! Best Practices. Bans will be given to users who post excessively abusive material. Most of the things he says which sound "philosophical" are in the field of analytical psychology (Jungian psychology). Reality and the Sacred You have convinced me. I find his analysis of the Adam and Eve story to be half baked, for instance, that fruit is used as a symbol in that story because humans evolved good color vision to find ripe fruit, is he proposing that the people who came up with that story thought that? Dragons, Divine Parents, Heroes & Adversaries, Maps of Meaning: Course Information — Text. God is a Lobster, or a double pincer, a double bind. My understanding of life, psychology, philosophy, politics, history, my past, my future, my faults, goal setting, religion, relationships, lobsters, language, and social justice warriors is radically different now than it was a few years ago, and that is all thanks to good ol’ Dr. Peterson. Now, you could argue that he developed Jungian psychology but he didn't. Actually, you should ask this question in r/Jung or r/askpsychology. “This is why Peterson genuinely believes in Dostoevsky’s eminent saying in The Brothers Karamazov: ‘Without God all things are permitted.'”. So altogether, most of his output is either wrong and indefensible or defensible but presented without such a defense. 12 Rules: An Antidote to Chaoshas garnered a fierce following comprised of people who have enjoyed positive changes in their lives due to the teachings detailed in the book. Hello, I've become interested in Jordan Peterson's work after watching a 90 minute interview on YouTube. This sub is not in the business of one-liners, tangential anecdotes, or dank memes. In the hero’s journey, an individual is plucked from his normal every day existence and struggles, drafted by fate or need to battle an insurmountable obstacle, an enemy with incredible power, seemingly, beyond the capability of any individual to combat. Peterson is the archetypical conservative described in Hayek’s essay. Also, where is the evidence for any of this? Chaos and order make up the eternal, transcendent environment of the living. Expect comment threads that break our rules to be removed. 3. It’s not just a noun. His book might be helpful in the same way that Dale Carnegie's How To Win Friends and Influence People is helpful. Some of his Tweets are as crazy as Trump's. He borders on "crank" territory when it comes to politics - he believes that "postmodern neomarxists" have ruined the humanities. The problem is, even if he takes a defensible position, he fails to deliver good arguments to back it up. Any type of argument presented against him that can be labelled as feminine is dismissed since it is not orderly. Please seek professional IQ tests for the most accurate results. Art Collection | Psychology as a Career, Fan Made Content | It’s not an entirely unfair characterisation. r/JordanPeterson Rules. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Comments which blatantly do not contribute to the discussion may be removed. 2017 | Responses — 2018 | Responses. I'm Dr Jordan B Peterson. r/JordanPeterson 161k subscribers Welcome to the discourse! To straddle that fundamental duality is to be balanced: to have one foot firmly planted in order and security, and the other in chaos, possibility, growth and adventure. Transcripts, Social Media ❏ Professor Against Political Correctness. Postmodernism Generator | Fighting against the SJW is illogical according to Jungian psychology. Could chaos be masculine and order be feminine? Maps of Meaning is a work of interdisciplinary literature that describes the world as a forum for action. Contact Dr. Jordan Peterson 2021-02-03T09:44:28-05:00. In other words, it's clear he's just making stuff up. But the word 'Chaos' takes an interesting turn when you read a bit. This is a great answer - I'll save it in case I ever need to convince someone of Peterson's bad reasoning. All answers must be informed and aimed at helping the OP and other readers reach an understanding of the issues at hand. Provide source material for screenshots. Be respectful. That was surprisingly daft (much like when people reference Kantian "Truth" with capital 'T' and ignore that it is just German grammar), even if his representation of Heideggerian Being was pretty good. I appreciate how well-documented your response is with block quotes in context. Youtube Search | Writing Guide | With the exception of 'The Rational Male', none of the books on the sidebar are actually 100% RP either. It’s a fair question to ask, but ultimately Peterson’s experience with addiction is worth mentioning in critiques of him going forward. I've started reading his book 12 rules for life. search. r/JordanPeterson is an open forum where controversial topics can be discussed in good faith. Most laymen question to what extent somebody can be "wrong" about philosophical questions but have significantly less difficulties accepting that you can be straight up wrong about mathematics. Thank you for taking the time to present your argument so thoroughly. What do you think of what I say below? 