If you don’t have to, like me, reading the book is still necessary. Thanks! Then, on exam day (the whole reason why you took the class, I assume), you will have to answer 80 multiple questions and write 3 essays for which you will have under an hour to finish for each. By the time May hits, your teacher may be cramming in whatever he/she can about the 90’s to early 2000’s, throwing a bunch of review work at you, or all of the above. I'm a girl with a blog. I heard that there is about an hour of notes each night and with any projects and essays on top of it. That being said (sorry for the multiple comments, just trying to state all my points), my parents and other family members tell me to pull through the class, that it will make my GPA look good and will help me with study skills, note taking skills, and test taking skills. Currently, I’m supposed to be taking APUSH, AP Psychology, AP Physics, and AP English Lang. You have to be prepared to put in the effort, especially if you prefer science and math to the humanities, and the type of work you do in the course doesn't come as naturally to you. So there’s that. I know your plan is to take 3 AP classes, but you if truly don’t like the idea of taking an advanced history course, I recommend dedicating your time to the two APs you’re planning to take and maybe expanding your extracurriculars. Or do it on the side, as an extracurricular perhaps, without having to take the class? Hi there! Your beloved blogger and former APUSH student. Yes, these are people who said the course wrecked their grades and destroyed their lives (APUSH students have a very strong grasp on the hyperbole). Fifth, you seem like someone willing to push herself and is capable to handling her work. AP classes are typically more challenging than regular high school classes, but did you know that some APs are harder than others? Especially since the teacher I got has been known to give busy work. How would i find a level. I’m comfortable writing and reading and, generally, learning. Just don’t use this as an excuse to accept a B because it could be seen as an A. Achievements in extracurriculars, your SAT score, and other parts of your application can easily outweigh one bad grade, and there’s usually a place in your application for you to explain any grade lower than a C. Finally, I’m going to wrap this up since at this point this reply is almost as long as the blog, if you are reading through the material and find it not at all very engaging but a chore you know you won’t get used to, don’t take it. I am very passionate about literature and science, but I don’t know if I’m ready for the work load APUSH has to offer. -English 2 Honors (Pretty cool) My parents keep telling me they think it’s a lot of work for me and they are not sure if I can handle it all. I am especially bad with dates. I was planning to take Ap bio and got that but they added Apush and Ap literature without me knowing (idk how i am suppose to the summer hw for them. Plus this will help you figure out what study techniques works for you and which don’t. I have been an all A student throughout my school years. Throw in two tests to make-up and some chores around the house and consider me dead. There are SO many subjects covered within this course that there will bound to be a section that interests you. Even if it's a challenge, most students also think it's an engaging and interesting class. -Pre-Calculus Honors Nice article, it was very informative and funny too! I do want to remind everybody else, though, that it differs throughout different schools and even between different teachers in the same school. Though I commend and admire you if you are this type of person, I also want to warn you that this is not going to help you in this class. So far, based on testing statistics, we're leaning toward the conclusion that AP US History is hard. Can you drop it a week or so into the school year? Show my results >> -Algebra 2 Honors (Okay in theory, terrible in execution) I’m sure you’ll do just as well in APUSH. If you really don’t like it, drop it. The Great Depression sections won’t be depressing for you! Then my counselor has me nervous because she said I need to take 6 AP classes in order to get into a good college and I have 1 AP under my belt right now (AP Human Geography). Scan through the pages and try to pick up on the important details (these details might show up in side notes, captions on pictures, “reading check” questions, and often lead extended anecdotes). George Ballentine, a Scottish weaver, sought a better life in the United States. I’m just pulling info out of my gluteus maximus for this one. I can’t really say whether or not the workload would impede on other things on your schedule (that really differs based on your school, your own work ethic, etc. The thing is, if I take APUSH, I’ll make that class an elective because I don’t think I can handle five APs. (Still, it’s something you can work and improve on next year!) Fifteen other AP exams had lower 5 rates than AP US History (while 28 had higher 5 rates). This helps you discern whether the Stamp Act or the Intolerable Acts came first without knowing any numbers. Spanish 3 Overall, I get pretty decent grades (A’s and B’s) and my highest grade