Copyright 2023 | AlQuranClasses All rights Reserved, Here is a dua for Cancer. Misguidance being the end result of the corruption of knowledge and anger being the end result . for its cure.[4]. Narrated Ubadah bin As-Samit Allhs Messenger said,Whoever does not recite Srat Al-Fatihah in his prayer, his prayer is invalid. or Zamzam water and giving it to someone to drink who is frightened, his fear The Surah includes affirmation of Tawheed in all of its various categories, Tawheed ar-Rububiyyah, meaning unity of Allahs Lordship, contained in His saying, Lord of the Universe., Tawheed al-Uluhiyyah, meaning unity of Allahs worship in that all worship is to be done sincerely for His sake Alone, contained in His saying, You Alone we worship and Your aid Alone we seek., Tawheed al-Asmaa was Sifaat, meaning the unity of Allahs Names and Attributes in that they are perfect and unique to Him, contained in His saying, all praise and thanks are due to Allah.. Abdullah Ibn Abbas (radiAllahu anhu) reported that Allahs Messenger (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said Rejoice in the two lights brought to you which have not been brought to any prophet before you: al-Fatihah and the last verses of Surah al- Baqarah (2: 2854), (said an angel to the Prophet, blessings and peace be on him) [Muslim]. Surah Al Fatiha teaches us that only He is our Lord, and all the praises are for Him, and only He will lead us to the right path and guidance. To cure poison, this Surah is very effective. He was cured Reciting the first seven verses of this Surah Your email address will not be published. 3- Seeking good and righteous company, Guide us to the straight path. Through To conclude, there are a number of benefits of, . Read the following accounts from that era: 1. The path of those You have blessednot those You are displeased with, or those who are astray. to whom I mentioned I ask you first to pray for all those suffering from incurable diseases, for myself. Some of them curable some are incurable. Or are these benefits for Shia Muslims? (Al-Quran 15:82). The nature of man demands keenness in every work before he starts it. 'Surah Fatihah is a cure for every illness' (Sumani Darimi, Hadith: 3413 and Shu'abul Iman, Hadith: 2154) This Hadith -when coupled with the one in question- is authentic. Our vision is to spread the light of the Quran among Muslims. When Sayyidana Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) was informed of this, he said: It (Surah Al-Fatiha) is The Mother of the Quran (Umm al-Quran) and is a cure for every disease. [This narration has been recorded by Ath-Thualbi from Abu Sulaiman, who narrated it from Muawiya bin Saleh (radhi Allah anhu), Tafseer Mazhari 1:31], Saib (radhi Allah anhu) bin Yazeed says that Rasulullah (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) recited Surah Al-Fatihah and blew it on me. Many people have different types of disease. The famous Surah of the Quran for a cure from diseases is the first surah "Surah Fatiha". upon water and then drinking it, one will remain protected from thirst. vol. Below are some Quranic remedies mentioned by Why do people prefer Online Quran Learning instead of Madrassah? Indeed, our prayers are incomplete without the recitation of surah Fatiha. Your email address will not be published. down Surah al-Nisa and hang it. All articles published on site are compiled from various sources. function() { The following hadeeth can be sufficient to explain its importance: Honey is aremedyfor every illness, and the Quran is a remedy for all illness of the mind. This is the best Quranic dua for health recovery and the cure of diseases and it can be used in the following ways : : , . Each and every word of Quran-e-Pak is priceless for every Muslim. This greatest surah of Holy Quran, Surah Fatiha is also known as Umm-ul-Quran or the mother of Quran. display: none !important; The proper way of performing Fatiha dua for health and to recover is to recite the surah in such a way that Bismillah should be joined at the . Book a Free Trial. Surah Al-Fatiha the very first chapter of holy book Quran. 5- Remembering and reiterating the most beautiful names of Allah, with the emphasis on The All-Merciful, the Ever-Merciful, because the relationship between Allah (SWT) and mankind is dependant upon mercy. The popular names of this Surah are the following: (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The opinion of the majority of the scholars, among them Malik, Ash-Shafii and Ahmad, is that it is obligatory to recite Al-Fatihah in the prayer and that the prayer is invalid without it. And if you are meant to heal, then it will happen. When he returned, we asked our friend:Did you know anything to recite upon him to cure him?He said:No, I only recited Umm al-Kitab (i.e. To save your home from being seized, write Ibn Abbas narrated: While Jibril was with the Messenger of Allah, he heard a noise from above. Israeel, verse 82, Surah Shuara, verse 80, Ha-Meem al-Sajdah, verse 44, Siddeeq-e-Akbar and the pleasure of Allah Almighty, Preventing the woman, who is pregnant for the first time after marriage, from adorning herself and travelling to another city, Siddeeq-e-Akbar and the pleasure of Allah Almighty, If one does not like the clothing they ordered online, Questions and Answers Of Madani Muzakarah, Sayyiduna Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, A Mirror of the Prophet, King of the Angels, Servant of Mustafa (Part 1), An Islamic perspective on the transmigration of the soul (Part 5), Our Prophet: The Most Sublime, The Most Great, Excellence of Siddique al-Akbar,Mention by Ali al-Murtada . 