One of the main reasons for the "Great Divergence" was an underlying "Cultural Divergence," which began as far back as the "Axial Age" (c. 800-200 BCE). The defining characteristics of abstract art. What I and many others find quite fascinating is that although Britain is such a small country compared to America, the variants in its local dialects and accents across the country is vast e.g. A number of European countries, including Denmark, Germany and Scotland, now produce 100% of their energy needs from green renewable energies on a good day e.g. The philosophy across Europe is that education in the young is an investment in the future of the nation; and therefore most European education is State funded. Old world countries have a better foothold. It’s a subject which I don’t wish to debate at any great length because I can imagine it would be too emotive on both sides, with little chance of seeing each other’s perspective. The weather also changes from day to day so you can never be confident on whether tomorrow will be hot and sunny or cold and wet. The weather fronts battling it out over Britain are the:-. Although from what I can see, there are few democracies as complex as the USA political systems; or as flamboyant as Britain with its pomp and ceremony. There are probably a few pizza places, maybe a Chinese or Japanese restaurant, and likely a sandwich shop or two. Also, in England a child can legally drink at home from the age of 5; a European custom of where children have a glass of wine with the family on special occasions e.g. However, the Labour Party did not come to power until after the 2nd world war, when in 1945 they had their landslide victory. My perception is the major divergence between American and European culture really began in the early part of the 20th century. The definition of social construct with examples. Although it’s of no great value, I think it’s the thought that counts. In the chart I've also represented how the political parties overlap, to demonstrate how the left wing parties can work together, and how the Liberal Democrats can work with either Socialist or Capitalist Governments e.g. What matters to Europeans is who you are as an individual, not your race, creed, social class or religion. Europe has a different attitude towards work, which Americans often sneer at in forums, but from a European perspective ‘life’ is more important than ‘work’. Therefore in those areas local cultures and languages have survived to this day. Examples of Cultural Divergence. Tropical air mass from the south, bringing warm air from North Africa and the Mediterranean. Even Russia has indefinitely suspended the death penalty since 2009, pending their intention to eventually sign. It is part of our culture and it’s a guaranteed ice-breaker; even amongst family and friends the topic of the weather will invariably crop up at some point. Attitudes in southern Europe towards cats is different in that they are not so much seen as pets but more as working animals e.g. There is some common ground here but Europe has a different perspective, and opposing attitudes to America. In the UK, the main Direct Tax for most people at National Level is the Tax on Wages. By. Definition of Cultural Divergence: Hampden-Turner & Trompenaars (2000) describe six basic culture-defining dimensions (“cultural dilemmas”) differencing various cultures on the sociological and cultural level (Changing Minds, 2006): • Universalism-particularism; • Individualism-communitarianism; • Specificity-diffusion; • … Initially, following the defeat of the Kings troops, Oliver Cromwell (politician and military leader) who led the revolt against the King ruled England until his death in 1658. Youth from a variety of cultures interact with social media and information sites on the Internet. American healthcare costs about $8,745 per person per year. In the 1850s the Tories renamed themselves as the Conservatives and the Whigs renamed themselves as the Liberals. Thus you find English Morris dancers, Japanese No theater, African Bushmen eschewing one-upmanship, as a bare few examples. As in America, perceptions in Europe often doesn’t meet with reality. It’s not just Socialism (Trade Unions and Governments) but also businesses who share in the philosophy that a well-balanced work and Social Domestic life is healthier for the workforce and therefore increases productivity. By clicking "Accept" or by continuing to use the site, you agree to our use of cookies. Obviously now that I'm retired (early retirement at age 55) I pay very little tax on my income these days. At the outbreak of the 1st world war the three first cousins (grandchildren of Queen Victoria), King George V of Britain, German Kaiser and Russia’s Tsar, were at war with each other; not out of choice but out of events that they had little control over. The definition of alienation with examples. to keep vermin down. In spite of the slow evolution towards a modern democracy, the first embryonic steps towards any form of ‘Socialism’ in Britain were with the introduction of Poor Relief Acts in 1598 and 1601. • Roman Empire. Also, apart from the student loan interest being set at a low rate of just 4.6%, if after leaving university the person never earns enough to have to pay their student loan back then it’s automatically written off after 30 years. Maritime air mass from the Atlantic to the west bringing wet weather. Other aspects of traditional culture are well … American Indian policy nearly destroyed the First People. Sometimes religious beliefs can clash with popular culture, forcing the faithful members of certain cultures to practice cultural divergence. British humour is different to American humor. In Britain paints is the word for underwear; and what Americans call paints is what the British call trousers. Save. The fight to keep cultures from disintegrating may seem new, but one only needs to read about the Jewish Diaspora to know it's a story as old as the first civilizations. Divergence hypothesis starts with the attitude that cultural determinant is stronger in shaping of usual, everyday behaviour of employees and managers in companies (Ralston, et al., 1997). Cultural convergence is the theory that two cultures will be more and more like each other as their interactions increase. For example Europe is an aging population with low birth rates so its economies, and economic growth, are very dependent on high levels of immigration; especially for countries like Germany. Albeit, fuel tax on petrol (called gas in the USA) is much higher in Europe, which makes petrol very expensive in the UK. Some were embraced. This is especially true for the U.S. All Rights Reserved. cultural divergence. Progressivism (social reform) which influenced American and European culture at the turn of the 20th century. Germany and Britain; GNP (Gross National Product). 