Ill keep it as simple as that. Feeder guppies are bred for food for larger fish and don’t have the bright coloring or long fins like the fancy guppy. That does look like a bit of green in the ammonia vial so I’m guessing your tap water has a little of it.You can “test” it by adding some ammonia and see if it’s gone in 12-24 hours. Rasboras also love tasty brine shrimp just like the betta. You’ve done the right thing by separating them, but you cannot keep your betta fish in that small of a habitat for extended periods. Drop these on the surface and watch them eat them. Water temperature for these fish should be between 75-82 degrees Fahrenheit. Scientific Name: Thalassinidea Just do water changes often and keep testing daily. I checked it witn a thermoter and it seemed fine. Many species listed above require different food than a betta. Ichthyosporidium Symptoms: Sluggishness, loss of balance, hollow belly, external cysts and sores. Help! I added some Zym Back to the tank shortly after setting it up. My betta flared at my fancy guppies at first but after a day they were fine. i believe they did die from the water or just pure stress. when the light is on, any suggestions on what to do? And what I was wondering about is, would it be okay to add some (4) ghost shrimps? Also any filter recommendations? Never a problem. I just recently won, but have not yet received, an aquaponic & hydroponic 3 gallon betta tank. These are the most crucial variables for taking care of Betta fish. 25-50% daily while medicating in the 5.5g tank(as directed by the med instructions), probably 75-90% once in the smaller isolated tank. What can be added in those small aquarium? Tank Size: 15-Gallons or More. I wouldn’t suggest a frog though. Another snail I really like is the black racer snail. ), I have a five-gallon tank that is established and planted. Depending on the tank size you suggest how often should I clean it and what methods do you recommend? Besides what my mom was told by the petstores for info…) I learned they are carnivore eaters too. All betta fish are different though. If either of these is the case, it’s okay for your betta to live alone than under constant stress. There are days I wish I was swimming inside my aquarium. I don’t want to overcrowd the tank, and I have only worked with 1-2 gallons before, so I don’t really want to mess this up. Esp. If you’re not quite ready for another fish species, the marimo moss ball is an excellent addition to any tank. Therefore, you may be okay with 6 tetras, the snail, and the betta. Télécharger des livres par Bruno Soustre Wen Xioawen Date de sortie: April 5, 2018 Éditeur: DAUPHIN Nombre de pages: 501 pages Maybe they’re pregnant when bought? No way to know without knowing results during the past three weeks. Clean Water is a Must. It just makes the most sense to us but the matter is, its very unsafe for your fish. If it is in from of a window do I still need a light for the tank? before i did i changed the tank water (i pour my fish into a smaller container than clean out the gravel and add new warmer water than dump my fish back in) i know that my fish could go into shock but i dont know how to make it get used to the water. Corydoras (cory/cories) catfish are good additions to a community betta tank. Thank you very much for the information. I was able to remove the bottom feeders from the bowl and fill the bowl up with distilled water. I’m grateful for the good information and informed dialog on this site!! There use to be 4-5 neon tetras and one extra bottom feeder (green cory) but those died when I clean the tank a week ago. The most common issue I see people have is “my betta fish will not eat! :/ Help! None. Keeping them in groups ( even 3 of them ) really makes a change in activity level, and just makes for happier fish imo. The minimum recommended tank size is 10-gallons (long horizontal tanks are better than tall vertical tanks). I didn’t do a water test and I had read about bio-filtration, but wrote it off as not that important. They are very active and like to explore their surroundings. Any tankmates you recommend? A few weeks ago she jumped out of the tank and took a huge fall about feet, I let you know that all seemed well, her fins wore torn but have grown back. Best of luck to you. My Male Veil Tail Betta is housed in a 55 gallon community tank with many different fish, including fancy guppies, and everyone lives together peacefully. Assumed my betta ate it. I also did a about a 20% water the day after I got him because there were dead leaves and some other junk floating at the top of the tank. 2. Oh god. Bettas take in oxygen both from the water using their gills and from the surface using the lung like labyrinth organ. Any ideas as to why he’s doing this would be peace of mind for me just want a happy boy. Keeping betta fish with other kinds of fish can be tricky unless you know what you’re getting yourself into. Hopefully my grammar and spelling wasn’t to hard on you. Here is our Best Seller! Each recommended tankmate requires a similar water pH level of around 7.0-8.0 and tropical temperatures in the range of 72-81 degrees fahrenheit. The plan would be to get a male betta, some panda cory, coolie loaches and some sort of suitable schooling fish. You obviously know your betta better than I do. Thanks! Please, I don’t want to kill another betta. Here is a quick guide I will throw together. Your tank needs to be thought of as an ecosystem because that is what we are replicating (mother nature aka the outdoors where fish live). My aquarium has been unused for too long and I’m thinking of starting it up again and getting some new fish. Did the other tank mates die from illness? Color: Green Corydoras live on the bottom, feeding, and can live alone or in schools (4 or more recommended) depending on the size of your tank. It’s better to add a betta to an established community tank. I will not be able to breed any betta food in another tank, so I’m wondering if it is possible to keep some kind of shrimp or similar (as food) in the same tank as the betta. Level: Beginner-Advanced I was looking through the fish on this site to give Cas some friends and I wanted to put in a mystery snail, 2-3 ghost shrimp, and 6-8 tetras (I haven’t decided which type yet), is this too much? With a brand new tank, you need some of this “good bacteria”. A video posted by BettaDew (@bettadew) on Apr 21, 2016 at 6:03pm PDT. i was wondering if that made it less healthy for your fish. 4. I’m just an average Joe myself looking to see your tank setup. But he lived almost 7years with us. Hello Bryan, great information and nice site. Also could we talk through email? If so, the water in your tank could contain a disease. I tried to put the female in a cup and let her float around on the surface in his bowl to see if he will perk up and his fen unclamp but it didn’t work. The other places I would ask would give me information but everything they would suggest was way too expensive and I’m on a tight budget. The idea would be that they breed in the vegetation and the betta (and other fish) would eat them and keep the numbers down. Enjoying the same pH and temperature range, feeder guppies are also very resilient fish. Both eat the same food too. Quick question, but what is the # of female Bettas with the greatest success rate? Personally I don’t think white cloud mountain minnows are good tankmates for betta fish. Do you recommend putting a snail into his tank? There is a trick to solve these problems. So they each have 10 G each. Your common household “Pea” helps their digestion system. All papers are always delivered on time. Thanks for the compliments Dianna, and that’s great you’re looking into getting a betta.
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