6, p. 182, No. athe most superior action is to make another Muslim happy. It is recited as cure for spiritual and physical illness and is considered a direct loving link between the servant and the Lord. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Surah Al-Waqiah An Ultimate Information Including the History, Benefits and Surah Al-Imran History, Significance, Lessons, Guidance, Benefits and Wazifa, Surah An-Namal Theme, Benefits, Main Concept and Wazifa, Sabul-Mathani (The Seven Oft Repeated Verses). Prophet Mohammad (saw) has said: "Verily the chapter of Fatiha is a cure for every illness". Ayesha (RA) stated that when anyone among them had an illness, Prophet Mohammad (SAW) used to rub the area of the pain, reciting the following dua: . Say, I seek refuge in the Lord of humanity, From the evil of the retreating whisperer , Who whispers [evil] into the breasts of humanity , Let us also emphasize that a dua (supplication) is beneficial only when the intention is correct. He replied Umm-ul-Quran (Surah Fatiha) the Prophet (P.B.U.H) proclaimed, By Him in Whose dominion my soul is, nothing like it has been revealed in the Torah, the Gospel, the Psalms, or the Quran and it is seven of the oft-repeated verses in the Mighty Quran which I have been given.(Tirmidhi). [22], 8. There are many names of this greatest surah. He can get only that thing (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); which he desires. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The one who recites this Surah in two units (Rakah) Its always going to be awaiting every one of us. Do you have something to add under this post, share with us! Do Sunni Muslims believe these benefits? who recites this Surah at the time of sleeping, his supplication will be The The Holy Pophet(PBUH) said: "In Surah al . Prophet Muhammad) had something good with him and so he exorcised the mad man with Surah al Fatiha, and he was cured. This has to be recited 41 times between the sunnah and fard rakats of fajr prayer. Therefore, Allah almighty has made every Muslim to offer this dua for seeking the true and straight path. By reciting this, we believe that we worship Allah alone. And when the illness (Al-Anam, 6/155). A sick individual became well by other societal ills were widespread due to ignorance. 7. 115 Al is a defined article and Fatiha means the opening Surah, which starts the Quran because it is that Surah which comes first in the Quran. (Umm al-Quran). said: , meaning, The best remedy is the Quran.[1], Allah Almighty has revealed the Quran as a placing it in water) drinking it is beneficial for spleen disease. He replied Umm-ul Quran (Surah Fatihah) the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) proclaimed, By Him in whose dominion my soul is, nothing like it has been revealed in the Torah, the Gospel, the Psalms, or the Quran and it is seven of the oft-repeated verses in the Mighty Quran which I have been given [at-Tirmidhi, Al-Hakim says that this hadith is Sahih on the conditions established by Imam Muslim (Tafseer Mazhari 1:30)]. To save your home from being seized, write . as they were [more] blessed [than my hands].[12], Quranic Misguidance is due to the corruption of knowledge, and anger is due to the corruption of intent. Surah Fatiha is the best remedy for the diseases of the Heart and Body. It is helpful in removing poverty. To cure poison, this Surah is very effective. , 3. Surah Fatiha (The Opener) Arabic and English Translation With Benefits. It teaches us that the recompense will be established upon perfect justice. Those who believe in the hereafter believe in this (Book), and they are constant in guarding their prayers. verses of the Quran were revealed as a cure and mercy. Muslims recite this surah in every prayer. 1, p. 516, [23] Al-Burhan from lying. By the blessings of this, And all praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of the Universe. immediately disappeared. Read this Surah 41 times, if your eyes hurt. Ayesha (RA) stated that when Prophet Mohammad (SAW) was ill. vol. [27], [1] Ibn Majah, vol. In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive notifications of our latest blogs, Refund Policy | Privacy Policy | Terms and Conditions. The trials and challenges we face in life due to our families, illnesses, or finances can also be calamities. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said that although onion and garlic have a terrible smell, they are cures for 70 different illnesses that other medicine cannot cure. addressing the reader and the supplications in Al-Fatiha are in plural. Upon reaching Madinah, we narrated this to the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam), whereupon he remarked: How did he come to know that Al-Fatihah can be used as a cure? And what made you to know that it was a ruqya? 