I did like him in Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo. Just join when you wake up, @agdr03) And so we get that magic petal that flies across country, peeps in at JP and Grandma but then goes on to the rooftop office of NDS and selects just that one person to land on. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Each community has great content, the friendliest of people, and exciting events. But his residence in the orphanage was in the 1930s in the USA. This scene where DM’s dad says all these stuff about the future. So, my mum was here too. It will be my first rewatch of Epi1 as well! My daughter has a friend who works on the Intel Drone Light Show team. Vous trouverez dans ici le détail sur les médicaments remboursés en France entre 2012 et 2019 (quand des données plus récentes seront publiées, elles seront mises à jour) Imagine if DoSan and Appa actually meet, they will really get along. That voiceover was meant for Dalmi. And of course, grandma. 11:00pm Singapore, Philippines (who needs sleep, right?) The drone show is impressive start of the episode. Whatcha Cooking for Meatless Friday, Feb 19? I was so happy for Dalmi’s father at that meeting with Director Yoon. DM’s letter said she’d have cried for the falling flowers if not for JP’s letters. I think he is eloquent, and was so even as a youth. Thanks. @packmule3 He thought Dal Mi was crazy! and here lies the journy of Mr. Yes. . So much consideration, so much promise and she never got to receive it in the end. Really loved the transitions from one character to another. @Janey that makes a lot of sense now thank you so much. I think I remember that @GB said something about 12:00 UTC but I am not that sure. ❤️. And very consistently shown in the show where JP exercises . © 2021 Funke Mediengruppe. Yes, ditto to what @Cleopatra says … Thanks everyone and @Cleopatra for accompanying me on this watch. Also, another theme of the series! They both crossed a bridge that morning. I have installed Netflix app on my smartphone and when I am on the metro I am watching the scenes I like. I’m yet to watch Startup from Ep.3 onwards – would be great to pick up the dicussion with everyone here on BoD . Was he working on last minutes improvements for the CODA? … The Bills, at 9-3, do have a route to do just that this Loved how Injae called the guy in a red plaid shirt. @Ella @Cleopatra The sea is so wide and my boat is so small.”. Die Anmeldung und deine Fahrzeuginserate online sind völlig kostenlos. 08:30pm India, I hope I’m doing it right with the time . Goodness knows what would have happened to him if he didn’t meet her. I see Cheolsan and Youngsan. But she did not have other close friends of her age which is kind of sad. Omg yey! And I call bullshit on the dad being able to function with a head injury. I haven’t watched any of Uncanny Counter, but I read your first few posts. Haelmoni has grey hair too. @Cleopatra… seeing that DM went to Grandma’s Corn Dog kiosk confirmed her identity for him. That’s why I said Lioness above! Second was at the Q&A. Are you married? This is why some people thought that JP would end up with InJae if he couldn’t end up with Dalmi. Ep 2 is great with the networking meet up of DS and DM. 8:30pm India, I am excited that we get to live watching Start-Up with all of you ! I still don’t even know wth was going on but it was a cute show. Your email address will not be published. ","benefit_4_desc":"Wissensvorsprung: E-Paper schon ab 21 Uhr verf\u00fcgbar","benefit_5_desc":"Risikofrei: monatlich k\u00fcndbar","btn1_text":"Zum Angebot","btn2_text":"weitere Digital-Angebote","btn2_link":"https:\/\/aboshop.thueringer-allgemeine.de\/digital","is_popular":"","error":false,"objectId":"3def184ad8f4755ff269862ea77393dd"}}]. And at last he gets a chance to ‘pay her back’. Deep down she must have some regret. Yes, I remember you telling us that you hit your head, Welmaris. (I did read @pkml3’s post on it). @pm3 Haha I think I mentioned that several times in your prev posts. But it was seeing Grandma that got him emotional. Sie haben die Wahl: Jetzt 24 Monate lesen und 150€ Sparvorteil sichern oder 3 Monate lesen und nur 2 bezahlen! @Melz the falling cherry blossoms signify losing a person. She idolized her sister. Yes! Hi Janey. And Young-san makes that question to In-Jae! Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen für Käufer. @GB the cherrg blossom as backdrop is important all the way untilthe end. She will never be able to live independently, always needing 24-hour care. And the loss of the chicken that he took the trouble to buy. From my first watch, I seemed to have missed a lot of stuff so I’m quite excited about these rewatch parties that are being held. And that’s why he picked his name from the newspapers. Hello everyone!!! In order to understand how the past mingles in their story. @GB yes, everyone left DM. Thanks for sharing, I’m learning so much. 7:00am PST Schnell sein lohnt sich! Die Plauderecke bietet allen Besuchern von Baby-Vornamen.de einen Ort, um ungestört über schöne Vornamen, die Schwangerschaft oder andere Dinge zu plaudern. She’s been waking up at 3AM to join us for the rewatch. Fachberater (m/w/d) Wein/Sekt/Spirituosen in unserer GenießerWelt Stellennummer 6273 an unserem Standort in Posthausen, veröffentlicht am 12.01.2021 I really enjoyed it and thank you for the company! Plus this such an amazing place to hold discussions after every episode after my horrible experience on other platforms. @Ella… in our English spelling ‘Won’ is the same as the currency … so apt that her surname sounds like the money, since in the end that was her (In Jae’s) goal. For our friends in Australia, will it be possible to start another group watch earlier? JP he is weary of people in general. Kommen Sie als Abonnent der gedruckten Ausgabe in den Genuss der digitalen Möglichkeiten! I can’t wait to finish it. It was a great time watching Episode 1 with all of you! He is another character who does not have a friend (I don’t count Yeongsil!!). jp envy with Dosan came early and continue on until he learn to let go. Start-Up, “There. can @GB join in earlier on saturday? She was bluffing but what she got in the end? After Injae firmly stating she’s a Wonlater on DalMi keep calling her a Won. Injae said that she liked Pump better, and Dalmi immediately promised to play Pump too. I am in for next Saturday for Episode 2, as long as I have the time! They changed it to Star Up because there’s an entity already named Sandbox but was able to retain it for the business incubator. What a beautiful name and meaning @Cleopatra! You know, that nape. The wise words in the letter from Grandma … every moment is a gift… don’t regret lost opportunities to enjoy people… not enough time to regret. Nam Da Reum is good, always like him. Although DM didn’t manage to say goodbye to her dad, at least in their phone call she’d said that she loved him. There. Great article @jinyangie! @jinyangie Sorry that you couldn’t be with us, and thanks for the link. It really puzzles me. @Diane Didn’t Suzy’s head hurt from banging her head lmao. More prayers for her and her family please. Så for å kunne analysere trafikken, tilby deg personlig informasjon og for at grunnleggende funksjoner … Great way to start the long weekend with a SU rewatch with these fine company. Another Page Reposting Stuff From Reddit - Another Page That Hates Chicken Coffee That Much; Another Page That Post Fanart With Sauce - Another Page That Posts Stuff; Another Page That Repost GIFs - Another Page To Share Anime Images; Another Page To Waste Your Time - Another Page Where The Admin Posts Whatever They Want Thanks @pkml3!! I’m here from Southern California, where it is 7 in the freakin’ AM, and I don’t do mornings. MONEY! @GB about Dalmi’s hair tying indicating she’s getting ready for battle: Tae Eul also did that in TKEM. nur Dalmi really was out to get her sister. Yes to sisterhood! I like her especially with her gray hair in the present. DM lost her sister when she moved to US in that backdrop when they fought. Yes, the Yeongsil prediction about meeting a breeze – a person met briefly in the past that could become a winter wind and change everything … that can apply to any of the 3, In Jae, Dal Mi or Grandma. Start Up and Sandbox. @Gen oh more emotion with that bus scene and not being able to talk anymore and to be thought of as drunk when he was dying. “Are you okay?”