2. | Not OP but I've also been wondering about Peterson's work and reputation. Explore personality psychology with the psychoanalysis of Freud & Jung, the philosophy of Nietzsche, Dostoyevsky & Solzhenitsyn, and the modern Big Five Model of Personality. Blog | https://www.reddit.com/r/Jung/comments/7qp1fn/did_you_know_jordan_peterson_takes_2/, https://www.reddit.com/r/Jung/comments/71ceow/does_anyone_else_have_slight_reservations_about/. i. | But the reality is that Reddit contains multitudes. After taking many Machine Learning courses, I decided to make a project that would combine my knowledge in the area … But could they be otherwise? Classical IQ Test | Land of Meaning | He's just straight up wrong. … He touches on subjects which are usually addressed in depth by academic philosophers, political scientists, sociologists, economists, psychologists, neuroscientists, legal scholars, etc et pp. Great Books | Posted by 3 years ago. Incompleteness has nothing to do with "trust in God". Instagram | All comments must be on topic. We welcome challenges, criticism & debate, Put effort into submissions and stay on topic, Press J to jump to the feed. Ask Jordan Peterson. This forum is dedicated to the work associated with Dr. Jordan Peterson: a public intellectual, clinical psychologist, and professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. Philosophy is just one of those subjects but I figure you can likewise find similar reactions with evolutionary psychology and other fields. Frequent commenters should become panelists and request flair. My point is that he provides little justification for why these things are the way they are, other than an appeal to Darwin and evolution. search. 3. iv. Archived. His interpretation isn't just wrong. But does this kind of talk allow for followers of Peterson to outright reject his opponents? Comply with Reddit's Content Policy. But then, he would be uncovered as a quacksalver, too. 2017 | Responses — 2018 | Responses, i. 5. Contact, Applications 12 Rules for Life, Studies He did. New Real Peer Review | He further extends his reach by distributing his talks via his YouTube channeland has hosted an Ask Me Anythingsession on the popular social website Reddit. Stay on topic. Jordan Peterson is not a philosopher and he is not a scientist in the humanities or social science. Quora | Participate in ways you would like to see this community evolve, iii. Comments which are rude, snarky, etc. Ask me anything! I see you copy pasted the argumentation from Wikipedia but I‘d like you go into detail how Gödel‘s theorem doesn’t apply to them outside of mathematical logic. Measure your personality using the Big Five Aspect Scale: Conscientiousness: Industriousness/Orderliness, Big Five Aspect Scale | Jordan Peterson also spreads the nazi conspiracy theory that Jews are conspiring to destroy the … Holy shit that paragraph on Heidegger was painful to read. School of Peterson Free IQ assessments only provide a general sense of intelligence. He himself said that he is captured by an archetype. It's obvious that he often reads a short summary and misunderstands it or relies on terrible sources, such as Stephen Hicks' "Understanding Postmodernism". search. À lâge de 13 ans, il découvre les écrits de George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, Alexandre Soljenitsyne et Ayn Rand par la bibliothécaire de son école Sandy Notley mère de Rachel Notley, dirigeante de la Alberta New Democratic Party et 17e Premier ministre de lAlberta17. He doesn't explain the significant meanderings. No, that's not what Gödel proved, no that's not what follows from Gödel's theorems. It's a wonder anyone would have the temerity to associate with him in 2018. For example, Peterson contrasts between order and chaos in the preface: Order is where the people around you act according to well-understood social norms, and remain predictable and cooperative. Many letters have great public interest and utility. He seems to base a lot of his ideas from his clinical experience and biology which I am a fan of. All I am doing in the reddit post is asking other editors to join the conversation and fight bias from editors, that clearly have political agenda and want to use wikipedia for slander. Specialized Profession. Permissions and rights. Please do not reply to this message, as it will go unread. I am Dr Jordan B Peterson, U of T Professor, clinical psychologist, author of Maps of Meaning and creator of The SelfAuthoring Suite. Jordan Peterson's Claims Reference List | Also: Even though, Jungian psychology is the foundation of his work, he never went through a Jungian therapy or has an education in Jungian psychology. Twitter | Dr. Jordan B. Peterson has taught me a hell of a lot. He reeks of a mid-20th Century white American ethos. List of Studies From James Damore's Google Memo, Dragons, Divine Parents, Heroes & Adversaries, Psychological Significance of the Biblical Stories. List of Studies From James Damore's Google Memo, Resources This forum is dedicated to the work associated with Jordan Peterson: a public intellectual, clinical psychologist, and professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. Thank you! JP's interpretation of Heidegger, on the other hand, makes zero sense, and has no obvious connection to even a misunderstanding of Heidegger's philosophy. 