723). important to observe when seeking cure through litanies. Learn 5 best ways to easily teach kids about Islam, 3 Ways Muslim Moms are making looking after their baby fun and easy, Luxury Silk Scarfs - The Moderno Series - TMK Originals, Holy City of Makkah and Madinah Posters - Mosque Series, a Book which We have sent down, bringing blessings, 7 Surahs of the Holy Quran to Recite Everyday, Importance of Muharram in the Light of Quran, 10 Best Duas for the 10 days of Dhul Hijjah, 6 Places To Visit During Hajj Pilgrimage; Revitalizing Your Spirituality. It teaches us to praise and glorify Allah by mentioning His beautiful and perfect Names and Attributes. As stated in Al Quran: And this is a Book which We have sent down, bringing blessings and confirming (the revelations) which came before it: that thou mayest warn the Mother of Cities and all around her. The greatest chapter of Holy Quran is Surat Fatiha. 723). The Benefits of Surah Al-Fatihah. She believed in Allah, and she believed in the Prophet (Peace be upon him). Sayyiduna Abdullah Bin Masood reciting something and 6, p. 182, No. After the 100 time reciting of surah Fatiha every pray will be surely assented. Recitation of Surah Kafiron brings you the reward of recitation equal to a quarter of the Quran. Therefore, we call upon Allah to keep us firm on the ways He has shown us while expressing our inability to be guided by ourselves. Whoever sat in the Good Deed: #201 Cure with Surah Fatihah The opening, Good Deed: #202 Remove Shaytaan Read Surah Baqarah The Cow. of Surah Qaaf and verse no. Surah Fatiha is the first chapter of the Holy Quran consists of seven verses. will remove the effect of the litany or spiritual cure. Whoever sat in the One of the Companions recited Surah Al-Fatiha and blew in his ear. [Bukhari, Muslim]. The benefits of reciting surah Fatiha 41 times is that the person who will recite surah Fatiha 41 times and blow it on a patient who is suffering from a seve. Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds; Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek. al-Awliya, vol. 1, p. 515, [22] Al-Burhan (function( timeout ) { Surah Al-Fatihah is a cure. The Prophet Before Allah Almighty, no nation compares to the Ummah of the Prophet being the best. Healing cancer takes a complete protocol. After the 100 time Reciting of Surah Fatiha every pray will be surely assented. 1, p. 517, [21] Al-Burhan The proper way of performing Fatiha dua for health and to recover is to recite the surah in such a way that Bismillah should be joined at the beginning of it removing the first alphabet of the surah. ); In that Hadith, Rasulullah (sallallahualayhi wasallam) was amazed at the knowledge ofSayyiduna Abu Said Al-Khudri (radiyallahuanhu) and enquired: How did you know that [Surah Fatihah] was a ruqyah? and belief in the efficacy of whichever litany is being recited. Israeel, verse 82, Surah Shuara, verse 80, Ha-Meem al-Sajdah, verse 44, [20] Al-Burhan Surah Fatiha is a cure for every illness. Disease of Heart The disease of the heart means misguidance and danger. Many people live righteously and attain Allahs blessings while others disregard or lose the way, thus incurring His displeasure. It helps to cure spiritual illness as well. Shall bring people to account for their deeds in the hereafter. As regards its curing the bodily illnesses then this can be seen in the hadeeth of Abu Sa`eed reported in Saheeh Bukhari that after he had recited it to cure a person who had been bitten by a scorpion, the Messenger of Allah said to him. Upon analysing the period when the Quran was It teaches us about the Day of Judgement and about the recompense of our deeds. var notice = document.getElementById("cptch_time_limit_notice_32"); On his way there were a group of men who had with them a mad man in iron manacles. Hazrat Abu Saeed al-Khudri narrates: While on a journey we halted at a place. Recite this chapter regularly and get rid of all kinds of fears. A person once complained to the and blowing on yourself removes bodily pain. Who says Cancer Cure is not possible? It is different from the other chapters of Holy Quran. Surah al-Fatiha) upon him.We said that do not do anything until we reach Madinah and ask the Prophet regarding this (practice and reward-whether the sheep were lawful or not for us). the Quran and blew upon her. Healing Cancer through onion Juice Here is a dua for Cancer. Sayyidatuna Khawlah bint Hakeem , Children! No previous prophet has been given anything like it. This ayah reiterates Allahs compassion and mercy mentioned earlier. [25], 11. Surah al-Falaq and Surah an-Nas - As recorded in Sahih Muslim, when someone in the household would become unwell, the Prophet (PBUH) would blow over that person by reciting Mu'awwidhatan (Surah al-Falaq and Surah an-Nas). This has to be recited 41 times between the sunnah and fard rakats of fajr prayer. (Sahih Al-Bukhri, Vol.1, Hadth No. Messenger of Allah about pain in his throat, and so the Prophet who recites this Surah at the time of sleeping, his supplication will be Time limit is exhausted. Upon reaching Madinah, we narrated this to the Prophet (PBUH), whereupon he remarked:How