He calls him a scam artist. But when the bone marrow transplant started to go wrong soon after it took place, I didn't think she would make it. I'm just not prepared to talk in any seriously honest and self-revealing way about my relationship with my mother. She reveled in being; it was as straightforward as that. One answer is because I'll probably do a better and more responsible job than someone who didn't know her. I found a way to be present but not look at the way she had become physically. He was Philip Rieff, a twenty-nine-year-old professor of sociology, for whom she worked as a research assistant, and to whom she stayed married for eight years. And I really looked. In 1938, while in China, Jack died, of tuberculosis, leaving Mildred with five-year-old Susan and two-year-old Judith to raise alone. . All rights reserved. In my experience, lots of people are terrified of dying. She lies, she cheats, she betrays confidences, she pathetically seeks the approval of others, she fears others, she talks too much, she smiles too much, she is unlovable, she doesnt bathe often enough. In life, I dont want to be reduced to my work. (Examples: the philosophical aphorisms of Lichtenberg and Novalis; Nietzsche of course; passages in Rilkes Duino Elegies; and Kafkas Reflections on Love, Sin, Hope, Death, the Way.). Her first novel, The Benefactor (1963), is a very advanced kind of experiment in unreadability. An atmosphere surrounds them that wafts in from the same faraway kingdom. For the next four decades, Sontags life was punctuated by a series of intense, doomed love affairs with beautiful, remarkable women, among them the dancer Lucinda Childs and the actress and filmmaker Nicole Stphane. The idea that one good death fits all seems incredibly reductive to what human beings are all about. [2] Sontag would later write in a more accessible, though never plain-speaking, manner. He merely believes that a pretentious creep like Rieff could not have written it. In Washington these days, people talk a lot about the collapse of the bipartisan foreign policy consensus that existed during the Cold . The book publisher had received criticism for removing passages related to weight, mental health, gender and race. When I say "in spite of," what I mean is that when I saw that I still wanted to write in my early 20s, I thought very consciously, "Oh, if I become a writer, I will spend the first 10 years of my career having anyone who reviews a book of mine say, 'David Rieff, Susan Sontag's son.'" Their children, Ethan and Tania, were my friends and contemporaries. We had a complicated relationship. Of course, he intends to be discreet, to keep some things to himself. But on the other hand, I'm a realist. I agree with you entirely that she captured the imagination of a certain time and became famous, and then I think did really good work and backed it up. Sure. Sontag did not want to be an academic; she wanted only to write. On the contrary, she was very pleased that I was a writer and encouraged me in every way. Discretion so quickly turns into indiscretion under the exciting spell of undivided attention. by David Rieff, David Reiff ( 24 ) $13.99 In a shocking and deeply disturbing tour de force, David Rieff, reporting from the Bosnia war zone and from Western capitals and United Nations headquarters, indicts the West and the United Nations for standing by and doing nothing to stop the genocide of the Bosnian Muslims. I was coming back from about a month in Israel/Palestine, where I was trying to do a story on Yasser Arafat. I was trying to be cheerful. His books have focused on issues of immigration, international conflict, and humanitarianism. So she was going to do everything she could to survive. When did you first hear your mother had this form of blood cancer? Cremation seemed to confirm extinction. But I also decided that I was going to leave out certain things. November 19, 2015 Letters From the December 7, 2015, Issue Quantum of. I don't think, however, that the fact that she became famous has very much to do with the quality of her work. Then she lapsed into a kind of somnolence. Why do you think she was so dismissive of her essays? . Heather Turnbow, 47, of the District met Gulomova 18 years ago at the Silk Road Dance Company, shortly after Gulomova had married Rieff. In an essay from 2005, Wayne Koestenbaum wrote, At no other writers name can I stare entranced for hours on endonly Susan Sontags. So after I'm gone, nobody is going to be able to publish them. No, I think that explains it. Vanity Fair Archive. 4 Benedict A nderson, Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread . Her memoir, Sempre Susan, chronicles those few years she spent with Sontag and Rieff. Moser in no way substantiates his claim. 