12 Rules for Life Infographic | Lobster Writer - Essay Writing App, Related He simply did what a lot of people do: He read a description of a theorem/theory/principle/insight within a specific field of a specific academic discipline, then replaced every word - which has a specific meaning in the context of such disciplines - with the same word, meaning something entirely different in his everyday life. Generally speaking, his talks or writings can be described as interdisciplinary. Events | ancient Greek phil., phil. See here for more information on becoming a panelist. That is, if blacks ask to be on equal footing with whites, they are ungrateful, when they should be appreciating the fact that they have it better than people in some random other place. I mentioned my own participation in a Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything), which yielded almost 12,000 comments and questions, making it the third most discussed exchange of its kind last year. That goes as far as him thinking that a German philosopher wants to tell us something by capitalizing a noun in his (German) writings. thinkspot | Calling every person on Jordan Peterson's reddit "alt-right doxxers", all 74,000 of them, reveals PeterTheFourth bias and confirms my concerns from the reddit post 100%. Jordan Peterson about the hero archetype: My wife keeps me from identifying too much with the archetype :), https://www.reddit.com/r/JordanPeterson/comments/7ttg88/the_archetypal_father_signed_my_atlas/. Phenomenology, German Idealism, Early Modern Phil. JBP Ask Me Anything! Keep comments and submissions civil . of science, Wittgenstein, Phil. His claims are often inflammatory for the sake of being inflammatory (as if he wanted to parrot Nietzsche's "I am dynamite" without using allegory, which is intentionally misleading). We are adapted, in the deepest Darwinian sense, not to the world of objects, but to the meta-realities of order and chaos, yang and yin. I haven't noticed anything too off base in his work so far. This is the best case against Peterson (not as a person, but as an academic) I've seen. This, to me, indicates the fundamental, beyond-the-metaphorical reality of this symbolically feminine/masculine divide, since the brain is adapted, by definition, to reality itself (that is, reality conceptualized in this quasi-Darwinian manner). Jordan Peterson is not a philosopher and he is not a scientist in the humanities or social science. And the concept of completeness means, in the context of formal systems, that every statement A or its negation can be proved starting from the axioms of a formal system and applying the rules of interference. It seems like everybody is just saying things that boil down to, "he is obviously ridiculous and logically unsound". | Write an open letter to Dr. Jordan B. Peterson (u/drjordanbpeterson). Well, that's not even vaguely racist, it's plainly racist. IQ Exams, Meetup Psychological Significance of the Biblical Stories He stopped by Reddit the other day to host an ‘Ask Me Anything’. Instead, contact the moderators with questions or comments. Please post messages in the general forum. To convince you, it might be helpful to address his thoughts on a subject that has philosophical implications but is ultimately a mathematical theorem. Jordan Peterson has, not unexpectedly, found his moment in this political context. I‘m also curious why you think Peterson misinterpreted Gödel. Additionally, I had never seen that note on Heidegger. Maps of Meaning | Use the Big 5 Model of Personality to assess your virtues and faults. Press J to jump to the feed. Gödel's theorem only applies to recursively axiomatizable formal systems of 1st order logic based on a formal language, which fulfill certain criteria. CAA (Creative Arts Agency) Contact CAA Here. But it isn't philosophy! Articulate twice, B-A, BA. 4. Double articulation is so extremely variable that we cannot begin with a general model, only a relatively simple case. Each stratum exhibits phenomena constitutive of double articulation. From the excerpts you've posted, it seems like he is using hermetic, psychoanalytic, and other spiritual/"occult" concepts and not being clear about their metaphorical context? Racism, bigotry and use of slurs are absolutely not permitted. Contrary to what a lot of people claim, it's not necessarily the case that all of his positions, which sound weird (minus conspiracy theories), are entirely indefensible. Merchandise Store | H This is because it reveals not only a personal hypocrisy that is relevant as he presents himself as a role model for young men, but also the problem with the so-called self-help industry as a whole, as well as how society treats drug addiction. This isn't a challenge, I am genuinely curious. | Non-Verbal Matrices | By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. So, take yourself seriously, know the monster within you, and become a responsible person with an integrated character. I'd like to take a moment to remind everyone of our commenting rules: All top level comments should be answers to the submitted question, or follow-up questions related to the OP. video: Jordan Peterson’s Hero Journey — The Return of the Jedi. Answers should be reasonably substantive. Q&A Catalog | Most of the things he says which sound "philosophical" are in the field of analytical psychology (Jungian psychology). Starter Pack | An example of that would be some of the broader points he was trying to get across when he was on Sam Harris' podcast, like a rejection contemporary notions of truth and knowledge in favor of perspectivism. I think so. And again, conspicuously sexist. I have however noticed that The_Donald seems to love the guy, which is troubling. The Necessity of Virtue Order is the white, masculine serpent; Chaos, its black, feminine counterpart. Being consists of order, chaos, and the individual, who chooses between good and evil.