right now is in American Government, but I am a super meticulous worker and a perfectionist so it takes me an annoying amount of time to do anything. Any AP would greatly help you in college! What you want to do is section off history into blocks. Did you have trouble writing essays? (duh). Do you have any tips on how to remember the material? P.S. But are there any easy AP classes to balance out your schedule? You should pull all the information you know about a person/event for those. Okay, so first, I’m just worried that you won’t be able to get to my post because its been, like, three years since you originally made the post, but whatever! The low 5 rate combined with the types of students who take AP US History suggest that it is a difficult test. People say I am an excellent writer, however, it takes me a really really really long time to write essays. Should I switch out of one of my AP classes and take 3 AP classes my senior year or just keep my 3 AP classes for my junior year and take 2 AP classes my senior year. Keep in mind that AP US History might be different from other history classes you took earlier in high school. -JROTC (Second year, but honestly not my favorite anymore) I hope this helps you and good luck on the exam! Hi, sorry you probably already said this, but I have a major question. Good luck darlings and pray that I didn’t fail the AP exam. If you plan on majoring in the humanities (or history in particular), I’d definitely recommend taking APUSH because it would actually a) save you money and b) time in college.If you plan on majoring in the sciences, taking AP Stats or APES will be helpful for the same reasons. Don’t feel like you’re letting anybody down! As for your question, it all depends on the timing of your class (mainly what teacher you have). Sorry you had such a bad experience with the course. Again, my experience with APUSH might be different than yours but I also remember taking copious amounts of notes on chapters and chapters of work every night. Best of luck . You’re on the perfect track as far as I can tell. That’s all the elderly insight I have. if you don’t mind me asking, how much of the class is spent on, say 1900+? The reverse is true of classes that students take as underclassmen. I don’t think she took all the AP courses offered, just most of them. I know that it’s common for intelligent students like you to stress out too much about rank and grades, but don’t. Yes, I do know this is just the opposite of one of the reasons I listed under why you should not take it. I didn’t have to take notes on my chapters but I believe others had to in their schools, in which case you will be forced to read the material. hello lovely blog btw The 5 rate is the percentage of students who earn 5s (the highest possible score) on the AP test. History In the Making. It's low because more people who have little to no experience with other high-level classes tend to take AP Environmental Science as a one-off AP for their transcripts. Hi there, Looking to study History in September and was just wondering how difficult it is compared to the A level and also what students do in a day e. Keep in mind that APUSH is probably different than other history courses that you’ve taken, for better and for worse. He ended up fighting in the Mexican-American War. Or, like you said, use that time to do other activities that would look good on your potential application– volunteering for an organization or cause that you deeply care about, for example, will look just as great as any AP class (assuming you put in enough hours and effort toward it) to a college admissions board, I’m sure. This class killed me. COMMENTS ARE NOW ENABLED. Hi! Alternatively, you could ask your guidance counselor what their opinion is of the class based on the performance of past students. You want to be prepared for other AP classes. Why? You have to apply your background knowledge to these sources and draw conclusions by blending skills of factual recall and deeper analysis. Yasmeen Serhan Populist movements have a knack for sticking around long after their leaders leave office. Fourth, if you’re taking AP courses for the first time, it’s good for you to know that your GPA will probably go down IF your school does not weigh GPA. Would you need the credit in college? Yes, they are important, but a slip or two here and there won’t affect your college chances. For me, however, it was probably my easiest AP course. Final consensus: I really wish I could tell you what to do, but I don’t know enough to do that. Women’s History Month is a celebration of women’s contributions to history, culture and society and has been observed annually in the month of March in the United States since 1987. I really can't stress enough that the number of points lost, if any, varies based on an individual's credit history. You sound like a very hardworking student who would definitely enjoy the class, and its course load. Colleges will not only look for someone who is well-rounded, but also for someone who can show they can do something and do it well. I would greatly appreciate some help. If you take this class and get a B, it’ll still look better than an A in regular history.
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