80% MARRIED 80% of these people are married, and 20% are single. Her essays emanated authority, but her fiction betrayed an aching sense of uncertainty. [2], Rieff was a senior editor at Farrar, Straus and Giroux from 1978 to 1989. He conducted the ceremony in Victor and Annie Navasky's front room, with David Rieff and Steve Wasserman as my best of men.) Your mother was an iconic figure in intellectual circles, not just because of what she wrote but how she looked and acted. Do you think it's not an accident that the area you carved out for yourself as a writer -- going to war-torn countries and covering foreign affairs -- was very different from what your mother wrote about? But she is most famous for those essays she wrote in the '60s and '70s. She does not suppress her glimpses of Sontag when she was not all rightwhen she was at her most painfully fearful and miserable and impossible. I didn't think it was particularly odd. She was buried in Montparnasse Cemetery in Paris, where many famous writers are buried. Certainly, this doesnt reflect well on Rieff, but it hardly proves that Sontag wrote The Mind of the Moralist. Mosers interviews with contemporaries who knew that Sontag was working on the book dont prove her authorship, either. But she didn't want to hear it. If you look at Buddhism, if you look at Judaism, neither has an afterlife in that sense. . In Mosers world, rewrite becomes write. It is an unholy practice, the telling of a life story that isnt ones own on the basis of oppressively massive quantities of random, not necessarily reliable information. But the actual death was comparatively easy in the sense that she didn't seem to be in pain. . The New Yorker staff writer Jon Lee Anderson explains how they began, and what will happen if the planets great green lung continues to burn. How many of us, who did not start out with Sontags disadvantages, have taken the opportunity that she pounced on to engage with the worlds best art and thought? If that's what it is, there's nothing I can do about it. It's not as if I burned anything. Mosers account is largely derived from Susans writings: from entries in her journal and from an autobiographical story called Project for a Trip to China. Moser also uses a book called Adult Children of Alcoholics, by Janet Geringer Woititz, published in 1983, to explain the darkness of Sontags later life. Rieff did sociology on a grand scalesociology as prophecydiagnosing the ills of Western society and offering a prognosis and prescription for the future. . It is this fundamental belief - that to remember is a moral act - that David Rieff explores in his most recent book, In Praise of Forgetting: Historical Memory and its Ironies. Was it a heady experience to get that kind of attention for a boy at your age? There seems to be a good deal of bitterness packed into that short sentence. She hoped that I and other people in her life would give her reason to hope. She was a best-selling novelist and a singular presence -- the brainy, glamorous woman who held her own among the testosterone-filled intellectuals of the period. After a few months at Oxford, she went to Paris and sought out Harriet Sohmers, who had been her first lover, ten years earlier. Sontag gave birth to David when she was only nineteen, and it gave her pleasure when, as a young adult, he was taken for her brother. Mosers biography, for all its pity and antipathy, conveys the extra-largeness of Sontags life. She was trying to be cheerful. His father, the sociologist Philip Rieff, wrote his own masterpiece, "The Triumph of the Therapeutic: Uses of Faith After Freud." His second wife and widow Alison Douglas Knox died December 12, 2011. Ad Choices. I've also met lots of people who aren't. You mean the Macaulay Culkin syndrome? Jan 2000 - Dec 201516 years. As. By sixteen, he had worked his way up in the company to a position of responsibility sufficient to send him to China to buy hides. But I wasn't going to say anything more. If she had survived the bone-marrow transplant (as she had survived the dire treatments for two earlier bouts of advanced cancer), would she have been reconciled to dying of something else later on? Rieff asks. I had very complicated feelings, as one does about one's parents. Rate this book. David Rieff. No, I think I became a writer in spite of her. He said, "If you want to fight, if what matters to you is not quality of life" And my mother said, "I'm not interested in quality of life." In "Swimming in a Sea of Death," Rieff wrestles with how to be a dutiful son to his dying mother while being true to himself. And I didn't want to go through that. But why she became so celebrated, what the combination of elements were -- her public role in the anti-Vietnam movement and other political events; her looks -- I'm sure it was a complicated combination. Anyway, I don't want to write a biography of my mother. But often, in adulthood, the exceptionally well behaved mask slips and reveals an out-of-season child. As you look back over your mother's career, how do you think she'll be remembered? 3 David Rieff, "The Cult of Memory: W hen H istor y Does More Harm Than Good ", The Gua rdian, March 2, 1916. She knew more people, did more things, read more, went to more places (all this apart from the enormous amount of writing she produced) than most of the rest of us do. And she was somebody who desperately didn't want to die. He completed college at Princeton University, graduating with an A.B. So I don't buy it. This was in the mid-'70s, a time when American physicians tended to lie to their patients and tell family members something closer to the truth. "Way to never give upBelieve & Achieve!! You also write that you wish you'd complied more with her wishes during her life and suppressed more of your own. In any case, Tima himself saw neither the Novi Sad massacre nor Auschwitz. And he told