did he come to know that Al-Fatiha can be used as a cure? Relationship Between Quran and Tajweed Rules! It was one of the favourites and recommended foods of Prophet Mohammad (SAWW). It is the fifth surah in the order of revelation and comprises of seven ayahs, This surah inundates the believers life with its sublime lights, The reason is it called as Umm Al-Kitab is because the Quran starts with it And the prayer is started by reciting it. As alluded to earlier, al-Faatihah is named the Mother of the Qur`aan because it succinctly summarises the whole of the Qur`aan. All people living in the world have suffered from either mild or severe disease. In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. It teaches us to aspire to the company of the sincerely truthful, the martyrs and the righteous. al-Taubah, verse 14, Surah Yusuf, verse 57, Surah al-Nahl, verse 69, Surah Bani Recitation of this chapter is the best treatment to cure many diseases as one name of it is Ash-Shifa. recite it at the time of a worldly concern or difficulty, then that concern will remove the effect of the litany or spiritual cure. Shafiyah, and another name is Surah al-Shifa, for it is a cure for every When one asks for guidance to the Straight Path then he is asking for that which will cure the disease of misguidance. Its wazifa has the ability to cure every kind of disease in general. Keeping ones intentions correct and When he returned, we asked our friend: Did you know anything to recite upon him to cure him? He said: No, I only recited Umm al-Kitab (i.e. (Muslim 4:1707), Everything has a heart and the heart of the Quran is Surah Yaseen. Speaking the truth and always refraining [8] The Qu'ran is also a healer for both external and internal illnesses as it states: " We send down (stage by stage) in the Qur'an that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe " (17:82), in another verse, it also mentions: " O mankind! 2, p. 183, 184, Hadiths 1,907, 1,008, [11] Al-Dua lil-Tabarani, 8,221, [19] Surah Three time reciting Surah Fatiha gives the reward of 2 Quran E Pak. been stung by a scorpion. Surah Al-Fatihah "The Cure" (People of Quran) - Omar Suleiman - Ep. There is no disease that Allah has created, except that He also has created its treatment. This is the reason why The All-Merciful, the Ever-Merciful is repeated twice. this, and he said: I am not surprised by this. All verses of the Quran provide benefit and some surahs of the Holy Quran provide help with different spiritual, physical and mental health needs. 6. And third for anyone who shares this on Twitter, Facebook, or through an email or website. In one of the Hadith, Abu Huraira reported that our Holy Prophet (PBUH) said that do not make your houses as graveyards. It helps to remain safe from the fear of enemies. One of the biggest benefit of recite this surah is, In very pain recite Surat Fatiha the pain will vanished. What Should be the Relationship between Muslims and Non-Muslims? accepted, and he will receive blessings. lil-Zarkashi, vol. It is beneficial to recite Surah Perhaps it was Sayyiduna 2, p. 538, Hadith 3,370, [7] Al-Bukhari, The one Allahs displeasure and anger have also been mentioned in the Quran, but His mercy far exceeds His tendency to punish. 2, p. 538, Hadith 3,370, Al-Bukhari, Masood 2, p. 519, Hadith 2,580, Al-Mustadrak, Who says Cancer Cure is not possible? Get instant solution to your problems and diseases in light of the holy Quran and Hadith. recited verse no. AlQuranClasses offers 1-on-1 classes at the comfort of your home under highly qualified Ustad and Ustadah. The Prophets choice of words is unparalleled. Surah Fatiha Cure for Every Disease Sheikh Sudais #sheikhsudais #sudais #fatiha #surahfatiha #makkah #makkahlive #kaaba #masjidalharam #islamic #health With the complete code of guidance, the Holy Quran is a cure from illness and healer for all the challenges of life. Aya 88 with Fatiha, Ikhlas, & Qadr for toothache, Water remedy for illnesses and worries, Equivalent to all night ibada on Laylatul Qadr if recited with Suratul Mulk, Recited with Suratul Fatir protection of Allah all night, Forgiveness for one on deathbed angels accompany janaza and easy sakarat, Protection of newborns from all calamities, Safety from those who slander and backbite, If written with saffron and dissolved in Zam Zam water honor from people, memory retention, and safety from Jinn, Protection in times of war & during travel, If written on wall, keeps away household pests, No punishment if read with Suratul Mujadila in wajib salaa, Protects whatever is buried in the ground, Water good for memory retention and concentration, 4 raka salaa Suratul Hashr after Suratul Hamd important work successful, If recited in wajib salaa heart filled with iman, Intercession to Janna if recited in wajib salaa, If recited with Surat Tahreem, protection on Qiyama, Tawidh on a painful part Alleviates pain, Will not die until sees the place in Janna, Hajat answered straight after the recitation, Water+onion juice cure for aches and pains, Daily recitation guarantees a visit to Kaba, Recite with Suratut Takweer to be under the shade of Prophet (S.A.W.) 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