They feel lost without having a cause that is a part of their passion. It feels like I’m betraying myself and my children.” INFJs are good at protecting what matters to them and they don’t think that it should be put out in the world to see. Even though he was deeply committed to ultimately achieving social justice across the world, he refused to use violence to achieve his goal. Some of them inspire us to achieve our goals and never give up. INFJs are usually good students, achievers who exhibit an unostentatious creativity. She often romanticizes the unknown, however this idealized perception only leads her to disappointment, when reality doesn’t meet her expectation. When inspired, they can easily transfer that feeling to others by not being afraid to dream big and have a unique vision. This is why INFJ film directors put such a strong emphasis on emotions and shaping a deep understanding of the human condition. It is easy for them to detach themselves from their real-life persona and fully become someone else for a while. Running a kingdom, losing his dad, and learning that his family covered up a murder and abandonment plot are just a few of the things he's handling in Black Panther. INFJs are very perfectionistic people — they often redo things again and again, before they are finally satisfied with the end result. INFJs live their life with a great sense of purpose. Alice in Wonderland is an INTP from a Disney film of that name. She develops connections with people and does not break those connections no matter what. It … INFPs have strong values that guide their choices in life. They see themselves as encouraging improvement in others. In this PsycholoGenie article, we focus on an INFJ's personality traits. ISTPs are introverted (I), sensing (S), thinking (T), and perceiving (P). Here are just ten of the many contradictions of the INFJ man. Imagine your favourite celebrity or fictional character. The Personality Database is a user-driven, social community based on popular typing methods as the Four Letter Personality types, Enneagream, Socionics, Temperaments and other Personality Systems. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Others, like Adolf Hitler, might take you aback. As a true INFJ he is very future-oriented and often encourages others to be the same way. Then their actions reflect their ideals. They are one of the most independent Myers-Briggs personality types. While some of these figures were likely never tested (living out their full lives before MBTI was developed), they exhibit traits similar to that of the INFJ. His social awkwardness is shown by the way he congratulates her for her success in saving China. These villains are fun to watch and all have their own reasons for doing what they do (aka killing people). Required fields are marked *. INFJs also have strong intuition about people and their underlying intentions — which is demonstrated by Galadriel in how she knew Boromir would steal the Ring, that Sam is the most faithful of Frodo’s companions and the truth about Gandalf’s “death.” Galadriel is the personification of the mythical INFJ side, the way they are perceived as sages and wise people. ISFJs put much of their energy into helping others. Contradictory Traits of the Male INFJ 1. While Basil is typically calm and collected, he can be moody if things don’t go his way. She also comes up with new inventions to help her friends. By analyzing their circle of relatives, friends, and everyday people, they are devoted to exploring the true character of each person, which often lurks beneath the surface. As an INFJ he relies on his gut feeling — which hardly ever fails. This can sometimes prove to be difficult, as INFJs always have one foot set in the land of imagination and possibilities. People with the Dc (Architect) personality type tend to be more intense and use a more forceful approach to life than most people. The father of Pocahontas, Chief Powhatan, has ordered her to keep away from the English, but she disobeys. This blog tells you about the introverts (I) among Disney’s colorful animated characters. His warmth, courtesy and calm gentlemanly manners seemed ethereal and as if they didn’t belong to his day and age. They can be assertive when they need to. However, they might get too caught up in their perfectionistic tendencies if they are not careful. The encounter occurs while Smith is exploring the wilderness as his ship’s crew searches for gold. Notably she hasn’t been willing to go in-depth about her personal life in interviews, stating that “I’m a woman, a mother, a daughter, a sister. INFJ Careers: 6 To Avoid If You Are An INFJ Personality Type. @scrawlx101: Not sure.Most teen characters don't really have stable personalities either due to lack of stories, or lack of development. Jung. INFJ Personalities can … The elven queen is mysterious and elusive, moving through the world with admirable grace and dignity. 10 Fictional Characters That Are Actually An INFJ | The Rarest Personality Type. However, being artistic has its downsides as well. Another thing Lisa relies on heavily is encouragement from others. Next to her insightfulness, she is also a skilled diplomat, while still being wary of mortal motivations. 3. Some of them are very specific to the male gender, while others may be experienced by female INFJs to varying degrees as well. A big goal on their list as philosophers is to shift the world to a calmer and more peaceful place, while still keeping in touch with reality. Noam Chomsky, the writer, philosopher and linguist is another INFJ example. Despite his deep scientific thought, he had an undeniable attraction to spirituality and religion. Professor X is very reliable when it comes to giving others emotional support and nothing puts him down more than not being able to help those in need. They avoid conflict and try not to tell others what to do. Lisa often detaches from the real world and turns to the land of imagination instead. People of this personality type are good organizers, often rising to leadership positions. This can be explained due to the fact that many of them have complex personalities, are introverted, and feel drawn to the arts. But which are the most well known? INFJs like Saki are adaptable, innovative thinkers, but they stick to their strongly developed sense of values. Their strong moral compass aids them in telling right from wrong and when they believe in a cause, nothing can turn them away from it. INFJ people tend to be very creative. There are plenty of renowned actors, filmmakers, authors, musicians and politicians that come from the INFJ personality type. Although she is seen as somewhat mad, she is extremely intelligent and imaginative. With little need to control others, the main desire of the ISFJ is to see everyone living in harmony. His courage enables him to rescue Simba. It makes it easier for students to get to know each other and to make more informed decisions about their academic and work future.. Yoda isn’t only an idealistic believer of the Jedi Code — he embodies these beliefs almost religiously. This makes him appear as a mystical figure, which is very soothing for other people. If so, they could very well be an INFJ – The Sage (A.K.A The Advocate). By Elaine Schallock, INFJ. While this has something to do with his special abilities, he approaches disturbing visions in a calm and analytical way. However, INFJs are very susceptible to criticism and receiving it may trigger this otherwise gentle personality type and turn them dark. The rarest personality type makes for some of the most fascinating and captivating characters, and famous INFJs can be found in all walks of life. He tells Mulan, “You fight good.”