her the bad news. You could set the record straight. The great American sociologist Philip Rieff (1922-2006) stands as one of the 20th century's keenest intellectuals and cultural commentators. He was an editor at Farrar, Straus and Giroux until 1989 and has been on the faculties of Skidmore, The City University of New York, and New York University. And she went on to say that she no longer liked to write essays, saying, "I can do so much more as a novelist." The of course says it all. Geniuses are often born to parents afflicted with no such abnormality, and Sontag belongs to this group. Tuesday, October 25, 2016 David Rieff Discusses Memory and Justice at the Human Rights Workshop In his 1905 book The Life of Reason, George Santaya penned the famous saying: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Human rights activists generally agree. One time, weren't the odds incredibly stacked against her? On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Rieff did sociology on a grand scalesociology as prophecydiagnosing the ills of Western society and offering a prognosis and prescription for the future. I don't know if I would have destroyed them or simply left them for other people to deal with after I'm dead. $71k AVERAGE INCOME Our wealth data indicates income average is $71k. When I asked her about one of her early critiques of the novel, in which she wrote, "I could not stand the omnipotent author showing me that's how life is, making me compassionate and tearful," she called that comment "juvenilia," and said, "It's really hard to be nailed to what one wrote 35 or 40 years ago." She followed Rieff to the places of his academic appointments (among them Boston, where Sontag did graduate work in the Harvard philosophy department), became pregnant and had a then perforce illegal abortion, became pregnant again, and gave birth to her son, David. David Rieff was born on 28 September, 1952 in Boston, MA, is a Non-fiction writer, policy analyst. But she was one to whom it was just terrible news. Read an excerpt of this book! But I'm fairly certain I would not have published them. So I'm not sure it's faith vs. atheism. I think [her 1992 novel] "The Volcano Lover" is the best thing she ever did. There's something obscene about sitting at a desk, in a chair that corrects the posture, sipping warm, sugary tea, yawning or scratching, barely . Yet every signal she was giving me was, "Give me hope. PARIS The decision by the U.N. Security Council and NATO to end military operations in Libya on Oct. 31 concludes what appears to be the most . Author Interviews, Social Justice Interviews / By Robert Birnbaum / November 20, 2002 / 33 minutes of reading. Did not telling her the truth about her condition take a toll on you? The wonderful doctor and writer Jerome Groopman likes to quotes Kierkegaard that life can only be understood retrospectively but has to be lived prospectively. Which was certainly true of my mother. In addition to her graduate work, and caring for David, Sontag helped Rieff with the book he was writing, which was to become the classic Freud: The Mind of the Moralist. She grew increasingly dissatisfied with the marriage. I understand that viscerally. In her later years, she had a relationship with Annie Leibovitz, whom Rieff avoids discussing in his memoir, except for. . How many times have I reviled myself for that, which is only a little less offensive than my habit of name-dropping (how many times did I talk about Allen Ginsberg last year, while I was on Commentary?).. In the preface to the first volume, published in 2008, under the title Reborn, Rieff confesses his uncertainty about the project. I don't mean in the sense that she opposed it. From my experience in hospital wards, talking to family members of dying people, I think that a lot of what I describe is the common experience of people. The journals document, sometimes in excruciatingly naked detail, the torment and heartbreak of these liaisons. On her third visit she met Sontag's son, David Rieff, home from Princeton, and Sontag urged the two to date. I think it would have been grotesque of my mother to have become a person of faith purely in the interest of consoling herself. But all the decisions about her burial are decisions that I made, trying to think through what I thought she wanted. Roger Deutsch, another friend, reported, If somebody like Jackie Onassis put in $2,000for a fund to help Sontag when she was ill and had no insuranceSusan would say, That woman is so rich. How much did that contribute to her dread? Later in the book, Moser can barely contain his rage at Sontag for not coming out during the AIDS crisis. Parents to their parents, forbidden the carelessness of normal children, they [children of alcoholics] assume an air of premature seriousness. Author: David Rieff. In his account of Sontags worldly success, Moser shifts to a less baleful register. Of course she knew who was opening the door. By the time of the marriage, in 1951, she had discovered that sex with men wasnt so bad. You have just a brief reference to Annie Leibovitz, your mother's off-and-on companion for 20 years. But I know it's preposterous. The New Yorker may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers. The demands this makes on the practitioners powers of discrimination, as well as on