The higher manifestation of this Ray as a Soul Ray produces unity, artistic expression, culture, balance, and diplomacy. In many Esoteric Astrology concepts and constructs the Moon is considered a body that veils some of the other planets.         French Chemist Antoine Lavoisier (1.7) For our particular solar system, The Originating Source of the 7 Rays is Ursa Major (one Ray per "Star"), and before passing to our Solar Logos, each of the 7 Rays is transmitted through 3 Constellations of our Zodiacal Wheel before it enters the ring-pass-not of our solar system and the Prismatic Focus of our Solar Logos. ): Even the more subdued types at the very least exhibit an urge to give direction to others. This can be accomplished through various ways – illumination, intuition and even by experiencing death itself, overcoming it and returning to life. Our 7 subsidiary Rays of the Great Second Ray are brought through The Solar Logos and 7 Great Ones in The Solar Hierarchy and from there are directed to The Planetary Logoi of the 7 Sacred Planets of this solar system (Earth is not one). Then input the loan term in years and the number of payments made per year. The Second Ray individual is often a healer who evokes higher consciousness between people. All appearances to the contrary notwithstanding (and those appearances are ubiquitous), this planet will eventually be becoming a planet of Christ Love. Let's start at the very Beginning. Pluto is under the 7th Ray Zone as are all Sacred Power Planets.         Pope Gregory I (2.0) Sun in Leo under the 2nd Ray … “My will to Do Good will be exercised creatively”. Seventh Ray: organizational skill, meticulousness, self-reliance, formality, ritualistic, rigidity to change, orderliness, synthesis, incantation and white magic. MONAD RAY 3. This means that a thoughtform, visually represented by the Moon stands in the way or “hides” a spiritual truth represented by a higher octave planet such as Vulcan, Uranus or Neptune. Value of effect in Gematria is 125, Online Gematria Calculator with same phrases values search and words. This Ray is connected to the base chakra and adrenal glands. There is great potential here toward world service but the Moon in Virgo can mask or veil the presence of the Christ within – the Child of Heaven.         Mother Mary (2.2) Each person incarnate is strongly influenced by the energies of 5 Rays (chosen pre-incarnatively by the Soul), one each for the Soul, personality, mental, emotional, and physical bodies. In reality, it is the great Truth Bearer. Click here for images and description for each of the ultrasound features . When the Soul and the personality (or the mind) are governed by the same Ray Energy and the incarnate individual is fairly well along the Initiatory Path, the personality exemplifies the qualities and purposes of its Soul (or Higher Self) and the conditioning energy of that Soul. The zodiac energy triad for this Ray is Gemini/Virgo/Pisces. I primarily want to demonstrate the type of energetic influence on the personality itself by giving the Personality Ray for that particular lifetime. Vulcan in Leo under the 2nd Ray Zone indicates those tests which serve to free you from self centered attachment to the creative potentials of the lower self. The Unmanifest God beget The Manifest God beget The Universal Gods beget the Universes. Each of Those, in turn, created their own unique Universe, our's being but one among that infinitude. Only with determined effort can the Personality Ray become submissive to the Soul Ray. The Sixth Ray is the Ray of Devotion and Idealism. you're composing effectful operations. Groups of your choice should be of the type that express radically, progressively and for universal rescue missions of varying degrees where special training and expertise is necessary. The higher manifestation of this Ray as a Soul Ray produces humanitarianism, faith, devotion to cause, sacrificial love, single purpose, and revolution for spiritual evolution. The Soul Rays and Personality Rays can change over subsequent incarnations. 16. Pluto tears down what has served its purpose and is no longer of use to us. The Love of God is the predominant Force throughout this entire system of planets. The 3rd in the series will be created by a 1st Ray Solar Logos for the perfecting, throughout its sentient races, of The Will of God by using that Force intelligently and lovingly as a divine destructive and creative tool. If you are cosmically curious and academically and philosophically thirsty for knowledge regarding more in-depth information about our Earth, solar system, galaxy, and even the Universe via science, expanded metaphysics, quantum theories, higher learning, and related human/philosophical studies then your Soul has begun to release its Will because you a seeking a way to love humanity through group consciousness.         