. I’ll be glad to see him in a role where he doesn’t have to limp. NDR is really good (and good looking)! What a wonderful person! Don’t worry…”. The other theme is choice and decision making in life and business and not regretting. Janey is also from CA. Turns out that DalMi 2nd time met jp was when she thought he was following her. @Ella, I don’t mind Ep 2 but not today/tonight of course!! Injae pressing DalMi also because she wants to justify her choice in life because as she said she also doubt her choice. I’ve always been on his team. Took such a long time for his prickles to go down. Es ist nur eine kostenlose Registrierung bei auto.inFranken.de notwendig. In fact it’s probably better for me. Poor JP … between having a real family and a virtual investment, almost threw away and abandoned his investment award sign. but it should be night time for me, and so okay by then. Your email address will not be published. für I am really grateful for BOD with @Packmule3’s wonderful blog threads and everyone’s comments, that makes me look for the international terminology in order to fully express myself – we mostly used the greek terms with some exceptions. 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Happy Friday y”all!!! Her comment is somewhere in this blog thread. That is when you watch it for the second or thirt time! When Tae Eul was tying her hair Lee Gon was kinda afraid! So @Ella and Everyone … do we want to set the next Group Watch for Ep 2 for next Saturday, 23 January? She understood that JP had nowhere to go and told him about her workplace. I really appreciate everyone and especially you ladies who woke up to be with us! 05:00pm Greece They wouldn’t get hurt if they venture out of the Sand Box. As for Episode2 tell me the date and I am in! Freunde, Verwandte und Bekannte werben und 150 € Prämie kassieren! @Janey … no letters after JP moved away, right? No way. Liked how the keywords of the story were shown I really thought they were both the bad guys. Even the Silicon Valley look (shirt and jeans with blazer and cool sneakers). I like the transition, too: JP talking to Yeongshil. I’m too busy with work. I’ve already got myself snacks and may even have a siesta earlier so that I will be wide awake LOL. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. lol. He didn’t get love and for that reason he cannot love first himself then the others. @jinyangie I remembered something from our Archaaelogy class about the flowers petals meaning but I wasn’t sure. I’m the most flexible in regards to timing for re-watch. Here’s grandma looking into space but with a whole PLAN!!! Click to see our best Video content. See you this Saturday (sort of speech)! There goes Dalmi walking on the bridge. We need more people like her. @Cleopatra, DM fortunately does not continue head banging in later episodes, but her hair tying is the sign of her girding her loins to start on something she may not like to do. @cleopatra yes @Welmaris, you have mentioned your sister-in-law before… I heard of a similar case with a husband who just got out of bed, fell and hit his head. She likes money, just like her mother. {{ element.data.offer_article.befristung.value }} {{ element.data.offer_article.befristung.unitSnippet }}, That ‘chicken’ that DM asks for is so poignant. He’s deep, but emotionally guarded with people because he had such a rough upbringing. Poor kid, no way he could get out of writing that first letter. on a Saturday? But where’s Dosan? (Thank goodness!). Not yet. @Ella I sometimes catch myself reading the comment section, too, then I’d immediately realize why I don’t. The journey has just started! I do hope everything turns out to be okay in the end. The Type 1 fitting uses the threads on the outside of the tank valve to connect the pigtail hose to the propane cylinder Propane hook up parts, Gauges Copper And Poly Hookup Parts @GB this is why JP fans think Dosan is such a weak character bec he seemed to have a perfect life with family & friends unlike JP who had a very sad childhood. I really love all the scenes they had together…. I really like her! About the childhood letter exchange: I know Halmoni initiated it, but it appears to me the words were all JP’s, with a little input from Halmoni on the first one. Just clearing away breakfast plate. Ms Yoon’s gray hair shows her wisdom. It