. INFPs are introverted (I), intuitive (N), feeling (F), and perceiving (P). In the Disney movie “Pinocchio,” ISFJ Jiminy Cricket is given the job of serving as Pinocchio’s conscience. Who isn’t familiar with Lisa Simpson, the iconic character from The Simpsons? He is able to see the bigger picture and often reflects on how the actions of X-Men impact society as a whole. For INFJs it’s sometimes hard to tell if they really see something somewhere, or they just make up what they want their reality to be like. Leonard Cohen encompasses this with his gentle lyrics that touch people’s souls. They’re not outspoken unless they see injustice. Marketing. He is simply very sensitive to emotions as a whole. They prefer to let their films express their deeper sense of creativity and the bigger picture. There was a sense of gentleness both in his movements, as well as in his lyrics, even when their themes bordered on the macabre. Nicole Kidman is one example of an INFJ actor. While they know how to be cordial when it’s required, it’s usually because they’re trying to be appropriate. Just like Alice in Wonderland, they question everything that happens to them, testing new ideas for accuracy. In music, these people find an unconventional outlet to channel their thoughts and feelings. For her, it’s easy to spot underlying meaning and connection in places where there might not be one in the first place. Here are some other INFJ characters from TV shows you may be familiar with: “Always in motion the future is,” as the green Jedi Master Yoda tells us. The elven queen doesn’t shy away from showing compassion to those in need and proves to be a loyal friend to those she considers have earned her trust. INFJ Pocahontas, the main character of Disney’s animated film by that name, meets Captain John Smith during early colonial days. They are often able to extract deep insights by observing what’s around them or by hearing different perspectives. They are quiet, private and observant. The INFJ personality, or the “lawyer” The Myers-Briggs is a kind of psychological test that education professionals usually like. They tend to be reserved and don’t easily speak up in meetings or when they are around other people. A much more positive example of a famous INFJ is Mahatma Gandhi. There are plenty of other fields that INFJs have left a mark on — film, philosophy, literature, and music, to name a few. Here are some other prominent examples of INFJ philosophers and psychiatrists: Even though politics isn’t a career that INFJs particularly excel in, certain characteristics of their personality are very fitting for a position in that field. Li Shang is opinionated about women until he meets Mulan, to whom he is attracted. They always abide by their deeply rooted code of honor. He believes that humans won’t be saved by pure science alone, but rather by a combination of psychology and religion. Writing encompasses one of their favorite things — working alone. If you like INFJ characters, you might love these ideas I made this chart on Framatic, all my favorite INFJ fictional characters! Because of their gentle, compassionate nature, they may find that other, more assertive types overlook their abilities or take advantage of them. It’s easy to find meaning scattered throughout all of their shots — think choices of camera angles, props, set design, costume and makeup. When told this, INTJs can be hurt. Other names in the music industry with the INFJ personality type include: Given the INFJ tendency toward abstract thought processes, it’s no wonder that they use art as an outlet for their creativity. INFJ actors are prone to pouring tremendous amounts of energy and willpower into fully embodying a character. She doesn’t like small talk and instead prefers to gain a deeper understanding about the inner world of people around her. Personal growth drives them and anything short of that pursuit is meaningless to them. Copyright © 2016 - BeaconStreetUSA. INFJs are also known for presenting a darker, though knowledgeable, perception of the world in a peaceful way. INFJ is one of the most frequently-mistyped Myers Briggs (MBTI) types, making it highly misrepresented and warped in pretty much everything you read online. Are they creative, idealistic and caring? They’re not always easy to deal with. For me to discuss the most private thing feels wrong. Rowling admits that she is a people pleaser, and constantly aims to avoid conflict and create a harmonious environment. Their art is very expressive and sometimes even bizarre, which goes to show exactly how interesting these people can be. Her ideas are often flooding her mind and allegedly she has come up with Harry Potter while on a train ride. Their ability to take in new information seems endless. She is reserved, altruistic and determined. Even though INFJs are considered to be the rarest personality type, this is not the case among musicians. They encourage others while not intruding or imposing on them. However, this is not the case — The Sage is simply too entranced with leaving a positive mark on the world. She has an outgoing and offbeat sense of humor, and is a little zany sometimes. When working alone, The Sage has the opportunity to pour out their imagination and creativity undisturbed by others. Some more popular names in this area are: Music is also deeply intertwined with The Sage’s creativity. INFJs are extremely private! The small number of this type (1 percent) is regrettable, since INFJs have unusually strong drive to contribute to the welfare of others and genuinely enjoy helping their fellow men. Even though he has powerful telepathic powers, he still finds it easy to understand the inner working of people’s minds, without having to actually read them. Some, like Lisa Simpson, may come as no surprise — she’s imaginative and dedicated, works alone, and often drifts off into her own world. Why do we love Disney characters so much? One example of such an influential figure is that of Andrei Tarkovsky. As an ISFJ, Jiminy Cricket is modest, orderly and easygoing, but he has a strong sense of duty. Below we will take a closer look at representatives of each section. They are typically the quiet, reserved and introspective character, with keen observational skills and a unique perspective of the outside world. This may be due to his background, as he grew up in a deeply religious household, or because he found his own meaning in this matter. It’s easy for them to build upon their established concept, by using the help of modern technology. Her one weakness is her short temper. He expressed himself very abstractly in conversation and had very deep spiritual thoughts, which are expressed through his music. Only someone calm, cool, and collected can take all that stress.
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