9 months ago. Weather might appear to be the odd one out but for Brits it’s a ‘cultural’ thing; as revealed at the end of this article. The cultural divergence occurred between the groups that adopted farming and those that remained hunter/gatherers. Part of the Amish's religious beliefs are that every individual must forsake modern luxuries and convenience. Whereas in more rural parts of Britain, were people who don’t see so much in the way of immigrants or refugees, the perception based on what they’ve seen on TV and read in the papers, or online, tends to be different. In debates with Americans it’s been pointed out to me time and time again that Americans are opposed to paying for healthcare through their taxes because:-, Obviously that is the American choice, and although nobody likes paying taxes Europeans are more comfortable in paying more taxes where it has greater social benefit for all. Some smirked at. Nothing is dominant anymore. Driven by economic realities, many countries have endorsed English as a language that is necessary for their citizens to learn. The definition of democratic freedom with examples. British healthcare (NHS) cost about $3,405 per person per year. Therefore I know that, although it’s not my intention, I risk offending some descent law abiding, honourable and respectable Americans. With the constantly bombing by Hitler’s (blitz), over two million British homes were destroyed. A Catholic Archbishop, who I personally know socially, passionately believes in the immaculate birth but doesn’t take the resurrection literally. During the American Civil War (1861–1865) Richard served as a Captain in the Union Army. The other aspect where there is a big divergence of views between Americans and Europeans is that Europeans have a high regard for humanitarian values, and as such are very sympathetic to the plight of refugees fleeing war-torn zones. An independent government organisation is a government department that is only answerable to Parliament, and not to the Government. The big difference is that Europe has heavily invested in its railway network infrastructure for a long time, so that not only do trains travel significantly faster than in America, but also in Europe the railway network connects all but the smallest of communities. Firstly, in Britain most cat owners have cat flaps and let their cats roam as they please. Europeans don’t care whether you’re religious or not, or if you are religious then what religion or faith (if any) you belong to. Waiting to be recognized Another one of the most common examples of cultural differences in the workplace is how well (and how much) someone promotes their contributions. For simplicity, only the main political parties in Britain are represented on the chart (doesn't include Northern Ireland). However, as other surveys in Britain constantly show, what religion people consider themselves as belonging to and whether they consider themselves religious or not are two different things. £1,094 ($1418) on the NHS (National Health Service). Below gives a flavour of some of the minimum legal working conditions in the UK. Every employee has a legal right to request flexible working, but the details have to be agreed with their employer. Of Queen Victoria's 42 grandchildren three were key players in the 1st world war:-. Wilhelm II (William II) the German Kaiser (Emperor). For me, paying for the NHS (and other social benefits) through my income taxes isn’t so much a tax but more of an insurance for when I need these benefits; as it guarantees free healthcare for all at the point of use regardless to income or wealth, and therefore is going to be a great reassurance to me as I get older. Welsh, Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic, Cornish and English, let alone all the dialects and accents across the country, there is a distinct difference between British English and American English. The direct result of this war was the overthrow of the Russian Tsar during the 1917 Russian Revolution and Communism. In Britain the only people who don’t let their cats out are those who live in flats (apartments) without gardens. Free bus travel to all over the age of 66. As far as I can ascertain (from what I’ve read and researched) there wasn’t a great deal of difference 100 years. we can sleep easy knowing our cats are safe. In Europe, if you’re a nationalist, which invariably are the extreme right wing political parties, then immigration and refugees are big issues. The definition of humility with examples and counter examples. Reproduction of materials found on this site, in any form, without explicit permission is prohibited. For example, a positive divergence would occur if a stock is nearing a low but its indicators start to rally. In more seasoned democracies in Northern Europe, like Britain and France, communism didn’t even get a look in. Report violations, Cultural Diffusion vs Cultural Appropriation. It explores the flow of content distributed across various intersections of media, industries and audiences, presenting a back … (backgrounds, beliefs, traditions, customs) " My husband and I often discuss our cultural differences. " I find the gulf in some areas has reached a point where it’s Increasingly difficult to find common social, political or cultural ground other than at a superficial level. An overview of romantic art with a list of its basic characteristics. Not only are guns illegal in Britain (as most Americans know), but also being in possession of a knife in public is a criminal offence, which can lead to a prison sentence if found guilty in a court of law. Larry Rankin from Oklahoma on May 12, 2017: The first major wave of immigration to America was Europeans escaping religious persecution; this includes the first settlement in. The most popular articles on Simplicable in the past day. At this time Europe was in political turmoil, a complex web of allegiances; and although the royalties of Europe were not in direct control (due to lessons learnt from the French Revolution in 1798) many still had influence. Siddhartha Menon defines convergence, in his Policy initiative Dilemmas on Media Covergence: A Cross National Perspective, as integration and digitalization.Integration, here, is defined as “a process of transformation measure by the degree to which diverse media such as phone, data broadcast and information technology infrastructures are combined into a single seamless all …
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