It is important to check for leaks in these areas, monitor the humidity, and dry up any condensation that develops. They require water to grow and spread, which is why it is recommended to keep homes – especially walls and carpets – as dry as possible. Mold CAN grow between 32 and 95 degrees, but optimum temperature is between 77 and 86 degrees F. Where Does Mold Grow in My Home? Your email address will not be published. If the conditions are not right, the mold will go dormant and not grow. Of those three, the presence of moisture is the most critical. Mold is common; its reproductive spores are present nearly everywhere in the air and on surfaces. - Brian Reeves - Mold Blogger All rights reserved. Required fields are marked *. You should talk to your doctor if you are experiencing any of these symptoms and consider having your home tested for mold by an expert. If you have a dishwasher, put the sponge in the dishwasher. Mold reproduce by means of tiny spores. What did you do to deal with mold? Mold growth is not just confined to indoor environments. Sometimes you can’t see mold because it is within a wall or attic. If mold grows on a material that is absorbent, like sponges or carpeting, the items will not be able to be cleaned sufficiently to remove all mold spores and will typically need to be discarded to prevent future mold growth. If your home is still struggling with higher than advisable humidity levels, consider buying a dehumidifier to maintain a healthy home moisture quantity that is unsusceptible or resistant to mold growth. It thrives when there is: Adequate Heat – Fungi can survive in a wide range of temperatures, but it grows best when it is warm. Mold is a type of fungus that begins as small spores that multiply when exposed to environments supporting their development. You may wish to hire a professional to restore your home after a flood. ASHRAE Journal, 58(9), 32. Condensation on or around windows can be an indication that your home’s moisture levels are too high. Remember, what does mold need to grow? Some places that tend to be the most likely to suffer from the development of mold include greenhouses, construction sites, old wooden buildings, flower shops, or saunas. Health Canada considers indoor mould growth to be a significant health hazard. I've had a lot of success with stopping mold growth in my bathrooms by taking steps to control the moisture. The ideal temperature for mold growth is 77 to 86 degrees. Assure that ventilation throughout your home is adequate to keep up with moisture levels. A common place for outdoor mold is on damp, decomposing leaves and plants. As the spores reproduce, they attach onto an item and form a mass that can be fuzzy or slimy. If the air is on the warmer side and you’ve got some water damage, you should definitely be on the lookout for mold. There are numerous molds that can grow indoors, so it is important to check our homes for the risk factors for mold. If a small amount of mold growth is found, a person can typically remove it with cleaning products. Damp environments, such as basements, encourage mold growth. The spores are like seeds, but invisible to the naked eye, that float through the air and deposit on surfaces. One of the most common environmental sources that generally contributes to mold growth is excessive moisture. Remember, mold can begin to emerge in 24 hours under the right growing conditions. Moisture Levels in the Home. Mold requires four things in order to grow: water, food, suitable temperature and air. Conditions for Mold Growth in Houses. Areas with accumulated confined moisture sources make mold spores more likely to thrive and multiply into larger growths. For widespread areas of mold, it may not be safe for an untrained person to clean it, so a professional may be required. Let’s examine each requirement, one-by-one. We spend a lot of our time indoors. 5/10/2018 . Mold. Ailments for Mold Growth in Houses Irrespective of outdoors weather problems, tasks inside property produce dampness which is the center for mold and mildew to grow in residences.
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