Andrew Carnegie (1.6) The Ray of The Monad (Higher Self of the Soul) is always one of the 3 Rays of Aspect, and It remains on that one Line for the entirety of its long sojourn of return to The Universal Creator. They should avoid duality as this makes it hard to focus. The conservative, reactionary die-hards clinging to the time-worn ways of Pisces will give way to the progressive, practical, unifying ways of Aquarius, and The Lord Saint Germain will distribute the forces of the 7th Ray such that the world will come to know what it really means to be one. MDCalc loves calculator creators – researchers who, through intelligent and often complex methods, discover tools that describe scientific facts that can then be applied in practice. You are concerned with where authority lies and in divisions and boundaries yet you allow your personal faith or mantra guide you. Note: This energy is the devotion/idealism energy responsible for the Piscean age, Christianity and its teachings of the Christ. Being hidden behind the solar logos’ reflection Vulcan holds tantalizing hidden knowledge, the revelation of which comes only to those whose consciousness has been raised enough to receive it either by development of super normal powers or a crisis type experience.         Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (3.0)         Jiddhu Krishnamurti (4.0)         Saint Augustine (2.3) This Ray is connected to heart chakra and thymus gland. Do you think you've got what it takes to join the tough world of cryptocurrency mining?         Saint Teresa of Avila (3.1) Few there are of 7th Ray Souls. 19. 15. This will provide a complete list of the Planets in your chart and their position, and information on Aspects and Houses as well. RAY 2 "LOVE & WISDOM"GOD THE SON/DIVINE WISDOMThe SECOND RAY is a MAJOR RAY, The TEACHER & COUNSELOR"I" am a center of Love and Wisdom"I INSTRUCT", Offers Counsel, Teaches and Loves ALL othersHeals with Love and by Touch, Group Involvement and Religion/SpiritualityAttracts those who feel unloved, neglected and those in need of counsel. Some people can be galvanised by an idea, others reached more easily by an ideal. It is thought that the seventh Ray aspires to the first Ray, the sixth Ray aspires to the fourth Ray and then the second Ray, and the fifth Ray aspires to the third Ray.         Luther Burbank (1.6) From the Monadic Plane, some essence from one of these rays travels down to the third plane known as the Spiritual or Nirvanic Plane and the fourth plane known as the Intuitional or Buddhic Plane until it reaches the fifth plane known as the Mental Plane. The Sacred Triad and Sacred Planet of your Soul Ray apply directly to you. The Qualified & Representative Energy that each of these Creator Aspects emanates is called the Ray of that Aspect. Each of these 3 Aspects, arisen from The Consciousness of our God, is not only an Aspect-Fragment of God and a Creator Being in Itself, but Each is a Focus for a certain Divine Quality of our Creator God, and the Energy or Force radiated by Each of these 3 Aspects throughout the Universe at all Levels is called a Ray (in human terminology). I never did like the word, Ray, as used to describe the Universal Forces. Here's a little test: If you are still captivated by the "glamour" of Earth life and caught up in material advantages and/or the power connected to such glamour and advantages then you are only motivated by your Personality Ray and living your life through an insular energy unaware of your Soul's desire and Will. Vulcan aids the Soul as it leaves one plane to move to another, by evolution, by will and by death. All that is in existence at every Level of Being in our Universe has been created by These Seven.     Fifth Ray -- Concrete Knowledge, Scientific Exactitude, & Healing Arts (refer to "The Fifth Ray") Without spiritual awareness a person is most likely to function solely according to the dictates of the Personality Ray. Vulcan is the way of return, Revelation and acceptance serve that end. For two-thirds of the evolutionary journey the Personality Ray dominates, after which the Soul Ray begins to dominate.
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