relates to animation and robotics: how there’s a point when a humanoid’s appearance, as it approaches what looks real, makes viewers increasingly uncomfortable because something just isn’t right. ","benefit_4_desc":"Wissensvorsprung: E-Paper schon ab 21 Uhr verf\u00fcgbar","benefit_5_desc":"Mindestlaufzeit: 24 Monate","btn1_text":"Zum Angebot","btn2_text":"weitere Kombi-Angebote","btn2_link":"https:\/\/aboshop.thueringer-allgemeine.de\/kombi","is_popular":"1","error":false,"objectId":"202cb962ac59075b964b07152d234b70"}},{"id":125,"emotionId":49,"componentId":15,"startRow":1,"endRow":1,"startCol":1,"endCol":1,"cssClass":"","config":{"offer_article":"ZS200171","main_headline":"digital","offer_image":"37|https:\/\/aboshop.mediengruppe-thueringen.de\/media\/image\/0d\/ca\/8d\/TA_Digital_Pur_flexibel_1600x1000.png","benefit_1_desc":"\u00dcberzeugend: Rund 10 \u20ac im Monat g\u00fcnstiger als die gedruckte Zeitung","benefit_2_desc":"Inklusive: t\u00e4glich E-Paper, Plus-Inhalte auf thueringer-allgemeine.de, News-App & monatlich ein DIGITALES EXTRA geschenkt","benefit_3_desc":"Praktisch: E-Paper-App mit Vorlesefunktion, anpassbarer Schriftgr\u00f6\u00dfe, Podcasts etc. that’s why the letter brought her so much comfort even if she did not meet the writer in person. I was wondering if the writer could have reworked that and had the accident AFTER the meeting, on the way to the chicken store, would it make any difference to the plot. @Welmaris, I feel that IJ’s regret would have been more in the area of abandoning her father and sister, but she was happy with getting the rich step dad and his money. 1,177 Followers, 296 Following, 11 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from abdou now online (@abdoualittlebit) should we just continue in this thread? He doesnt mean anything offensive when he told JP to try investing for real since he has the talent. I was so sad that one understood that Dad was having a stroke inside the bus…. Please wait... Indexing database for search. @ Mye, you’re in. He should know who she is though by now, but she is not aware of him. max. After losing so much that spring, 15 yrs later, the cherry blossom will start to bring back what Dalm lost and more -her sister, her Dosan, and her father thru her start up! https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/technology-innovation/aerial-technology-light-show.html. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). He’s inherently a prickly guy and distrust people in general because of his background. The Blue Ocean or Sailing without a map = for adults who are not going to get hurt when they fail. So good to see you awake and online with us! mtl. I can’t believe I missed my alarm for 7am but woke up at 3Am on other rewatch occasions. nur JP left Grandma and dad, mum and IJ left DM. so many trees are shedding, like tears. NJH acted that role pretty well, his aura looked different from NDS and his other dramas which I really like. Have you heard of the term uncanny valley? Although the neck pillow was funny for me but a lot of people in the IT industry dress up like that and uses neck pillow bec of all nighters. I am in! ","benefit_2_desc":"Praktisch: Montag bis Samstag Lieferung frei Haus","benefit_3_desc":"Top informiert: Qualit\u00e4tsjournalismus f\u00fcr Ihre Region immer nah am lokalen Geschehen","benefit_4_desc":"Inklusive: w\u00f6chentliche Programmzeitschrift \"prisma\" & takt-Magazin","benefit_5_desc":"Mindestlaufzeit: 3 Monate","btn1_text":"Zum Angebot","btn2_text":"weitere Print-Angebote","btn2_link":"https:\/\/aboshop.thueringer-allgemeine.de\/print","is_popular":"","error":false,"objectId":"4c56ff4ce4aaf9573aa5dff913df997a"}},{"id":123,"emotionId":49,"componentId":15,"startRow":1,"endRow":1,"startCol":1,"endCol":1,"cssClass":"","config":{"offer_article":"ZS200365","main_headline":"inkl. Halmeoni and JP’s scene: Powerful scene. To protect entrepreneurs from getting hurt even if they fall. He has big hands too! That girl on swing logo is so nice too. Her ability for empathy is shown with a very subtle way. I saw an article that the original title of the series was supposed to be”Sandbox” and there was even a promo blurb with that as working title.
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