his capacity for sympathy, may be impossible to fulfill. So I don't think she was at all unique. Rieff, David 1952- views 2,396,422 updated RIEFF, David 1952- (David Sontag Rieff) PERSONAL: Born September 28, 1952, in Boston, MA; son of Philip Rieff (a university professor) and Susan Sontag (a writer and critic). The writer Judith Grossman, who knew Sontag slightly at Oxford, remembered her as the dark prince, who strode through the colleges dressed entirely in black. Sontag married Rieff when she was 17 and left him seven years later. Book critic Maureen Corrigan reviews Reborn: Journals & Notebooks, 1947 - 1963, the newly published intimate ruminations of Susan Sontag. Advertisement "She was brilliant," said Turnbow, who. This is a fascinating portrait of Miami's Cuban population, the most successful group of immigrants to settle in the United States since the Jews of the nineteenth century.David Rieff has provided an engrossing look at a group exiled from its homeland, showing how America has affected these immigrants, and what it means to become an American in the late twentieth century. I would have liked to have gone beyond those before she left us. American writer Susan Sontag was terrified of death. His books have focused on issues of immigration, international conflict, and humanitarianism. She'd gone abroad to pursue postgraduate study but also to escape a lifeless marriage. Intimidated? I was stunned by how dismissive she was of those dazzling essays that she wrote in the '60s and that made her famous. Also, I wasn't a prodigy. ISBN-13: 978-0300182798. Your mother was an atheist. They're stand-alone projects. And I was too unwilling to pay that price, so it took me a long time to become a writer and pay that price, which I did. About six square feet of kitchen space were taken up by an old freezer that hadnt worked in years. ), this time focusing on the global food crisis. But I'm sure it's true. To be blunt, I took off her shirt. Do you lie? Both a memoir and an investigation, Swimming in a Sea of Death is David Rieff's loving tribute to his mother, the writer Susan Sontag, and her final battle with cancer. I come from a line of people who have private libraries. A protector was needed, and he appeared on cue. At one point you say, "That my mother both enjoyed and made better use of the world than I have done or will do is simply a statement of fact." So they were going to appear at some point anyway. Everything that could go wrong did go wrong after the transplant. tell funny things) in his presence. Steve Paulson is the executive producer of Wisconsin Public Radio's nationally syndicated program "To the Best of Our Knowledge." A journalist who has frequented global hotspots and an analyst of humanitarian policy (as well as curator of the collected and posthumous writings of his mother, Susan Sontag), Rieff advances his. Sept. 9, 2007 12 AM PT. That doesn't mean someone else who was there would agree with my account. Midway through the biography, he drops the mask of neutral observer and reveals himself to beyou could almost say comes out asan intellectual adversary of his subject. It was the Dakota . Married Alison Douglas Knox, December 31, 1963. A pair of pliers sat on top of the TV setfor changing channels since the knob for that purpose had broken off. To revisit this article, select My Account, thenView saved stories, To revisit this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories, Two volumes of Susan Sontags diaries, edited by her son, David Rieff, have been published, and a third is forthcoming. Photograph by Richard Avedon/ The Richard Avedon Foundation, Grande soy latte for This Is a Robbery., The Violet Hour: Great Writers at the End. The book is so excellent in so many ways, so complete a working-out of the themes that marked Susan Sontags life, that it is hard to imagine it could be the product of a mind that later produced such meager fruits, Moser writes. . If there's one thing I'm vain about, it's that I'm willing to stare facts in the face. So I felt what I needed to do was not give the false impression that somehow our relations had been very good, but instead to say they were very complicated. In 1963, Dr. Rieff married Alison Douglas Knox, a Philadelphia lawyer. Reproduction of material from any Salon pages without written permission is strictly prohibited. You're wearing a John Lennon cap. It remains a mystery why she married because when the marriage appears in the notebooks, the notebooks glide to a halt. Clear rating. 100% CAUCASIAN Our ethnicity data indicates the majority is Caucasian. in history in 1978. I've heard that your mother had a wonderful and vast collection of books in her apartment. CAREER: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Inc., By David Rieff. Rieff's brave, passionate, and unsparing witness of the last nine months of her life, from her initial diagnosis to her death, is both an intensely personal portrait of the relationship between a mother and a son, and a . A senior editor at Farrar, Straus and Giroux from 1978 to 1989 it. Everything she could to survive a toll on you is going to be able publish... Quot ; way to never give upBelieve & amp ; Giroux, Inc., by Rieff. On the other hand, I took off her shirt, this time on! 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