i have chronic left shoulder, neck and arm pain. Numbness while sleeping whether it’s in your feet, arm, or hands disrupts sleep and can be a sign of something more serious than sleeping in an odd position. "If you notice that raising your arm above your head improves your numbness and tingling, that is a tell-tale sign that you have a pinched nerve in your neck," he says. has been occurring for 2+weeks.? If you sleep with your arms ... Do you recall any injury? Author Dr. D.Roberts Modified by March 26, 2017. So here are some surprising reasons why your arms go numb while sleeping, according to experts. The body weight placed on this shoulder in many cases will cause a compression of the nerve bundle as it passes into the arm. Pain at night is not normal and certainly a red flag that something needs to be addressed. That’s one major reason why many of us experience shoulder pain. In … 2021 Bustle Digital Group. However, this is not the case with right arm pain as the underlying reasons are not identical to left arm pain. a week ago, i fell a sleep with my right hand behind the back of my head. im a 45 year old male of average height and weight. Get blood work done and see about possible Diabetes or a Vitamin B deficiency. while lying/sleeping on left side i feel palpitations and wake up with left upper arm pain and numbness. If you compress the nerve you can have pain when you wake. Elbow pain while sleeping is usually a sign of tennis elbow where your extensor tendon that attaches at your elbow has suffered a small micro tear. To learn more, please visit our. Back sleeping is ideal for spinal support, but not for snorers or pregnant women. Sleeping on the left side opens up the oropharynx and elongates the spine, alleviating the back pain and reducing the propensity to snore. When these muscles and tendons are strained by laying in one position for a long time (like for a whole night of sleep), this is broadly called a rotator cuff injury. When I sleep on my right side for about 20 minutes, my upper arm starts to radiate and throb with pain. pain is worse when i sleep. dull ache, comes and goes. It is helpful to separate arm pain into categories based on the causes of discomfort. i am having neck, back, leg, and arm pain every night for 1-2 months restless sleep what causes this? By using our website, you consent to our use of cookies. It can also lead to tingling in the hands, legs, and feet, tiredness, weakness, difficulty walking, and anemia. Other causes of waking up with shoulder pain include rotator cuff … why and what could this be? So, then I move to my left side and the same thing happens. There are also a number of effective remedies. The arm that i'm now not laying on has a tendency to move numb at the same time as i sleep. It usually comes on gradually over months and eventually gets difficult to ignore. Your arms going numb while sleeping is pretty normal, especially if you sleep in a certain position. We will separate arm pain into three major categories: overuse conditions, traumatic injuries, and pain that travels to the arm from another location. One notable drawback to sleeping on your side is that it can increase your risk of shoulder pain. Shoulder pain from sleeping has several causes. Arthritis can also result in stiffness and shoulder pain after sleeping. Issue is, after I sleep on my right side for terribly lengthy, my left arm goes numb/falls asleep. "Awakening with numb arms is typically due to a temporary compression injury to a … Shoulder pain can be treated—sometimes fairly easily Fortunately, the answer to preventing tendinitis from side-sleeping is easy: You have to switch up your sleep position. If you're a side-sleeper, you've probably woken up to numb arms at some point in your life. Muscle spasms in neck and upper back can cause numbness and pain radiating down the arm due to swelling in neck pressing on the nerves. "In very rare cases, however, this could represent an underlying health condition like diabetes." "do i have nerve damage because my hand feels numb? "In any case, it never hurts to bring it up to your doctor so they can take your specific circumstances into consideration," Cooper says. If you tend to sleep on your side then you are what they call a side sleeper and chances are that you may have all kinds of issues with your shoulder. Numb fingers after I sleep on my side sleep issues. Pregnant women are also told to sleep on the left side. Medical conditions like arthritis and bursitis Sleeping on your arm, or on the same side every night (which pressures and pinches tendons deep in the shoulder, causing them to become inflamed or chafed) Poor shoulder mechanics (such as having weakness or limited range of motion in the back and ribs, and overcompensating with the shoulder) Here Kevin Wade, Senior Therapist at the St. John Clark Pain Treatment Center talks about stomach, back and side sleeping positions. The pains are likely musculoskekeletal. Pain in the arm is not immediately a cause for concern for most of us. For the past week, I have woken up from sleep during the night because of terrible pain in my upper arms. Multiple sclerosis is another health condition that can cause numbness in the arms. i often sleep on that side, with arm under pillow. Having all these causes in mind, one cause is the most common one, and that is rotator cuff tendinitis. what can cause upper arm pain? bad arm pain while sleeping and not so bad when awake. According to the Mayo Clinic, it's typically caused by a compressed nerve that runs through the wrist. As much as it’s comfy, there are some problems associated with side sleeping. Your arm hurts. HealthTap uses cookies to enhance your site experience and for analytics and advertising purposes. i have upper back pain and neck. have dull, shooting pain in my upper right arm. no other pain? However, studies show that sleeping on your side can actually apply pressure on your legs and arms. It's common in people with diabetes, but if not taken care of it can cause serious complications. “Avoid sleeping on the affected arm” “Try to keep your arm straight / bent / at your side” “Don’t sleep with your arms overhead” And other marginal – if not useless suggestions. what can i do that will help this with out a lot of meds.? When you're sleeping, the way your body is positioned can inhibit yours nerves from doing what they're supposed to do, which is to send signals throughout your body. You can easily get more vitamin B12 in your system by consuming meat, eggs, poultry and dairy. This could be something mild like discomfort and it could complicate over time into pain. Back, stomach, left side, right side - which is the best way to sleep? "Side-sleepers are more prone to place pressure on one or more nerves in the arm they're sleeping on." This pain typically eases during the day. "If your entire arm is numb that means you either slept on your shoulder the wrong way or slept with your neck in a funny position, affecting the nerves coming directly from the spine," Anthony Kouri, MD, orthopedic surgeon at the University of Toledo Medical Center who treats patients with sleep related issues, tells Bustle.