0308.6 Discuss the safety precautions applicable to the following: a. Watch Organization - the Commanding Officer establishes such watches as necessary that are required for the safety and proper operation of the command. Semaphore may be used to send messages to several ships at once if they are in suitable position. d. Using Turpintines, Spirits, Thinners - Ensure space ventilation, eye and skin protection. f. Split Plant Operation (steam) - Method of operating propulsion plants so that they are divided into two or more separate and complete units. j. PROPULSION TURBINES AND REDUCTION GEARS. c. Control Cabinet - The "nerve center" of the system. c. Low water in the boiler - Secure boiler(s), shaft(s), and SSTG's. p. Auxiliary Propulsion Units Warfare quals are managed by the TYCOM. g. High Explosive - Controlled Variable Time (HE-CVT) - Similar to VT except the fuze can be detonated by a remote control at the guns location. Feed Booster Pump - Takes a suction from the de-aerating feed tank (DFT) and maintains a constant discharge to the main feed pump. Obtain tag-out sheet and serial number and then trace out system, opening all circuit breakers or closing all valves to provide two valve protection. Acids and alkalies shall be used cautiously and in accordance with safety procedures. h. Fake - The act of disposing a line, wire or chain by laying it out in long, flat bights, laid one alongside the other to prevent tangling. b. Gear-driven Hydraulic Oil Pump - A positive-displacement pump which supplies hydraulic oil under pressure from the pitch control unit to the servomotor assembly. At the satellite, SHF signals are converted to a UHF signal for retransmission as the down-link signal. devices in assisting the OOD to perform shiphandling duties: a. Stadimeter - Measures the distance of an object of known height, such as the masthead light, between heights of 50-200 feet at distances of 200-10,000 yard. The usual scope of chain is 5 to 7 times the depth of water. Personnel in the water should be rotated every 5 minutes in moderate temperatures, and more frequently when the water temperature is lower. When this point is reached, the tattletail cord becomes taut, warning that there is danger of exceeding the lines SWL. It also provides mechanical limits to the ram Located in forward and after enginerooms.